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Resultaten voor tag: Albert Boonstra

a two-sided view.

Digital transformation: research needed for safely crossing the road

Datum:21 november 2024

Digital technologies are omnipresent in business and our society at large. We have become highly dependent on them and the end of the digital developments is not yet in sight. Consequently, it makes sense that academics study the possible application,...

We should embrace AI.

The Use of AI by Students in Higher Education: Embrace or Reject?

Datum:07 november 2023

About a year ago, Chat GPT was introduced and made freely accessible. This allowed hundreds of millions of people to become familiar with the possibilities that artificial intelligence (AI) offers, sparking a lively debate about both the positive and...

Digitalisering kan een belangrijke rol spelen om aan  de toenemende zorgvraag te kunnen voldoen.

Kan digitalisering de zorgkloof overbruggen?

Datum:02 februari 2023

Op dit moment werkt in Nederland ongeveer 16% van de beroepsbevolking in de gezondheidszorg. Dit zijn onder meer artsen, verpleegkundigen, verzorgenden en therapeuten. Gezamenlijk zorgen zij voor het aanbod van zorg in de vorm van ziekenhuiszorg,...

An radiologist examines some images

Artificial Intelligence and the future of knowledge work The case of radiology

Datum:02 maart 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is presented in the media as likely to have huge impacts on knowledge work for better or worse. We should ask ourselves whether and how this change is going to happen.

Are video outpatient consultations the holy grail to modernize healthcare?

Are video outpatient consultations the holy grail to modernize healthcare?

Datum:30 juni 2021

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, video outpatient consultations between doctors and patients have increased significantly. Face-to-face appointments are replaced by video consultations so that patients do not spread or contract the virus. Some...

Rethinking work-life balance in an era of connectivity

Rethinking work-life balance in an era of connectivity

Datum:19 maart 2021

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us have been working from home. This is not possible for everyone, as bus drivers, pilots, surgeons and cleaners still have space related jobs. But in Europe, 50-90% of the working population has flexible work which can...

Blog: Implementeren van innovaties: het managen van WAT- en HOE-tegenstellingen

Datum:13 juli 2017

Over het implementeren van technologische innovaties zijn allerhande schijnbaar eenvoudige vuistregels in omloop. Hierbij valt te denken aan steun van het topmanagement, het grote belang van medewerkersparticipatie, maar één kapitein op het schip, het...

Vinci Workshop

Vinci Workshop: Designing Profitable Digital Business Models with the Internet of Things

Datum:09 januari 2017

Join our workshop on 2 Feb

The workshop will offer valuable new insights into business opportunities driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), the opportunity to discuss commercial IoT examples, and to connect to researchers and practitioners each with their...