Resultaten voor tag: Covid-19
Are video outpatient consultations the holy grail to modernize healthcare?
Datum: | 30 juni 2021 |
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, video outpatient consultations between doctors and patients have increased significantly. Face-to-face appointments are replaced by video consultations so that patients do not spread or contract the virus. Some...
Pandemic-Related Innovation: Don't Leave It to Markets
Datum: | 28 april 2020 |
The Covid-19 crisis has put unprecedented pressure on health systems around the world. Curbing the effects of the virus requires a massive use of complex products, such as ventilators and testing equipment. Past large investments in science and R&D have...
Ondernemen in tijden van corona
Datum: | 23 maart 2020 |
We leven in een crisis met heel veel negatieve gevolgen voor mensen en ons dagelijks leven. Maar corona heeft ons ook wakker geschud en stimuleert de creativiteit.