Schools for Science & Society
Society is faced with major issues that require innovative approaches, across disciplines and institutions. The University of Groningen comprises all branches of science, as well as technology—the motive and means to work with four Schools for Science & Society on four societal issues: energy and climate, digitization and artificial intelligence, sustainable society, and more healthy years. In doing so, it engages in conversation with the public and collaborates with citizen scientists, educational institutions, governments, and the business community.
Forging a sustainable future together: Cohesion for a competitive and inclusive Europe | Lecture Prof. Rodriguez-Pose16:00 - 18:00 Exposition Room (1313.000), Harmonie Building, Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 26, Groningen
Kennisevenement: op weg naar een klimaatneutraal energiesysteem12:00 - 17:30 Philips Stadion, Frederiklaan 10a, 5616 NH Eindhoven
UMCG - 'Patients in Research' Symposium13:00 - 17:00 UMCG, Groningen
Informatiesessie Strategisch Leiderschap voor Medisch Specialisten19:30 - 20:30 Online
Inequality and the Next Generation|Danny Dorling & Sander van Lanen20:00 - 21:30 Geertsemazaal, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen