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Resultaten voor tag: innovation

Smooth sailing care transitions.

Smooth Sailing: Using Implementation Strategies for Innovations in Care Transitions

Datum:11 juni 2024

“Imagine this scenario: an older person is moving from the hospital back home, yet the process is anything but smooth. They are feeling uncertain and confused about what awaits them post-hospital discharge.” Is there a way to improve this transition? This...

When firms collaborate for technological innovation with external partners, could this be a starting point for management innovation?

Beyond the scope of the deal: Can technological collaboration lead to management innovation?

Datum:26 juni 2023

Firms face mounting pressure to connect  the technological and management spheres of their innovation strategies. Management innovation - renewing a firm’s practices to manage people and resources -  has become key to navigating grand technological...

Het is een uitdaging om verbeteren en vernieuwen te combineren.

Verbeteren en vernieuwen noodzakelijk

Datum:16 februari 2023

Innoveren gebeurt in meerdere gradaties. Bedrijven verbeteren continu hun aanbod maar moeten zich ook richten op het ontwikkelen van geheel nieuwe producten en diensten. Beide vormen van innoveren vragen echter om een andere aanpak.

Some items were originally intended for completely different purposes.

Repurposing: A Missed Opportunity for Innovation?

Datum:19 januari 2023

When we think of innovation, we often envision new technologies and products. However, focusing solely on novelty can obscure an often overlooked opportunity: repurposing. For instance, did you know that Play-Doh was originally used as a wallpaper cleaner...

CEOs with narcissistic  tendencies work in some huge innovative companies.

Do narcissistic CEOs really foster radical innovation?

Datum:13 oktober 2022

Narcissistic individuals have always found their way into corporate leadership positions, such as chief executive officers (CEOs). We can find CEOs with narcissistic tendencies, such as grandiosity, supreme confidence, and strong will, in some of the most...

Asking the right questions: Overcoming social barriers to innovation

Asking the right questions: Overcoming social barriers to innovation

Datum:28 januari 2021

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt many industries. It is also heralded as a possible game-changer in accelerating the energy transition, which in light of sea-level rise and climate change is of paramount interest to society.

History determines regional entrepreneurship and innovation

History determines regional entrepreneurship and innovation

Datum:28 februari 2020

There is a long debate about the role of cultural attitudes in favor of entrepreneurship for actual start-up behavior. Places like the Silicon Valley are often cited as fertile breeding grounds for start-ups because of widespread entrepreneurial values...

Why big data is difficult

Why big data is difficult

Datum:22 januari 2019

Big data is the new buzzword for organizations. Patterns become visible that would not otherwise be visible. Amazon is said to know what customers are going to buy before the customers know it. The potential of big data opens up new, promising...

Setting the bar high helps employees to enjoy their work, and actually enables them to be more creative

More demanding targets make employees more innovative – and they actually enjoy it

Datum:17 oktober 2018

If you want your company to become more innovative, it makes sense to set demanding targets for your employees. Setting the bar high helps employees to enjoy their work, and actually enables them to be more creative. It also pays to create a culture in...

R&D offshoring, firm innovativeness, and the role of technological leadership

Blog: How does R&D offshoring affect firm innovativeness?

Datum:24 mei 2018
In a globalized world where talent and knowledge are no longer limited to just a few economies, firms are increasingly offshoring R&D activities to foreign locations. Often firms do so to source foreign knowledge and to increase their R&D efficiency. Practitioners and scientific researchers alike heavily debate the drivers of R&D offshoring, but how does R&D offshoring affect firm’s innovativeness?
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