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Resultaten voor tag: Killian McCarthy

Green energy

Which Energy Projects Get Financed and Why?

Datum:10 december 2021

‘ Sustainable’ entrepreneurial firms – that is, entrepreneurial firms focused on ‘green energy’ and ‘clean technology’ – are driving the energy transition. And access to capital is the biggest challenges that they face. About 70% of their funding comes...

How to Optimize Your Partnerships to Create Breakthrough Innovation?

How to Optimize Your Partnerships to Create Breakthrough Innovation?

Datum:09 april 2019

For some time now it has been clear that firms need to innovate if they are to survive in a competitive industry. This can include minor improvements to its existing products and services, but to really thrive firms need to generate new breakthrough...

Strategies for Increasing Profitability: Insights from the Construction Industry

Blog: Strategies for Increasing Profitability: Insights from the Construction Industry

Datum:23 februari 2018

The construction sector is an important part of the Dutch economy.

Is your company ready to explore remote territories?

Blog: Is your company ready to explore remote territories?

Datum:02 januari 2017

Imagine you plan holidays to a very distant country with an unfamiliar culture. Maybe Vietnam?! What do you do first? Probably check out some websites describing the country and its people and maybe buy a travel guide. And after the plane landed and you...

Nederlandse angst voor leegroof door Belgische overnames ongegrond

Datum:23 november 2016

De potentiële overname van PostNL door het Belgische BPost deed de afgelopen dagen veel stof opwaaien in de Nederlandse media. ‘In de berichtgeving lijkt het soms alsof het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven op het punt staat veroverd te worden door een hongerige...