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Out now: The 'Economics and Leadership' June 2020 issue of The Leadership Quarterly

Datum:25 juni 2020
The LQ, June 2020 issue
The LQ, June 2020 issue

The new issue of The Leadership Quarterly is edited by Harry Garretsen, Janka Stoker and Roberto Weber

In June 2017, In the LEAD organized a conference on “Economics and Leadership” at the University of Groningen. At the conference, economists and leadership scholars presented their research and engaged in very lively discussions on the possibility of cooperation between the two fields. The conference also served as the launch for the call of a special issue for The Leadership Quarterly.  

At In the LEAD we are very proud that this issue brings together a number of top economists and leadership scholars to showcase what economics and leadership researchers have to offer to each other. Next to the introductory paper by the editors, the issue contains six original papers that not only show how a fruitful dialogue, but also how actual top-notch innovative leadership research occurs when the two fields take notice of each other’s work and start to collaborate more.

As we stated in the introduction to the issue, taken together, the six papers impressively demonstrate how the advancement of an economic perspective yields large benefits for leadership research with respect to notably three key topics: concepts, causality and context.

We again thank the contributors to our special issue, the reviewers, and the editor-in-chief John Antonakis, who all made this special issue possible.     

Check the June 2020 issue of The Leadership Quarterly >>

More info about the 2017 conference on “Economics and Leadership >>

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