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News in 2014

Below is a summary of news from 2014.

TitlePosted on
Wat bezielt de Nederlandse jihadist?18 December 2014
ERC Starting Grant for top researchers Thorben Cordes, Lude Franke and Mladen Popović17 December 2014
Unifocus: An image of 2014  17 December 2014
Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Mladen Popović11 December 2014
Tweede Regnerus Steensma-lezing: 'De kerk als paradijs'10 December 2014
‘Ster van Bethlehem blijkt reëler dan alleen maar een literair verhaal’08 December 2014
Mecca as the centre of globalization: the Hajj today02 December 2014
Prof. Kocku von Stuckrad’s vision on future of Theology and Religious Studies in Netherlands24 November 2014
European Parliament launch of policy paper ‘Faith and the Asylum Crisis’21 November 2014
Early Modern Women on Metaphysics, Religion and Science18 November 2014
Six ‘Top Degree Programmes’, ten best in their category05 November 2014
University of Groningen best religious studies programme in the Netherlands30 October 2014
Scholieren leren oude kerken “lezen”28 October 2014
New videos Unifocus: Meet the Dutch, demographer Fanny Janssen and Bethlehem's star in Groningen23 October 2014
Was the Star of Bethlehem real after all?15 October 2014
Faculteit Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap RUG biedt beste religieopleidingen30 September 2014
‘Groningen has a most exciting academic life’26 September 2014
Edward van ’t Slot professor by special appointment22 September 2014
Was the Star of Bethlehem real after all?19 September 2014
Narratives of Moroccan and Turkish Dutch citizens04 September 2014
Justin Kroesen ontvangt Van Tuikwerd-fellowship van Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken02 September 2014
Eelco Glas new Florentino García Martínez Research Master Scholar02 September 2014
Anthropologist Frank Heidemann first Gerardus van der Leeuw Fellow02 September 2014
Prestigious Veni grant awarded for research into time in early modern metaphysics29 August 2014
NWO recognition for research of societal relevance in the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies30 July 2014
Oude Friese kerken vormen grootste museum Fryslân04 July 2014
Two NWO grants for the Humanities01 July 2014
Famous, but forgotten: Anne Zernike, the first female minister26 June 2014
'Elke religie mag meedoen in het publieke debat, mits die religie ertegen kan dat ze bekritiseerd wordt'16 June 2014
Results SustainaBul Award12 June 2014
'A life of the mind' in the centre of Groningen12 June 2014
Students win Green Mind Award: pavement garden for the University Library11 June 2014
University of Groningen offers resit training on 14 and 15 June11 June 2014
RUG400 celebrations rounded off in style with festivities for everyone10 June 2014
More health risks among young people10 June 2014
Spinoza Prize winner: ‘I embrace the fuzzy nature of ecology’06 June 2014
Progressief chronisch nierfalen eerder vast te stellen en te behandelen06 June 2014
Research on therapy for loved ones of missing persons05 June 2014
Countries must prevent genocide earlier05 June 2014
Educatieve kinderdag op vliegveld Eelde in Pinksterweekend05 June 2014
National Student Survey results: University of Groningen student satisfaction grows04 June 2014
Voorkomen van depressie door verbeeldingskracht04 June 2014
University of Groningen purchases Public Library building for the Faculty of Law03 June 2014
Testing anti-bacterial materials for braces and prostheses03 June 2014
Professor José Casanova receives Honorary Doctorate03 June 2014
Six hundred children step into a church time capsule02 June 2014
Jihadist videos throw light on suicide attacks02 June 2014
'Alle kunst is heilig'30 May 2014
Walk for Infinity: Following in the footsteps of Ubbo Emmius28 May 2014
Top quality accommodation for University College Groningen students28 May 2014
Empathy can be trained28 May 2014
Magie en ratio gaan prima samen28 May 2014
Radboud and UMCG awarded major European grant for rare children’s disease27 May 2014
Intensive counselling programme for pre-university and senior general secondary school pupils26 May 2014
Multinational closes a subsidiary: higher salaries for former employees26 May 2014
FutureLearn signs the University of Groningen as its first Dutch partner25 May 2014
Physical education important for academic achievement in special primary education23 May 2014
Infoversum podium voor publiekslezingen RUG-toppers23 May 2014
The smartest cells come from Groningen22 May 2014
A road map for suicide research22 May 2014
University of Groningen gauges opinion on gas extraction22 May 2014
New Zernikeborg building will probably resemble a WV shape21 May 2014
Esoterie – De zoektocht naar absolute kennis08 May 2014
What is the difference between knowing and believing?07 May 2014
“Culture” or “religion”?17 April 2014
Risk of failure of wireless equipment in health care and industry underestimated14 April 2014
Large family shortens lives of jackdaw parents14 April 2014
Prof. Ed Noort leads national investigation into the future of theology and religious studies14 April 2014
Some commonly used antibiotics accelerate resistance10 April 2014
Jezus als kijkcijferkanon02 April 2014
Boeddhistische cyber-activiteiten21 March 2014
Harald Hendrix appointed Director of KNIR17 March 2014
Oxbridge rowing teams in RUG400 boat race14 March 2014
Jongensbesnijdenis? Daar weten we te weinig van14 March 2014
Professors and porters go ‘on the road’ together to visit schools13 March 2014
Inschrijving examentraining VWO en HAVO loopt storm13 March 2014
Research Insitute NIDI continues12 March 2014
University researchers develop new teaching method for culture education12 March 2014
Too little competition when contracting out reintegration services12 March 2014
New Physics and Chemistry building named after Nobel Prizewinner Zernike12 March 2014
GPs should use a dermatoscope to examine suspicious skin lesions10 March 2014
University of Groningen and Deusto University found Tuning Academy06 March 2014
Diabetes patients with renal disease: just a little less salt leads to huge health benefits05 March 2014
University College Groningen preparing for the first batch of students03 March 2014
Discover exoplanets during the National Stargazing Days on March 7 & 803 March 2014
Master’s in Theology and Religious Studies going for gold03 March 2014
In Memoriam: honorary doctor Leo Vroman27 February 2014
Hedy d’Ancona prepares the way for international Aletta Jacobs prize giving ceremony27 February 2014
University Colloquium (March 3): Why do we wage war?24 February 2014
Educational institutes in Groningen to work together on deep underground, earthquake-resistant construction and infrastructure20 February 2014
400 years of Town and Gown19 February 2014
Dangerous bacteria thrive with concentration of care19 February 2014
Publieksmiddag ‘Brein in beweging’ over hersenonderzoek (op 12 maart)19 February 2014
Master's in Nanoscience best university Master's degree programme18 February 2014
University and UMCG working on continued employability of older staff17 February 2014
University of Groningen College Tour event with Dr. Noeleen Heyzer (on 6 March)17 February 2014
Sentinel node procedure increases survival chances of skin cancer patients14 February 2014
RUG babies win SURF security award13 February 2014
Alumna Nonhlanhla Dube wins Dutch Master’s thesis prize13 February 2014
Arab universities visit Groningen12 February 2014
Western Europe had no trouble keeping East Germany in isolation12 February 2014
Why do we wage war?12 February 2014
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