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Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences

Address:Nijenborgh 7
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands


Ahuis, T.P.
PhD Candidate
Bach, M.G., MSc
PhD Student
Bakema, R.A., MSc
Microscopy Research Technician
Bakker, dr. J.
ICT developer (TRÊS) & datasteward (GELIFES)
Benthem, K.J. van, PhD
Assistant Professor (Teaching Tenure Track)
Bérubé, M., Dr
Researcher_Senior Technicien
Beukeboom, prof. dr. L.W.
Professor Evolutionary Genetics
Bijlsma, prof. dr. R.
Professor "Population and Conservation Genetics"
Billeter, J.C., Prof
Professor, Neurogenetics of Social Behaviour
Boer, T.M. de
Office Assistant RSEE & EGDB
Borger, M.J., MSc
PhD student
Both, prof. dr. ir. C.
Professor of Animal Ecology
Brons, ing. J.K.
Molecular biological technician
Bruggink, J.E.
chemical analist
Chan, dr. Y.C., PhD
PhD student
Conklin, J.R., PhD
Post-doctoral researcher
Dietz, dr. M.W.
Research Associate
Dijk, M. van
Douwenga, W.
Research Technician
Drion, dr. C.M.
Assistant Professor
Dugdale, H.L., Prof
Chair of Evolutionary Medicine, Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Earle, J.R., MSc
PhD candidate
Egas, prof. dr. C.J.M.
Evolution and Behaviour
Elliot, M.G., PhD
Assistant Professor
Elzenga, prof. dr. J.T.M.
Professor Ecophysiology of Plants
Eriksson, B.D.H.K., Prof
Associate Professor Marine Ecology
Erten, E.Y., PhD
Assistant Professor
Fokkema, dr. R.W.
Fontaine, M.C., PhD
Assistant Professor
Franken, dr. O.
Postdoc and Scientific coordinator of Waddenmozaïek
Freerks, K., M
PhD Student
Galama, dr. ir. A.H., PhD
external researcher
Gallardo Molina, mr. P.A.
Postdoctoral Researcher at GELIFES
Gerritsma, Y.H.
PhD Student
Gervais, N., PhD
Assistant Professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience
Goot, E. van der
Gordijn, dr. M.C.M., PhD
Researcher Human Chronobiology
Govers, prof. dr. L.L.
Associate Professor
Greggain-Mohr, J.
Education Coordinator – ENLIGHT Project / Policy Advisor - Students and Education Strategy
Gurung, K.
Hackl, T., PhD
Assistant Professor | Eco-Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Hamberg, M.R.
PhD candidate
Havekes, prof. dr. R.
Associate Professor (Neuroscience of Memory and Sleep)
Heide, prof. dr. ir. T. van der
Professor of Coastal Ecology
Helm, B.
Associate Professor for Biological Rhythms of Natural Organisms
Hijner, N., MSc
Research assistant
Hoornenborg, C.W.
PhD candidate
Hut, prof. dr. R.A.
Professor Chronobiology
Jacobus Mgn Van De Zande, dr. L.P.W.G.M.
Emeritus Associate professor
Jagesar, R.R., PhD
PhD Student
Janzen, dr. T.
Scientific Programmer
Jones, F.C., Prof
Molecular Basis of Adaptation | Genetics & Genomics
Kas, prof. dr. M.J.H.
Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience
Katwijck, Y.M. van
Secretary Microbial Ecology & Plant Biology
Korsten, dr. P.
Visiting Researcher
Kort, K.
PhD student
Kraaij, M.
Research technician
Kraak, P.
Management/Office assistant for the Neurobiology expertise group
Kromhout Van Der Meer, I.M., MSc
Research / Education employee
Laetz, E.M.J., PhD
Assistant Professor in Marine Biology, Ecology and Evolution and Veni Laureate
Lamers, K.P., MSc
PhD student
Lequime, S.J.J., Dr
Assistant Professor | Virus Ecology & Evolution
Leung, K., PhD
Integrating fundamental and applied research across biological control, conservation, and polyploidy to understand major evolutionary paradigms and benefit the environment. Also advocating for diversity in evolutionary science.
Ligtelijn, M., BSc
I am a PhD-student in the Conservation Ecology Group. During my masters at the VU (Amsterdam) I worked on the effect of neonicotinoids (first project) and nitrogen deposition caused by dairy farms (second project) on soil mesofauna communities. I started my PhD in September 2021 and during this time I will extent my knowledge on arthropod communities. This all will be in relation to godwits, since the chicks feed on arthropod. The arthropod populations will be monitored using several methods (malaise traps, sticky traps, pitfall traps, and emergence traps). This all will be done on several farm, which differ in their management in terms of land-use intensity and ground water levels.
Lima Valente, L.M., Dr PhD
Associate Professor, GELIFES
Maan, prof. dr. M.E.
Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Meerlo, prof. dr. P.
Associate Professor - The Biology of Sleep
Meijer, ing. E.L.
Research Analist / Biotechnician
Meijer, K.J., MSc
PhD Candidate - Marine Conservation Ecology
Mohamed, S.
Research Technician
Mols, B.
PhD candidate
Moorman, S., PhD
Assistant professor (research tenure track)
Mulder, G.A.
Research Assistant
Nicolaus, M., PhD
Assistant Professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Olff, prof. dr. H.
Professor of Community and Conservation Ecology
Onrust, J., PhD
post-doctoral researcher
Otte, P.J., MSc
PhD Candidate
Palsboll, P.J., Prof
Professor of Marine Evolution and Conservation
Piersma, prof. dr. T.
Rudi Drent Chair in Global Flyway Ecology
Plender-Hartman, E.E.J.
Management/office assistant
Potkamp, dr. G.
Molecular lab technician
Qin, T.
PhD student
Rehlmeyer, K.
PhD student
Reitzema, C.E.
Researche technician / Biotechnicus
Rico Vasco da Silva, H.C., MSc
Scientific Coordinator at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES/Faculty of Sciences and Engineering) and Program Manager for the Interdisciplinary Themes at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Rietveld, J.G.
Management/Office Assistent Conseco and BPE groups
Ronde, M., MSc
PhD Candidate
Santos Mira, M.A.
PhD Candidate
Santos Neves, P.M., MSc
PhD Student; Software Engineer
Scherrer, R.
PhD candidate
Scheurink, prof. dr. A.J.W.
Professor in Neuroendocrinology
Siebers, ing. M.
Research Technician
Smit, prof. dr. ir. C.
Professor in Experimental Conservation Ecology
Spoelder, J., MSc
PhD student
Staal, M.
research technician
Stefels, dr. J.
senior scientist
Sudyka, J.O., PhD
Postdoctoral researcher
Sun, Y.
PhD student
Tangili, M.
PhD Student
Thieltges, D.W., Prof
Honorary Professor Marine Parasite Ecology
Tiedge, K.J., PhD
Assistant Professor | Functional Genetics and Genomics
Tieleman, prof. dr. B.I.
Professor and Rosalind Franklin fellow
Tjoelker, H.G.
Management assistant Marine Biology, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES)
Tsui, L.S.
PhD Student
Ubels, drs. R.
Education / Research Assistant
Veen, H. van, Dr
Assistant Professor
Veldhuis, T.A., MSc
PhD Student
Veldsink, J.H.
Molecular Analyst
Verhulst, prof. dr. S.
Professor of the Evolutionary Biology of Ageing
Verkuil, dr. Y.I.
Research & teaching technician
Visser, prof. dr. M.E.
Honorary Professor
Vries, ing. N. de
Immunohistochemical / Molecular-Neurobiology Research Technician
Weissing, prof. dr. F.J.
Professor of Theoretical Biology
Wertheim, prof. dr. B.
Professor & Rosalind Franklin Fellow - Evolutionary biology of ecological interactions
Wiersma, dr. P.
Guest employee Animal Ecology
Young, E.A., MSc
PhD student interested in how an evolutionary perspective can inform our understanding of human health and disease and how humans themselves can be used as a model for understanding fundamental evolutionary processes.
Zhao, T., M
PhD student

PhD students

Barba Escoto, L.
PhD student
Brewer, R.F.A.
PhD student
Brilinger, D., M
PhD student
Cammenga, R.A.R.
PhD student
Cao, J.
PhD student
Cardona, W.A.
PhD student
Churchill, J.E.
PhD student
Claassen, J.R., M
PhD student
Das, S.D.K.
PhD student
Dong, H.
PhD student
Fawthrop, R.C., MSc
PhD student
Genesiska, G.
PhD student
Guo, X.
PhD student
He, H.
PhD student
He, Y.
PhD student
Henaut Jacobs, S.
PhD student
Hoff, C.C.
PhD student
Hofs, J.
PhD student
Huang, J.
PhD student
Jantzen, C.C.
PhD student
Levier, M.M.J. Le
PhD student
Li, Y.
PhD student
Liu, Y.
PhD student
Ma, D.
PhD student
Mei, S.
PhD student
Muller, R.P., MSc
PhD student
Pot, M.T., MSc
PhD student
Prado Rivera, M.A.
PhD student
Qin, Z.
PhD student
Ren, X.
PhD student
Rippen, J.C., MSc
PhD student
Salazar, S.M.
PhD student
Shen, Y.
PhD student
Shrestha, K.
PhD student
Speelman, F.J.D.
PhD student
Wu, M.
PhD student
Yu, G.
PhD student
Zanden, M. van der
PhD student
Zhan, X.
PhD student
Zhang, K.
PhD student
Zhang, Y.
PhD student
Zhu, J.
PhD student
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