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Management and Administration

Abrahamson, M.
Herzog, L.M., ProfProfessor of Political Philosophy, Dean
Idema, T.K.Managing Director Faculty of Philosophy/Head Student Information & Administration
Laar, dr. J.A. vanAssociate professor
Ortín Nadal, A.P., Dr

Department of Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy

Barbieri, G.N., MA
Bieber, F.R.H.
Brandenburg, dr. D.D.Assistant Professor
Corver, F.M., MA
Demandante, D.O., PhDPostdoctoral Researcher
Eigner, M., MA
Eisenbach, L.J.
Evers, dr. H.W.A.Assistant Professor
Flament, M.PhD student
Gu, mr. Q.PhD student
Hendrikse, D.PhD student
Herzog, L.M., ProfProfessor of Political Philosophy, Dean
Hindriks, prof. dr. F.A.Professor in Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
Kleingeld, prof. dr. P.Professor of Philosophy (Ethics and its History)
Knowles, C.E., DrAssistant Professor
Kondakciu, E.
Krueger, A.M.PhD student
Lee, H.M.S.L.PhD candidate
Musarurwa, S.E., MA
Nymphius, M., MScPhD student
Pauly, M., DrResearcher and lecturer
Pinto de Carvalho, V.PhD student
Pot, drs. K.A.B.PhD Candidate
Prakken, B.P., MA
Pumsenberger, P.
Riemersma, T.
Rijsbergen, L.C.J. van, MAPhD student
Schmidt, A.T., ProfProfessor of Moral and Political Philosophy
Schofield, R. M., MAPhD Student
Shu, X., M
Stahl, U.T.R., DrAssociate Professor
Stefanovska, A.
Stepura, T.
Streumer, prof. dr. B.Professor
Tomassini Abaurrea, F., Dr
Veen, I.T.N. van der, MScPhD student
Vega, J.A.
Veluwenkamp, dr. H.M.
Wiersma, W., MAPhD Student

Department of History of Philosophy

Adriaenssen, dr. H.T.Associate Professor
Alma, S.H.J.PhD student
Aygün, Ö.O., Dr
Canaslan, E.Guest researcher
Eifuku, dr. M.PhD student
Georgescu, L., Dr
Korpershoek, M.J.PhD student
Laurens, H.P.E., DrAssistant Professor
Luijks, M. W. J.
Mazijk, dr. C.M.A. vanUniversity Lecturer
Nauta, prof. dr. L.W.Professor in the History of Philosophy
Reichl, P.Assistant Professor
Reigosa Soler, C., MSc
Sangiacomo, A., DrAssociate Professor
Subotnick, H.
Vanni, L.
Young, E.M.PhD candidate

Department of Theoretical Philosophy

Faculty Office

Blom, S.onderwijsadministratie
Griffioen, dr. S.L.V.Lecturer
Have, H.A. ten, MAPrivacy and Security Coordinator
Hemelaar, drs. coordinator/ policy adviser
Hooijkaas, G.M.A., MScAcademic advisor
Jong, B. deJunior Policy Advisor International Strategy & Relations
Karseboom, Y., MACoördinator of the Knowledge Centre of Philosophy, Teacher
Kiewiet, N.Management Office Assistent
Kosch, S.Onderwijsadministratie
Labberté, mr. A.Study advisor
Le Pors, M.
Mast, S.M., M
Scholtz, H.Events, marketing & communication
Vellekoop, drs. C.E.Administrative Assistant Education & Exams
Weeting, J.C., MScCoordinator Graduate School and Study Advisor Master students, Faculty of Philosophy



Krabbe, prof.dr.em. E.C.W. Professor emeritus of Logic and Philosophical Theory of Argumentation
Kuipers, prof.dr.em. T.A.F. Professor emeritus of Philosophy of Science
Pätzold, prof.dr.em. D.H.K. Professor emeritus of the History of Modern Philosophy
Peijnenburg, prof.dr.em. A.J.M. Professor emeritus of Theoretical Philosophy
Vanderjagt, prof.dr.em. A.J. Professor emeritus of the History of Ideas
Last modified:26 November 2024 4.57 p.m.
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