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Centre of expertise HRM&OB
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre of expertise Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour (HRM&OB) Blog
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Resultaten voor tag: Creativity

Does coffee help people to get through a tough day at the office?

Does coffee help people to get through a tough day at the office?

Datum:05 december 2023
Auteur:Bernard Nijstad

I started wondering about the effects of coffee on my “state of being” when I had a few bad nights and was trying to concentrate on my work, nonetheless. Concentration became markedly easier after I had two coffees; at least, that was my impression. It was...

Teams with members that share the same external contacts utilize external information better

Teams with members that share the same external contacts utilize external information better

Datum:12 september 2022
Auteur:Cheng Chen

Information is an important resource for organizational teams to survive and thrive in an increasingly competitive business environment. Especially information or knowledge from people outside the team (e.g., employees from other teams, clients, friends...

How we might be losing the creative potential of women

How we might be losing the creative potential of women

Datum:26 januari 2022
Auteur:Marta Wronska

Think of a creative. What kind of a person do you imagine? Chances are high you thought of someone decisive, risk-taking, and courageous – most probably of a man. No surprise: qualities associated with creativity clash with stereotypically feminine traits,...

High task conflict perceivers may be a valuable resource in a team while being vulnerable

High task conflict perceivers may be a valuable resource in a team while being vulnerable

Datum:18 oktober 2021
Auteur:Cheng Chen

Task conflict is inevitable in organizational teams as members have different opinions, understanding, and preferences towards the task from time to time. Task conflict, if not being managed properly, can transform into relationship conflict and harm team...

How to accelerate social change? Creative thinking boosts donations and triggers perspective taking

How to accelerate social change? Creative thinking boosts donations and triggers perspective taking

Datum:02 februari 2021
Auteur:Marta Wronska

In a world of rapid growth and innovations, numerous problems are still waiting to be solved. Fortunately, nonprofits keep inventing and implementing incredible solutions. But even the most effective charities are limited by funding. Yet, it turns out that...

People suck at recognizing creative ideas. Here’s a way to overcome this.

People suck at recognizing creative ideas. Here’s a way to overcome this.

Datum:16 januari 2020
Auteur:Marta Wronska

With a multitude of tools for efficient brainstorming, people often find themselves with more creative ideas than they can implement. Then, the hardest part begins: idea evaluation and selection. Perhaps it doesn’t feel this way, but we are exceptionally...

Goals and creativity: it’s about making connections

Goals and creativity: it’s about making connections

Datum:12 maart 2019
Auteur:Marta Wronska

If you think about your goals in the upcoming year, how do you picture them? Do you think of them according to their importance, degree of association, or time sequence? Visualizations may help you achieve your goals more effectively. But more importantly,...

Foreign experience sparks creative innovations of organizations, but more is not better

Foreign experience sparks creative innovations of organizations, but more is not better

Datum:13 november 2018
Auteur:Suqing Wu

Many employees nowadays have experiences of working abroad, which is often viewed as providing a spark of creativity by organizations. Indeed, previous studies have suggested that people with multicultural experiences are more creative: they are more...

Work pressure sparks creativity, if conditions are right

Work pressure sparks creativity, if conditions are right

Datum:06 november 2018
Auteur:Yan Shao

Workload pressure has been long regarded as a devil for killing creativity of employees. Many advices have thus been given on how to minimize workload pressure in order to maximize employee creativity. However, insights from our recent research suggest...

Vacations: A ticket to creativity?

Vacations: A ticket to creativity?

Datum:23 mei 2018

According to a press release of the U.S. Travel association, two out of three American executives believe that vacationing improves creativity at work. The ability to “think outside the box”, to produce novel, original and useful problem solutions is vital...