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Centre of expertise HRM&OB
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre of expertise Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour (HRM&OB) About us

Our experts

Are you interested in collaborating with our centre of expertise and/or looking for an expert?

Prof. Floor Rink – Diversity
Dr Thom de Vries – Collaboration within and between teams
Prof. Eric Molleman – Collaboration within and between teams

On this page, you will find the scientists in the Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour domain who are associated with us:


Fields of expertise

Janssen , Prof. Onne

Leadership, Work motivation, Creativity and innovation in employees

Jordan , Dr Jennifer

Ethical issues, Moral attitude, Leadership, Power, Socially desirable behaviour

Meer, Dr                           Peter van der

Employment market, Education and the employment market, Replacement and displacement, Flexibility and employment (market)

Molleman , Prof. Eric

Team-oriented work systems: Design, Development and performance, Self-organisation, Human factors in production and service management, Work design

Mulder , Dr   Laetitia

Morality, Sanctions, Norms, Ethical issues, Social dilemmas

Nijstad , Prof. Bernard

Decision-making, Indecisiveness, Creativity, Innovation, Teamwork

Rink , Prof. Floor

Diversity, Newcomers, Identity processes, Team innovation, Team performance

Ryan , Prof. Michelle

Diversity, Leadership, Gender discrimination, Glass ceiling, Ambition

Stoker , Prof. Janka

Leadership, Changes within organisations, Self-management within teams, Competence development, Middle management

Vegt, Prof. Gerben van der

Knowledge sharing, (Multidisciplinary) Team effectiveness, Team member socialisation, Interpersonal relationships, Team development

Contact us and benefit from our expertise.

Last modified:13 February 2024 09.45 a.m.
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