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News archive 2012

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Significant grant for new Euclid Satellite data centre21 December 2012
Decembernummer Broerstraat 5 is uit19 December 2012
Leerlingen profiteren van goed bestuur19 December 2012
Midwinternacht in Blaauw Sterrenwacht18 December 2012
Onderzoek naar sensor-pen voor vroegtijdige diagnose van Parkinson18 December 2012
Money not always an effective incentive for sustainable behaviour17 December 2012
NWO-subsidie Hans Wortmann voor zijn onderzoek naar ethische vragen bij telemonitoring bij ouderen14 December 2012
65 jaar Tandheelkunde in Groningen14 December 2012
Opinie Jan Brouwer: ‘Verplichting om niet-inwoners te weigeren in coffeeshops is onrechtmatig’14 December 2012
EU grant for research on the health skills of European elderly13 December 2012
Groningse biologen komende maanden naar Antarctica13 December 2012
Investment consultant’s yield could be better12 December 2012
Jonge RUG-onderzoeker Jacek Mika met NWO-Rubicon naar buitenland12 December 2012
New Unifocus, this week with free Dutch courses and more11 December 2012
Thursday: U4 lectures by Nobel Prizewinners live on the internet10 December 2012
Drought in Africa delays songbirds07 December 2012
Publication in Nature: new insights into the formation of red blood cells06 December 2012
Panopticon prisons prevented ‘moral contamination’05 December 2012
New Unifocus, this week with winner Green Mind Award05 December 2012
Slechte lichamelijke conditie voorspelt overlijden aan hartfalen04 December 2012
Ten Groningen degree programmes in top echelons of Dutch academic teaching04 December 2012
Zes aanmoedigingsprijzen voor jong talent30 November 2012
Royal decoration for Herbert Löhner30 November 2012
GreenMindAward for a sustainable Bernoulliborg30 November 2012
Financiële behoeften van ouderen nemen af met het stijgen van de leeftijd28 November 2012
Stapel fraud case a catalyst for integrity discussion28 November 2012
Herstructurering Faculteit der Letteren26 November 2012
FOM honoreert onderzoek van biofysicus Antoine van Oijen23 November 2012
New Energy Academy Europe building to be zero emission23 November 2012
Tintin and the development of the comic culture21 November 2012
Children with cancer need fewer antibiotics21 November 2012
Mouthpiece effective for people with obstructive sleep apnoea20 November 2012
Telomere length can predict life expectancy in nature20 November 2012
Inhalation therapy for lung diseases could be more effective20 November 2012
Foreign students: Groningen rules20 November 2012
Nieuwe toppers voor De Jonge Akademie20 November 2012
‘Many Dutch country houses harbour wonderful stories’19 November 2012
Presentatie onderzoeksrapport 'Wat werkt bij Wajongers?'19 November 2012
EUR 26.9 million for research into molecular self-assembly15 November 2012
University of Groningen offers free Dutch courses to international students15 November 2012
University of Groningen investigates the future of KVI activities15 November 2012
Trust is essential when tackling deprived urban areas14 November 2012
The evolution of animal husbandry by ants13 November 2012
Vera Munde en Paula Sterkenburg winnen Han Nakken Prijs 201213 November 2012
No new legionella bacteria in Research Lab12 November 2012
Men and women battle for ideal height12 November 2012
Gene for cardiomyopathy can be traced back to joint Frisian ancestor09 November 2012
Mild variant of legionella bacteria in Research Lab09 November 2012
Veelbelovend resultaat nieuw middel tegen groei niercysten06 November 2012
Gronings onderzoek wijst uit: Regeerakkoord aanzienlijk gunstiger voor de PvdA dan voor de VVD06 November 2012
Groningen iGEM team is world champion06 November 2012
Groningen iGEM team world champion06 November 2012
ZonMw Parel voor onderzoek naar geelzien bij te vroeg geboren baby’s02 November 2012
University of Groningen graduates highly valued by labour market02 November 2012
Salt Crystal Growth Contest 201201 November 2012
Genetische studie toont belang van balans tussen gezonde afweer en ontstaan van chronische darmziekten01 November 2012
Voedingsonderzoekbedrijf PECTACEA opgericht31 October 2012
Performance Agreements signed: Cabinet commits to ambitious plans of universities30 October 2012
Vijfenhalf miljoen voor onderzoek naar behandeling van kanker op maat26 October 2012
Over-levende Noordpool wint Labyrint Publieksprijs25 October 2012
Height important factor in US presidential elections24 October 2012
Adding fatty acids to infant formula associated with slightly worse cognition at the age of nine23 October 2012
European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen van start23 October 2012
University of Groningen climbs Webometrics Ranking22 October 2012
University honours Olympic students Zonderland, Van Aanholt, Blink and Dopheide22 October 2012
New carbon-14 data provides a more accurate picture of prehistory19 October 2012
Rector Magnificus puts Europe in focus again in Osaka17 October 2012
Murder of a loved one leads to long-term psychological problems17 October 2012
Zout Express breidt uit naar Midden-Nederland17 October 2012
ERC Advanced Grant for astronomer Raffaella Morganti17 October 2012
University of Groningen praised for diversity policy15 October 2012
Onderzoek naar ouderenpsychiatrie hard nodig12 October 2012
Website ‘Reading for your list’ expanded to VMBO and lower classes of HAVO-VWO12 October 2012
Developing movement skills helps cognitive learning in children with mild learning disabilities12 October 2012
Aandacht voor angst en schoonheid gestuurd door zelfde hersendeel10 October 2012
First U-meet in Groningen: A way out of the crisis10 October 2012
European grant of €1.5 million for ERIBA researcher Eugene Berezikov09 October 2012
Oktober Kennismaand: Zpannend Zernike09 October 2012
University of Groningen to repay long-term student penalty as quickly as possible09 October 2012
Simple ‘emotionometer’ predicts depression relapse as successfully as clinical interview08 October 2012
Screening pregnant women in Q fever areas is unnecessary05 October 2012
Acknowledging the blind and visually impaired in Shared Space design04 October 2012
Festive installation of new Rosalind Franklin Fellows04 October 2012
Dutch scientists to open institute for stem cell research in Russia03 October 2012
Groningse sterrenkundige Joost Adema vanavond in Labyrint TV03 October 2012
University of Groningen makes spectacular climb in Times Higher Education ranking03 October 2012
Summary honorary doctorate and Desmond Tutu’s words of thanks now online (video's)02 October 2012
Dertien bacheloropleidingen RUG als beste beoordeeld in Elsevier-enquête02 October 2012
Clever reproduction strategy makes dwarf eelgrass resilient28 September 2012
Internationaal vermaard socioloog Helmut Willke spreekt op symposium in Groningen28 September 2012
Long-term reward programs increase turnover27 September 2012
Lezing Heinekenprijswinnaar John Duncan over hoe intelligentie ontstaat26 September 2012
ASEM Student Forum on 24 September26 September 2012
Heavy periods often caused by underlying bleeding disorder26 September 2012
Gold Medal for Dr Jitse van Dijk (SHARE)25 September 2012
Desmond Tutu awarded honorary doctorate24 September 2012
Winner Heineken Prize to visit Groningen20 September 2012
KWF-subsidie voor onderzoek naar betere behandeling eierstokkanker19 September 2012
Prof.dr. Gerrit Voerman: 'Invloed leden neemt af, partijleider steeds belangrijker'19 September 2012
3rd ASEM Rectors’ Conference: Top universiteiten Europa en Azië bijeen in Groningen19 September 2012
Behandeling eczeem door verpleegkundig specialisten effectief en kostenbesparend17 September 2012
Fireworks in the early universe14 September 2012
Sociologisch onderzoek voorspelt coalitieakkoorden14 September 2012
Ex-Rector Magnificus Van der Woude dies13 September 2012
Demand for agricultural land continues to rise13 September 2012
Financial crisis too easily blamed on ‘contagion’12 September 2012
‘Opleiding verpleegkundige vernieuwen door betere aansluiting theorie en praktijk’12 September 2012
University of Groningen climbs QS ranking list again11 September 2012
Officiële opening Centrum voor Religie, Conflict en het Publieke Domein07 September 2012
EBF Groningen welcomes DNB President and Transavia CEO05 September 2012
More attention for physical symptoms of depression after treatment for heart disease05 September 2012
New therapy helps people with serious asthma04 September 2012
Children say things they do not themselves understand04 September 2012
Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken: ‘Make the world sustainable…Yes, we can!’03 September 2012
Maandag Kennisdebat op Twitter31 August 2012
Amino acid provides protection against diseases of old age29 August 2012
Bij vroege psychische aandoening later meer kans op een laag huishoudinkomen29 August 2012
Nationaal Ruimtelijk Verkiezingsdebat op 4 september29 August 2012
The Netherlands after the elections: focus on up-and-coming Asia24 August 2012
Old brains communicate differently23 August 2012
University of Groningen high on list of 2012 Best Places to Work in Academia20 August 2012
Alex Klugkist has passed away17 August 2012
RUG aanwezig op zomerfestivals14 August 2012
Stralend begin KEI-week13 August 2012
Better chances of survival for patients with rare form of lymphoma09 August 2012
The University of Groningen congratulates Epke Zonderland with his Olympic gold medal!08 August 2012
9 augustus 2012: Plastic zonnecel pionier Kees Hummelen debatteert in Club Ziggo06 August 2012
Invitation NWO Information meeting Veni, Vidi, Vici03 August 2012
How to avoid traps in plastic electronics30 July 2012
Bij 65-plussers komen melanomen steeds vaker voor26 July 2012
Dertien Veni-subsidies voor Groningse onderzoekers24 July 2012
Faster drug development thanks to RNA wrap23 July 2012
Major interest in research on long-term use of antidepressants20 July 2012
2011 – a year of performance and growth for the University of Groningen20 July 2012
Patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder do remember separate identities19 July 2012
Two ERC Starting Grants in the Life Science domain17 July 2012
Weak light can now be used for applications as well16 July 2012
Elise Roze best University of Groningen student 201210 July 2012
Energy Research and Education joining forces10 July 2012
Anna Enquist houdt Letterenlezing10 July 2012
Excellente scholieren op een Groningse snijzaal10 July 2012
W.J. van den Bremenlezing met Henk Bleker09 July 2012
University of Groningen honours Desmond Tutu with honorary doctorate07 July 2012
Groningen economists predict medal ranking in London: 8 gold medals for the Netherlands06 July 2012
International prize for Alumni Circles concept06 July 2012
Ervaringen van ouders van kinderen met ernstige meervoudige beperkingen04 July 2012
Jonge RUG-onderzoeker met Rubiconbeurs naar het buitenland04 July 2012
Negende Vidi toegekend aan RUG-onderzoeker04 July 2012
Living kidney donation is safe for donor and recipient in the long term too04 July 2012
Northern Party Leader Debate04 July 2012
Honoursstudenten schrijven boek: ‘Generatie CRISIS’03 July 2012
€ 500,000 grant for research into prostate cancer03 July 2012
Reliable diagrams for monitoring growth of preterm babies developed03 July 2012
Greater understanding of artificial photosynthesis02 July 2012
The Netherlands after the elections: focus on up-and-coming Asia28 June 2012
More free playtime benefits young children’s psychosocial development28 June 2012
Zomernummer Broerstraat 5 uit27 June 2012
Award goes to Teacher Training Course during Education Research Days27 June 2012
Matthijs Bierman Alumnus of the Year 201226 June 2012
First Honours degree certificate ceremony26 June 2012
Superior spin transport in graphene hammocks25 June 2012
Rector magnificus reikt honderdste zwemdiploma uit aan buitenlandse student19 June 2012
Heineken Young Scientists Award voor Tjisse van der Heide19 June 2012
Three ERC Starting Grants awarded15 June 2012
This week in Science: Seagrasses survive thanks to subterranean symbiosis15 June 2012
More exercise and losing weight good in hip osteoarthritis14 June 2012
Children learn from shared reading13 June 2012
2.3 million Euro NWO Large subsidy for TU Delft, RUG and TU/e to build innovative neutron microscope12 June 2012
Public lecture on Escher and the Droste effect12 June 2012
Royal Decoration presented to Han Borg12 June 2012
Grote EU-subsidie voor training jonge Healthy Ageing-onderzoekers12 June 2012
10de Kinderuniversiteit Groningen: ‘Weet jij hoe je lichaam werkt?’11 June 2012
Football? All economics! See FEBlog by Marco Haan11 June 2012
Computer simulation of group behaviour explains social issues07 June 2012
Two Brazilian Science without Borders grants for cooperation with the Universidade de São Paulo07 June 2012
Performance agreement University of Groningen online06 June 2012
Older farmers focus more on future06 June 2012
Middle management overestimates itself too06 June 2012
New speech valve a boon for laryngectomy patients06 June 2012
Prof. Yme Kuiper appointed Professor by Special Appointment in Historic Country Houses and Estates06 June 2012
11 juni: Gastlezing minister Jan Kees de Jager05 June 2012
Beter maatwerk bij behandeling van de ziekte van Dupuytren05 June 2012
Neurowetenschappers geven inzicht in wisselwerking tussen aanraking en emotie05 June 2012
Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap weer drukbezocht04 June 2012
Asia-Europe Rectors’ Conference: registration open for Student Forum01 June 2012
Magnetisch zuurstof gedraagt zich als overgangsmetaal01 June 2012
Parkinson’s disease changes the balance between starting and stopping movement01 June 2012
De Nacht van Kunst & Wetenschap; een feest van ontdekkingen31 May 2012
Apes may not build coalitions on the basis of rational calculation31 May 2012
Negen Vidi’s voor de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen31 May 2012
SS ideology was religion for Feldmeijer30 May 2012
Hans Aarsman gastschrijver aan Rijksuniversiteit Groningen29 May 2012
Samenwerking Drents Museum en Rijksuniversiteit Groningen voor tentoonstelling Dode Zeerollen29 May 2012
Asia-Europe Rectors’ Conference: registration for Students Forum open now29 May 2012
Rijksuniversiteit wint watertappunt25 May 2012
Sale of Haren Biological Centre has fallen through25 May 2012
University of Groningen gets performance targets on track25 May 2012
Voortgang aanpak legionella bij Centrum voor Tandheelkunde24 May 2012
Online training effective in combatting test anxiety in schoolchildren24 May 2012
VIDI grant for UMCG researcher Hans Jonker23 May 2012
Onderzoek naar nieuwe methoden om depressie te voorkomen via telefoon en internet23 May 2012
VIDI grants for econometrist Spierdijk and business expert Beugelsdijk23 May 2012
Publiekslezing en opening tentoonstelling Verbeeldingskracht; over trauma, kunst en zoeken naar zin22 May 2012
Results of the 2012 University Elections22 May 2012
Venus voor de Zon, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen organiseert waarneemactie21 May 2012
Junior Honours College Zomercursus voor slimme vwo-scholieren21 May 2012
Legionellabesmetting bij opleidingen Tandheelkunde en Mondzorgkunde UMCG21 May 2012
Universal mechanism behind day-night rhythm16 May 2012
Athenespelen 25 jaar!16 May 2012
RUG launches online video magazine Unifocus16 May 2012
Brain activity in tinnitus patients less deviant than thought15 May 2012
Tjibbe Joustra benoemd tot nieuwe voorzitter Raad van Toezicht15 May 2012
'Vogelbescherming' and WWF-NL fund new chair in migratory bird ecology14 May 2012
Eric Mazur: Confessions of a converted lecturer11 May 2012
Doorbraak voor plastic zonnecellen11 May 2012
33 to 66 road fatalities each year due to medication affecting driving performance10 May 2012
Professor Cisca Wijmenga elected KNAW member09 May 2012
Vote for water: wie wint 't watertappunt?09 May 2012
Schat aan historische gegevens voor iedereen beschikbaar09 May 2012
New research method aids refugee children in procedure09 May 2012
Live stream lecture by Prof. Eric Mazur: Confessions of a converted lecturer09 May 2012
Bacteria: masters of compromise08 May 2012
Waardering van ondernemers voor locaties in centraal Nederland zakt in07 May 2012
Molecular motor’s ‘power stroke’ in focus07 May 2012
Heel-virus vaccin bij grieppandemie beter dan gangbare vaccins07 May 2012
Verhaal van de grutto voor hoofd en hart opent jubileumcongres Wereld Natuur Fonds04 May 2012
New enzymes for the environmentally friendly production of amino acids04 May 2012
Symposium: Marktwerking in de gezondheidszorg. Ons een zorg?!03 May 2012
U-raad: lijsttrekkersdebat 201203 May 2012
Transatlantic conference on Global Online Freedom & Corporate Responsibility in Washington and Brussels02 May 2012
International award for paper Prof. Michael Biehl01 May 2012
Belang mosselbanken in de Waddenzee veel groter dan vermoed01 May 2012
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor medisch microbioloog John Degener01 May 2012
Upgrade jezelf met wetenschap in ‘ENHANCE ME!?27 April 2012
Secondary school students’ plastic solar cells win an international silver27 April 2012
Royal Honour for two University of Groningen staff27 April 2012
President of the Board Sibrandus Poppema appointed for new four-year term26 April 2012
Biografieprijs voor onderzoekster Eva Rovers26 April 2012
Live streaming van Groningse Nacht van de Filosofie25 April 2012
Non-farmers often have extra income in countryside25 April 2012
Pension funds: better governance through more self-reflection24 April 2012
Oproep CAO-enquête24 April 2012
PhD students increasingly satisfied with the University20 April 2012
Affective music player is perfect DJ18 April 2012
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en Hanzehogeschool Groningen onthullen Olympische Wand18 April 2012
Symposium Marktwerking in de gezondheidszorg18 April 2012
EU Trade Commissioner praises research of Groningen economists17 April 2012
Much more farmland needed to feed the world17 April 2012
Multitasking not always efficient and demands choices17 April 2012
College carrousel gaat weer draaien16 April 2012
Symposium Carbohydrate Competence Center16 April 2012
Prof. dr. Ed Noort vicepresident Europese Federatie van nationale Academies van Wetenschappen16 April 2012
Prof. Sibrandes Poppema nominated Honorary Consul General of Korea12 April 2012
University of Groningen awards Green Mind Award 2012 for the most sustainable idea12 April 2012
Kan literatuur zonder religie?11 April 2012
Universities sign innovation contracts05 April 2012
Nieuwe Broerstraat 5 is uit04 April 2012
Bij herseninfarct telt óók iedere minuut04 April 2012
Nieuw onderzoek naar positieve werking foliumzuur04 April 2012
Buitenlandervaring met NWO-Rubicon03 April 2012
Scholieren winnen bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen03 April 2012
Blaeu’s commercial leanings stimulated seventeenth century science03 April 2012
Foreign students: University of Groningen the best02 April 2012
Ozb meer verhoogd dan afgesproken30 March 2012
Els van den Berg new Lustrum Coordinator28 March 2012
Dentists loathe to yield authority28 March 2012
Chemical notion supported by physics - Kees Hummelen: ‘Now things really get interesting’27 March 2012
Quantum mechanical switching at room temperature26 March 2012
Palaeolithic diet helps with healthy ageing23 March 2012
Salt increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and renal failure in diabetics22 March 2012
Dairy cows have individual temperaments21 March 2012
Flexible working is not a boon for everyone21 March 2012
Successful collaboration requires common interest21 March 2012
Female blue tit selects male with lots of immune genes20 March 2012
Positieve beoordelingen deeltijdstudies RUG16 March 2012
Depression: biological causes or environmental factors?15 March 2012
Teaching young children English no danger to their Dutch14 March 2012
Unbridgeable divide between Muslims and non-Muslims in Dutch literature13 March 2012
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor Albert Veldhuizen13 March 2012
Live videostream: planologielezing met minister Schultz van Haegen09 March 2012
Aletta Jacobs Prijs uitgereikt aan Els Borst08 March 2012
Galaxies Get Up Close and Personal07 March 2012
Sociale rechten vreemdelingen vaak verwaarloosd07 March 2012
Uitreiking Aletta Jacobs Prijs 2012 aan Els Borst06 March 2012
Hibernators show Alzheimer’s-like brain changes06 March 2012
Betere afspraken tussen vaksecties kunnen wiskundig inzicht leerlingen vergroten05 March 2012
18 miljoen NWO-subsidie voor ERIBA en NKI02 March 2012
Hiding behaviour of the scrub jay: more stress than smarts?02 March 2012
System biology shows how bacteria adapt to changing circumstances02 March 2012
Shape of receptor predicts side effects of Parkinson’s drug01 March 2012
‘VIPP’ rehab programme activates visually impaired elderly01 March 2012
Zes NWO-subsidies 'middelgroot' voor RUG en UMCG29 February 2012
Isotope smearing opens way to new climate archive29 February 2012
Children with divorced parents date earlier29 February 2012
University to block BitTorrent in student flats28 February 2012
More power from plastic solar cells24 February 2012
Magnetische informatie blijft langer behouden in gegroeid grafeen23 February 2012
University Colloquium with ING chairman Jan Hommen22 February 2012
Heeft u uw voorstel voor Bessensap 2012 al ingediend?22 February 2012
Universiteit op zoek naar beste profielwerkstuk21 February 2012
Chronobiologe Martha Merrow in het wetenschapsprogramma Labyrint21 February 2012
Fifty feral cats on Schiermonnikoog20 February 2012
Health risks in living environment determine evolution of immune system20 February 2012
No trains but buses during spring break20 February 2012
Magnetic currents in graphene now simple to detect20 February 2012
Woonlasten gemiddeld 193 euro (5,0 procent) hoger16 February 2012
UMCG and FrieslandCampina to develop healthy food for mother and child15 February 2012
Open Day on Location at the University of Groningen14 February 2012
Tough times for language comprehension models10 February 2012
Elevated blood pressure in the lungs: children are not the same as adults09 February 2012
Nanoscale cooling element can be controlled magnetically07 February 2012
4de Planologielezing door Bas Eenhoorn06 February 2012
Laura Batstra RUG-Docent van het Jaar 201103 February 2012
Univé new winner of Customer Performance Award for best service provider03 February 2012
Exercise-related gastrointestinal problems well known to recreational runners02 February 2012
Onderzoekcentrum SPRINT krijgt anderhalf miljoen euro van Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland02 February 2012
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) personnel policy: professional as well as idealistic01 February 2012
Education day on 2 February31 January 2012
Leren rekenen kan sneller en beter31 January 2012
Rokende vrouwen met overgewicht hebben verhoogde kans op baby met aangeboren hartafwijking31 January 2012
Prestigious Vici grants for three top researchers from Groningen31 January 2012
Lack of sleep causes hippocampus to shrink26 January 2012
Humanites Computing anniversary: Will computers ever be able to fathom our language?25 January 2012
Ultrasonography is a less burdensome and reliable method to assess ‘good’ and ‘bad’ abdominal fat25 January 2012
Colour predicts toxicity poison frog23 January 2012
Novel urine test for adrenal cancer23 January 2012
Hidden images can affect your driving speed19 January 2012
Nature article: unique test of dark matter theory possible thanks to gravitational lens analysis19 January 2012
Facings also possible on existing fillings17 January 2012
Start onderzoek UMCG naar effect vitamine D en zoutbeperking bij nierpatiënten11 January 2012
Woonlasten grote gemeenten 2,3 procent omhoog11 January 2012
Veel animo voor examentraining VWO10 January 2012
Succesvolle werving van toptalenten en subsidies door onderzoeksinstituut ERIBA10 January 2012
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