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About us Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society Our organisation Staff



Mathijssen, dr. B.M.H.P. (Brenda)Associate Professor Geography and Psychology of Religion; Vice Dean and Director of Education
Popovic, prof. dr. M. (Mladen)Dean of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society
Westerbeek, M.J. (Marjon), MScManaging Director

The board is complemented by an advisory student-member, who is appointed for one year.

Department Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins

Ates, H.PhD student
Cárdenas Ureña, J.A., MA
Dhali, M.A. (Maruf), DrAssistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence
Fowler, K.A. (Kim), PhDAssistant Professor of New Testament
Iest, dr. R.N. (Ruwan) van derLecturer Koinè and New Testament Greek
Kara, S. (Seyfeddin), PhDAssistant Professor of Islamic Origins
Little, J.J.Research Fellow
Minzoni, F., MA
Nante, M.T.
Oliveiro, drs. E. (Emmanuel)
Popovic, prof. dr. M. (Mladen)Dean of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society
Roig Lanzillotta, F.L. (Lautaro), ProfProfessor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies
Rose, dr. W.H. (Wolter)Lecturer Hebrew
Taddeo, bc. R.H. (Hamlet)PhD candidate
Tanja, J.M. (Johanna)Lecturer Hebrew Bible and Judaism
Westra, dr. L. (Liuwe)
Zwan, A. (Bram) van derLecturer Arabic

Department Comparative Study of Religion

Bartelink, dr. B.E. (Brenda)Senior researcher / Assistant Professor
Berger, P. (Peter), DrAssociate Professor of Indian Religions and the Anthropology of Religion
Bos-Beeken, F.
Buitelaar, prof. dr. M.W. (Marjo)Professor of Contemporary Islam
Davis, R.L.A.
Espinoza Rizo, A.A.PhD student
Gerigk, C.M. (Catharina), MA
Gins, S. (Sven), MAPhD Researcher / Dutch Studies Coordinator
Hernández Polo, L. (Leonel), MScPhD Student
Hoenders, prof. dr. H.J.R. (Rogier)Professor of Spirituality, Lifestyle and Mental Healthcare
Hummel, T.M. van, MA
Jans, drs. ir. M.W. (Martin)
Kakati, A.K., Dr
Knibbe, dr. K.E. (Kim)Associate Professor Sociology and Anthropology of Religion
Kumar, A., MA
Martínez-Ariño, J. (Julia), DrAssistant Professor of Sociology of Religion
Masduki, A. (Anwar), MPhD student
Mathijssen, dr. B.M.H.P. (Brenda)Associate Professor Geography and Psychology of Religion; Vice Dean and Director of Education
Mucciarelli, E. (Elena), DrAssistant Professor for Hinduism in the Sanskrit Tradition - Gonda Lecturer
Mulder, A. (André)Senior Researcher Endowed Chair of Diaconia Protestant Theological University Amsterdam
Muthert, prof. dr. J.K. (Hanneke)Professor Psychology of Religion with special attention for Spiritual Care and Wellbeing
Oliveira Leão, prof. E. (Eryc) de, MPhD student
Rosie, X.J.S. (Sujin), MAPhD candidate
Schoot, M.D.H., MSc
Stuckrad, C.K.M. (Kocku) von, ProfProfessor of Religious Studies
Tarusarira, J. (Joram), DrAssociate Professor
Trivedi, N.S. (Nidhi), MA
Vegt, A. (Annemarie) van derLecturer Spiritual Care
Vidunaite, M.PhD student
Visser-Nieraeth, dr. A. (Anja)Assistant Professor Spiritual Care
Wagenaar, W.F. (Welmoed), MAPhD student
Wiering, dr. J.O. (Jelle)postdoctoral researcher
Zock, prof. dr. T.H. (Hetty)Emeritus Professor of Religion and Mental Health, in particular in the domain of Spiritual Care (Special chair of the KSGV, Study Centre for Religion and Mental Health, sponsored by the VVP, Association of Dutch Liberal Protestants)

Department Christianity and the History of Ideas

Acebedo, B. J., MA
Andrade Perez, M., MA
Andrejc, G. (Gorazd), PhDAssistant Professor in Philosophy of Religion
Badurdeen, F.A. (Fathima Azmiya), Dr
Carpenedo Rodrigues, M. (Manoela), PhD Assistant Professor and Marie Curie Felow
Colominas Aparicio, M. (Mònica), ProfVENI Researcher, Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Cova, V.S. (Victor), DrPost Doctoral Researcher
Dijk, dr. M. (Mathilde) vanLecturer in History of Christianity and Gender StudiesUnivLecturer History of Christianity and Gender Studies/Associate Director Centre for Religion and Heritage/Coordinator Minor Gender and Diversity in Science, Society and Culture
Fernandez-Aballi Altamirano, A., PhD
Goudriaan, A.
Hofman, M. (Mirjam), MAPhD student
Hogenbirk, dr. H.D. (Hugo)Postdoc
Irving, A.J.M. (Andrew), DrAssistant Professor of Religion and Heritage
Jedan, C. (Christoph), ProfProfessor of Ethics and Comparative Philosophy of Religion
Kovac, U. (Uros), PhDMarie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
Leeuwen, N. (Nynke) van, MAPhD Researcher
Longworth, Z.E., MA
Molendijk, prof. dr. A.L. (Arie)Emeritus professor of the History of Christianity and of the Philosophy of Religion
Muchenjekwa, L.
Nutters, drs. T. (Tia)Funding Officer at the Faculties of Spatial Sciences and Religion, Culture and Society
Ommen, M.I.D. van
Rivera Pardo, J.F., MAPhD student
Smeulders, V.T.Professor by Special Appointment 'Museums, Heritage and Religion'
Weir, T.H. (Todd), ProfProfessor History of Christianity and Modern Culture
Wijnia, L.
Wilson, E.K. (Erin), ProfProfessor of Politics and Religion

Graduate School

Support Staff

Bangura, dr. J.B., PhD
Berg, drs. D.L. (Debbie) van denInternational officer and Coordinator Graduate School RCS
Boer, drs. T.M.L. (Thea) deEducational coordinator/Study advisor
Bot, K.D.J.M. (Karen) de, MALecturer in Dutch as a second language
Bremmer, prof. dr. J.N. (Jan) -Emeritus Professor of Science of Religion and Comparative Religious Studies
Ende, K. (Kees) van den, MAAssistant education developer / Study advisor
Harrison-Clarke, N.
Hartog, P.B.
Hei-van der Touw, M.H. (Ria) deEducation Administration Officer
Kootstra, D. (Dik), MACoordinator (information) events
Kreijkes-van Esch, J.H., MA
Luth, dr. J.R. (Jan)Em. Lecturer in Liturgical Science, especially Hymnology and Church Music
Mason, prof. dr. S.N. (Steve)Em. Distinguished Professor of Ancient Mediterranean Religions and Cultures
Muchenjekwa, L.
Putten, drs. H.T. (Henk) vanIT, Web-, and Education Coordinator, member University Council
Sennema, drs. I.D. (Ingrid)Programme manager Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (ReD Global)
Timmermans, L. (Laura)Coordinator Student Office Administration
Velden, N. (Nina) van derManagement Assistant / Faculty Beadle
Vellenga, dr. S.J. (Sipco)Em. Lecturer Sociology of Religion
Voornhout, W.L. (Wendy)Management Assistant
Wichgers, I.J.M. (Inge), MScPhD-student
Wolters, D.
Last modified:12 September 2023 08.20 a.m.
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