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Cultural Geography

Complementing the Faculty’s research theme of towards wellbeing, innovation and spatial transformation ’ and the University’s foci on ‘healthy ageing’, ‘energy’ and ‘sustainable society’, the research cluster has a research focus on issues of place, identity and wellbeing . In particular, we explore the relations between people and place, and the social experience of transformations in rural and regional communities. We seek to undertake theoretically-informed, applied social research that contributes to policy and practice, and makes a theoretical contribution. Our research is integrative, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary spanning social and cultural geography, landscape studies, rural studies, social impact assessment, tourism studies and connects with kindred disciplines such as rural and environmental sociology, environmental psychology, gender studies, social gerontology as well as the other disciplinary approaches employed in tWIST including demography, economic geography and planning. We use qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and have a particular interest in innovative methods including visual methodologies and location-based applications (social GIS). We study the lived experiences of local peoples all over the world.

We approach our focus on issues of place, identity and wellbeing from varying angles, including: community engagement; ageing and wellbeing; innovation and rural transformation; heritage; historical landscape change; perception and evaluation of nature and landscape; nature and health; death and burial; entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility; employment opportunities; housing and the living environments of various groups within society; social impact assessment; social aspects of new technology; governance of places; social aspects of agriculture and farming; social aspects of natural resource management; and visitor and host experiences of tourism.

Our research embraces the social relations between people and places, emotional geographies, and the experience of spatial transformation. We believe that knowing one’s ‘place’ is fundamental to the formation of human identity and to wellbeing. Forms of cultural expression such as art, architecture, ritual and language, and our understanding and appreciation of nature and landscape all interact with the physical environment in the creation of our individual and community life-stories. As such, the ways in which we construct and transform spaces and places manifest our imagination and self-awareness. In doing so, we make sense of, define, and celebrate our personal and collective identities, communities and localities.

prof. dr. T. (Tialda) Haartsen
Professor of Rural Geography
Rural Geography
J.T. (Jeannet) Brondsema
Management assistant Economic and Cultural Geography
prof. dr. ir. B.B. (Bettina) Bock
Professor for Population Decline and Quality of Life in Northern Netherlands
rural development, social innovation, rural mobility and migration, rural magrinalisation, rural governance, participatory governance, animal welfare, rural gender, sustainable food production and consumption, green care, multifunctional agriculture
ir. B.M. (Bernadette) Boumans
Teacher landscape
Landscape architecture and urbanism
Tourism and heritage
dr. P.D. (Peter) Groote
Associate Professor
Cultural heritage
prof. dr. ir. C.M. (Martijn) van der Heide
Professor by Special Appointment in Nature-inclusive Rural Development
Ecological and environmental economics
Agricultural economics
Economics and policy
Rural development
Nature inclusivity
dr. B. (Bettina) van Hoven
Associate Professor Cultural Geography
Cultural Geography, qualitative research, participatory and visual methodologies, inclusion and exclusion, youth, older adults, disability and impairment, wellbeing, urban context, science-meets-arts
S. (Sander) van Lanen
Assistant professor urban poverty & inequality
I research the geography of inequality, poverty, and social exclusion, especially in cities. My expertise is in the following domains and their interactions;

- experiences of poverty and social exclusion
- coming of age in disadvantaged neighbourhoods
- social & spatial justice
- initiatives and interventions in the neighbourhood
- social infrastructure
- intergenerational poverty

View my research minute:
G. (Gunnar) Mallon, Dr
Assistant Professor in Physical Geography
Palaeoecology, Climate Science, Environmental Chemistry, Machine Learning in Geospatial Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence

More about my Arctic research: [] and []
dr. ir. E.W. (Erik) Meijles
Director of Education and Associate Professor Landscape Geography
Landscape geography, earth & environmental sciences, soil science, hydrology, historical geography, GIS
C.L. (Christina) Prell
Associate Professor
Social networks and environmental inequalities; global trade networks and inequality; climate change perceptions and climate action; participatory stakeholder networks; social learning and participatory modeling; research methods training and teaching; social network research training and teaching.
dr. K. (Koen) Salemink
Assistant Professor
Rural Development
Community Development
Cultural Geography
Social Exclusion
F.M.D. (Frank) Vanclay, Prof
Professor of Social Impact Assessment and Management
Prof Frank Vanclay has a personal chair as professor of social impact assessment and management. He is highly-ranked in the Stanford University listing of the world’s top 2% of scientists and is a leading authority in the field of social practice/social performance. He has received awards from the International Association for Impact Assessment and other organizations. He has authored many key documents in the social impact assessment field, including the 2003 International Principles, and the 2015 international guidance document. A recent open access book is: Vanclay & Esteves (eds) 2024 Handbook in Social Impact Assessment and Management . His interests also include: project induced displacement & resettlement; business & human rights; social licence to operate; social sustainability; extractive industries & society; Indigenous rights; Free, Prior & Informed Consent (FPIC); benefit sharing; community engagement; and public participation.
dr. D. (Daniella) Vos
Assistant Professor in Spatial Data Analysis
dr. ir. S.G. (Gerd) Weitkamp
Associate Professor


M.A. (Angelica) Caiza Villegas, M
Natural History, Urban Wildlife Conservation, Animal Geographies, Nature-Human Relations, Biology Field Techniques and Bats, Bees, Birds and any Beast!
N. (Nour) El Alam, M
PhD student
Tourism Studies, Heritage Studies, Urban Studies, Cultural Geography
M. (Manuela) Ferreira Torres
Cultural Geography
Children's Geographies
D.J. (David) Hicks, MSc
Transport & Urban Studies: cycling, walking and disability; transport energy use; transport infrastructure auditing methods.
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PhD student
T.J. (Thereza) Langeler
PhD student
Geographies of discontent; populism; place and politics; qualitative research methods
C. (Chengxi) Liu, MSc
PhD student
rural governance, rural gender, rural geography, qualitative research methods
M. (Marcel) Mallow, MSc
PhD candidate and Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in i-CONN ITN
Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences,
Qualitative Data Analysis (Atlas.ti) ,
Social Network Analysis (including basics of statistical modelling via ERGM and SAOM)
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PhD student
J.B.I. (Januschka) Schmidt, MA
Research Officer Manual Publishing; PhD Student
place attachment, spiritual and cultural tourism, well-being, spiritualities and sacred sites in Japan, critical research methods
Y. (Yiying) Wang, MSc
PhD student
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PhD student
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PhD student
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PhD student
Last modified:01 October 2024 1.03 p.m.
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