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Spatial Planning & Environment

On the 2nd of July 1968, prof. G.J. van den Berg was appointed at the University of Groningen to lecture Planning and Demography. Van den Berg's immediate interest was Spatial Planning. It is the beginning of fifty years of development which resulted in three separate programmes in Spatial Planning. At this moment there are about 3 to 4 hundred students in Spatial Planning, in size the largest in the Netherlands.

For information, please contact secretary Diana Bruinewoud

prof. dr. E.J.M.M. (Jos) Arts
professor Environmental and Infrastructure Planning
infrastructure and environmental planning, environmental impact assessment, ex post evaluation
D. (Diana) Bruinewoud
Team Manager / Management Assistant Planning

Environment & Infrastructure Planning

The Expertise team on Environment & Infrastructure Planning unites a focus on key challenges and transformations in our physical environment with social and institutional responses and innovations that may help approach them. The pursuit of a more sustainable society has vast spatial and societal implications. Amongst these are the pursuit of resilient and safe environments, the integration of renewable technologies in our landscapes and societies, and how changing ideas about mobility, transport and infrastructure are pushing for novel forms of infrastructure development. While the changes and challenges in our physical environment unite experts in this team, much focus goes in to the actual processes of planning and governance of these challenges. Climate change adaptation and mitigation urges our experts to engage with issues ranging from water management, climate resilient cities and water safety, to integrated energy planning, inclusive energy planning and energy justice. Infrastructure planning addresses novel forms of project management, boundary spanning and public private partnerships, each allowing for a more inclusive and integrated planning. Finally, wider topics such as marine spatial planning, sustainable urban development and spatial quality in relation to climate challenges feature in the work of our team members.

prof. dr. C. (Christian) Zuidema
Associate Professor Spatial Planning
Environmental planning, integrated energy planning, sustainable development, governance renewal, decentralization, (post-)contingency theory, adaptive planning
Z. (Zahra) Assarkhaniki, Dr
Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Planning
Sustainable and resilient urban planning and design,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate change mitigation strategies and policies, spatial urban analytics- spatial statistics and modelling, GeoDesign, machine learning, and the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) and IT (Information Technology) to empowering urban planning processes.
dr. M.A. (Margo) van den Brink
Associate Professor Water and Planning
Integrated flood risk management and climate adaptation, urban climate resilience, spatial quality, spatial planning, floating urbanization, institutional continuity and change, organisational adaptation, boundary spanning, discourse and framing analysis
dr. T. (Tim) Busscher
Assistant Professor Infrastructure Planning
dr. F.M.G. (Ferry) van Kann
Assistant Professor Environmental Planning
(Environment and Infrastructure) Planning, Energy Infrastructure, Energy Landscapes, Applied Thermodynamics, Governance, Environment and Engineering
prof. ir. W.L. (wim) Leendertse
Professor Management in Infrastructure Planning
Infrastructure Planning:
Management in Planning
Adaptive Planning and Programming
Public-public and Public-private cooperation
Project- and program management
Market systems and dynamic contracting
Governance en institutional design
M. (Mahdi) Rahimi, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
GIS, Geospatial modeling and analysis, Context-aware spatial computation, Urban informatics, Volunteered geographic information, Location-based social networks, Geosocial analysis, Network analysis
R.C. (Rozanne) Spijkerboer
Postdoctoral Researcher Energy Planning
Integrated Energy Planning
Marine Spatial Planning 
Cross-sectoral institutional change
E. (Ethemcan) Turhan, Dr
Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning
I am an assistant professor of environmental planning at the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment, Faculty of Spatial Sciences. My main research and teaching interests are situated in the broadly defined field of political ecology with empirical attention to environmental conflicts, energy infrastructures, social movements, and climate mobilities mainly (but not exclusively) in Turkey, the larger Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Thematically, I am interested in exploring and supervising topics around climate justice and energy democracy.

Before moving to Groningen, I was a postdoctoral researcher at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment in Stockholm between 2016 and 2020. Previous to that, I held 2014/2015 Mercator-IPC Fellowship on climate change at Istanbul Policy Center, Sabancı University. I received my master's and Ph.D. degrees in environmental studies from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2014) and my B.Sc. in environmental engineering from Middle East Technical University (2008).

My academic work appeared in edited volumes and journals such as Dialogues in Human Geography, Environmental Science & Policy, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Frontiers in Energy ResearchApplied EnergyEnergy Research and Social ScienceTurkish StudiesSustainability ScienceWIREs Climate ChangeGlobal Environmental ChangeEcological EconomicsCapitalism Nature Socialism, Nature Climate Change,  New Perspectives on Turkey, and Journal of Political Ecology. I co-edited the volumes Transforming Socio-Natures in Turkey: Landscapes, State and Environmental Movements (together with Onur Inal, Routledge Environmental Humanities Series, 2019) and Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation (together with Marco Armiero and Salvatore Paolo de Rosa, published by Amsterdam University Press). I also co-edited a recent special issue of Social Text (Duke University Press) titled Urban Climate Insurgency .

I serve as an editorial board member of Dialogues in Human Geography (SAGE), as an editor for Sustainability Science (Springer) and as an associate editor for open-access journal, Climate Action (Nature Springer).
dr. S. (Stefan) Verweij
Assistant Professor in Infrastructure Planning, Governance & Methodology
I am an Assistant Professor of Infrastructure Planning, Governance & Methodology at the University of Groningen (2016—current). I am affiliated with the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. I am program coordinator of the Bachelor Spatial Planning and Design of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences and of the research program Sustainable Road Infrastructure between Rijkswaterstaat and the University of Groningen. I am also supervisor and co-promotor on multipe PhD research projects. Since 2018, I am editorial board member of Public Works Management & Policy. I have a PhD in Public Administration from Erasmus University Rotterdam (2015). Previously, I worked at the University of Bamberg (2015—2016) and at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2009—2015). I also held visiting research positions at Rijkswaterstaat and the Bertelsmann Foundation. My research focuses on the design, implementation, and outcomes of collaboration in cross-sector governance networks, with a particular focus on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure planning. I am also specialized in comparative methods, in particular Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Current main projects focus on the performance advantage of PPPs, the collaborative advantage of PPPs, and on boundary spanning in infrastructure planning. I have published many articles on these topics, as well as multiple books.

Spatial Analysis & Design

Spatial transformations require premeditation on strategic actions. The Spatial Analysis and Design expertise team concentrates on the how experts and communities of people alike determine what is (spatial analysis), what could be (ideation) and what should be (ex ante evaluation and decision-making). Analysis and design of spatial situations considers both the physical built environment we live in, and the behaviour, rules and regulations that apply to it. This physical-institutional nexus makes the Groningen approach to spatial design unique. Our research projects aim to better understand how communities arrive at decisions that work both physically and institutionally. Modelling projects of spatial processes and qualitative research on search processes for transformation plans are the main focus. The team members train students in Ba and Ma programs in design skills and analytical tools.

dr. ir. T. (Terry) van Dijk
Associate Professor Planning and Design
My research is about how groups of people share their dreams and ideas with the prospect of collaborating in making places that work. Who talks with whom about what at what moment in what way? These questions determine whether they succeed in forging a joint understanding about what is, what could and ultimately what should. Effectively solving society's spatial issues relies on our understanding of these processes in which strategies of action are successfully identified and applied.
O. (Özlem) Altinkaya-Genel, PhD
Assistant Professor of Design of Healthy and Accessible Cities
urban planning and design, sustainable spatial transformation, regional urbanization, design pedagogy, public real estate
O. (Özlemnur) Ataol, PhD
Assistant Professor in Spatial and Institutional Design
∇ Multi-perspective approach in spatial planning and design
∇ Children's rights and the city
∇ Participatory urban planning and design
∇ Child-focused urban environments
∇ Sustainable City Models: Circular City
∇ Pluralistic Education in Spatial Planning & Design
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Coördinator Design Education and Research
Urban design, landscape design, graphic design, GIS, placemaking, hand drawing, visualisation, community mapping, geo-enabled apps. I also create opportunities for students' professional outreach and experiental learning.
dr. ir. J. (Annet) Kempenaar
Assistant Professor Spatial Design and Water Management
Landscape Architecture, spatial design, strategic design, spatial planning
S. (Samira) Ramezani, Dr
Assistant Professor
Mobility, Accessibility, Travel behavior, Integrated land use and transportation planning, Human-environment interactions, Participatory planning, health and wellbeing
B. (Britta) Restemeyer, Dr
Assistant Professor of Spatial and Institutional Design
My research mainly focuses on bridging the worlds of flood risk management and spatial planning, with the goal to generate insights on how to create more flood resilient places and landscapes from a spatial and institutional design perspective. Central to my research are questions such as: which (spatial) measures are adequate where and when, who is involved and in power (and who is not), and which governance arrangements are conducive for implementing climate adaptation and flood resilience measures. I consider a strong collaboration between science, practice and society key to finding adequate answers to these questions, which is why I like to work in research projects that bring these parties together and stimulate a climate for learning and (inter-)active knowledge-building. I am specialized in using qualitative research methods, such as interviews, participatory observation and (policy) framing analysis.
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Assistent Professor GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Planning Methods

Engaging Society

The expertiseteam Engaging Society focuses on the role of civil society in socio-spatial planning, as the starting point for education and research. Patterns of production, consumption and land-uses cause sustainability problems, which influence people, places and communities in unequal ways. Climate change adds further complexity and vulnerability to this picture, posing risks upon people.
Our research covers urban adaptive governance, post-growth planning, participative approaches and the role of planners. We also analyse the rise of active citizenship, grassroots innovation, and collective action, where participants aim to take matters in their own hands in processes of self-organisation. We pay specific attention to the role of co-creative methods for dialogue and participation. We study the socio-spatial and institutional conditions for social and spatial justice and ‘resourceful’ communities, able to adapt to current and future challenges. An example are the capacities of civic, private, and public actors, which can support ‘positive social tipping points’ in processes of wider transformative change. We conduct research in rural-urban settings, including coastal areas, such as our neighbouring Wadden Sea region, aiming to create meaningful societal impact in the Northern Netherlands and beyond.

prof. dr. L.G. (Ina) Horlings
Full Prof. Dr. Socio-Spatial Planning
Sustainability, Place-based development, Climate change and adaptation, Socio-Spatial Planning and Spatial Transformation, (Inter-)subjective aspects of planning, Citizen initiatives and resourceful communities, Sense of Place, Values, Leadership, Coalitions and Cooperation, Sustainable spatial (urban/rural/regional) Development, Place Branding.
F. (Farzaneh) Bahrami, Dr
Assistant Professor Urban Design and Mobility
Farzaneh’s research is on the interplay between mobility systems and urban forms. She holds a Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Urbanism. Her PhD research, on futures of mobility, sought to identify the levers of change for a transition from car dominance in cities. She is currently working on the role of spatial planning in steering the evolution of smart mobilities and their adoption in the future cities.
P. (Philippe) Hanna de Almeida Oliveira, PhD
Assistant Professor in Spatial Planning and Impact Assessment
Qualitative Methods
Social Impact Assessment
Environment, Social and Governance
International Development
Indigenous Ethnology
Project Management
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Emeritus Professor of Housing and Landmarkets, with a focus on Housing of the Elderly
Social Housing, Landmarkets and Land Policy, Housing Associations, Non-profit Organisaztions and Social Enterprise, Housing the Elderly, Area-based Arrangements for Housing and Care, Neighbourhood Redevelopment, Impact of Induced Earthquakes on the Housing Market
C.W. (Christian) Lamker, Dr
Assistant Professor Sustainable Transformation and Regional Planning
leadership in planning processes
planning theory
post-growth planning
regional and state planning
research-practice interfaces
roles of planners
spatial transformations
S. (Sara) Özogul, PhD
Assistant Professor of Urban Planning
- entrepreneurial governance
- institutional transformations
- planning and property market dynamics
- residential property investment
- planning theories
dr. W.S. (Ward) Rauws
Associate Professor Spatial Planning
Specialist in urban self-organization, uncertainties in strategic urban planning, and adaptive approaches to urban governance and planning. Field research topics include neighbourhood (re)development, community initiatives, accessibility, city logistics, peri-urbanization.

As a member of The National Young Academy, he is also a driving force behind environmental sustainability at universities and socially engaged science.
E.M. (Elen-Maarja) Trell-Zuidema, Dr
Associate Professor Resilient and Sustainable Communities
My research focuses on resilient and sustainable communities and place-making with an emphasis on the role and relevance of collective action (citizen initiatives, participatory governance but also protest movements/dissent). The themes I have recently explored within this context include: agro-food movements and food democracy; community resilience and well-being of youth in declining (rural) areas; climate change adaptation and community resilience to flooding. I have long-standing experience working with groups and areas which tend to be overlooked or marginalized in policy-making and (academic) discourse such as young people and the rural context. I am an expert in using qualitative, participatory, visual/interactive and comparative / case-based research methods and have published in numerous international peer-reviewed journals in addition to editing academic books and writing research reports for practitioners. Overall, my research tends to be internationally situated, action-oriented, community-based and creativity-led.
dr. G. (Gwenda) van der Vaart
Assistant Professor
I am interested in people and places, which is why I work as an assistant professor at the Department of Spatial Planning & Environment at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences (FSS). In my position I am involved in academic research and education. My research interests include arts and culture in communities (in terms of community development, liveability, dealing with place change, etc.), community engagement and participation processes, and qualitative and creative research methods. In my teaching activities, I am involved in various courses at both the Bachelor and Master level at the FSS.
dr. B.J. (Barend) Wind
Assistant Professor
As a researcher, I am Mainly interested in the social and spatial consequences of contemporary socio-economic and institutional developments. My expertise is centered around the following topics and their interaction:

- Housing
- Housing Market Dynamics
- Urban Inequality
- Social / Spatial Justice
- Welfare States
- Urban governance


M.D. (Manon) Baartmans
PhD student
My research adresses Boundary spanning in Open Strategizing within the infrastructure sector.
I.T.J. (Ingo) Bousema, MSc
PhD Candidate
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PhD Researcher
Policy Packaging for Land-use and Transport Integration Planning
A.N. (Aryani [Rya]) Chandramidi, MSc
PhD Researcher
Climate Adaptation
Climate Resilience
Coastal Planning
Urban and Regional Planning
Design-led Planning
Policy Analysis
V.A. (Viviana) Cordero Vinueza
Child-friendly cities.
J. (Júlia) Dos Anjos Marques, MSc
PhD Candidate
Architecture; Urbanism; Urban/Regional Planning & Design; Socio-environmental governance; Institutional design.
M. (Martin) Drenth
Water Sensitive City
Adaptive Water Governance
Institutional Design
Flood Resilience
Multilevel Governance
Climate Change Adaptation
L.A.M. (Lisa) Hof, MSc
PhD Candidate
My PhD research focuses on frontrunners within communities that perform community-based climate adaptation initiatives. Within this research. I examine how place-based climate adaptation initiatives take shape, what makes them succesful, and how they can contribute to adaptation efforts on a larger scale.

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the PhD project, I am both a part of the faculty of Spatial Sciences and the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences. My project is supervised by Ina Horlings, Lise Jans, Margo van den Brink, and Anne van Valkengoed. 

As a social scientist, I enjoy addressing complex societal questions and, through this PhD, I aspire to familiarize myself even more with relevant scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research in order to address the complex problems that come with climate change.
T. (Tabea) Hoffmann, MSc
PhD student
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PhD student
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PhD student
M.A. (Astrid) Kuntjara
PhD student
Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Spatial Planning
J.E.H. (Juul) Kusters, MSc
PhD Candidate
Marine Spatial Planning, offshore system integration, hydrogen, energy transition, North Sea policy
N. A. (Nika) Lindhout, MSc
PhD Candidate
Socio-spatial planning
C.P. (Cantya) Marhendra, MSc
PhD student
Z. (Zeqiang) Pan, MSc
Zeqiang did his Master in 2017 on policy-making of collaborative watershed management in the Pearl River Delta City of South-eastern China. Since 2020, his on-going research has focused on the interdependency of integrated planning and communicative planning of community-based urban flood risk management in delta cities of China and the Netherlands.
R.P. (Rama) Putra, MSc
PhD student
Land Development
Land Conservation
Complexity Science
L. (Lisna) Rahayu, MSc
PhD student
Transport Planning; Maritime Transport Governance
C.A. (Cheyenne) Raskeyn, MSc
PhD Researcher
Climate Adaptation in Infrastructure Planning
S. (Sonja) Rombach, MSc
PhD Student
Environmental Geography and Management; marine research; Transdisciplinary research; GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Coastal Zones
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PhD student
A. (Asri) Samsu
PhD student
Integrated Urban Water Management
S.A. (Shreya) Satheesh
PhD Researcher
Y. (Yun) Sun, MSc
Deisgn facilitated urban transition process
A. (Anita) Vitriana, MSc
PhD student
Housing. basic infrastructure, metropolitan areas
Last modified:03 February 2025 11.32 a.m.
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