prof. ir. W.L. (wim) Leendertse
Professor Management in Infrastructure Planning

Infrastructure Planning:
Management in Planning
Adaptive Planning and Programming
Public-public and Public-private cooperation
Project- and program management
Market systems and dynamic contracting
Governance en institutional design
Management in Planning
Adaptive Planning and Programming
Public-public and Public-private cooperation
Project- and program management
Market systems and dynamic contracting
Governance en institutional design
Other positions
Strategic Advisor Rijkswaterstaat
The chair was established on the recommendation of the Foundation for the Promotion of Spatial Sciences, an independent foundation whose aim is to scientifically put important issues concerning spatial planning (in the Netherlands) on the agenda. In addition to my professorship, I work at Rijkswaterstaat, the executive organization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. The research agenda of the chair is established in interaction between the University of Groningen, the Faculty of Spatial Sciences (scientific relevance) and Rijkswaterstaat (practical relevance). The management of research is carried out by the professor in consultation with colleagues at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences and is scientifically independent. The scientific assessment takes place, among other things, through scientific peers, reviewed publications in national and international scientific journals and through university doctorates.
The chair was established on the recommendation of the Foundation for the Promotion of Spatial Sciences, an independent foundation whose aim is to scientifically put important issues concerning spatial planning (in the Netherlands) on the agenda. In addition to my professorship, I work at Rijkswaterstaat, the executive organization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. The research agenda of the chair is established in interaction between the University of Groningen, the Faculty of Spatial Sciences (scientific relevance) and Rijkswaterstaat (practical relevance). The management of research is carried out by the professor in consultation with colleagues at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences and is scientifically independent. The scientific assessment takes place, among other things, through scientific peers, reviewed publications in national and international scientific journals and through university doctorates.
Last modified: | 01 May 2024 07.49 a.m. |