Welcome to our versatile Archaeology programme, judged best in the Netherlands for the last 10 years, which will help you become a top-level archaeologist. All pre-university profiles are accepted!
The Bachelor’s degree programme in Archaeology at the University of Groningen, taught mainly in Dutch, allows you to study cultures from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages, and the Mediterranean all the way up to the Arctic region.
In your first year, you will take introductory classes in Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology, Archaeology of the Netherlands, and Arctic Archaeology, as well as in the history, methods and materials of the field, and finish with one month of fieldwork. In your second year, you will learn about bioarchaeological approaches and choose from a range of in-depth courses in Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology or Archaeology of North-West Europe and you will have practicals on bioarchaeology (seeds/pollen/animal and human bone material). The year is closed with a field trip abroad and participation in an excavation in the Netherlands or abroad. In your third year, you will follow a Minor at the UG or other university in the Netherlands or abroad and complete your Bachelor’s degree programme by writing a thesis.
With your Bachelor's degree in hand, you an continue on to the one-year Master’s programme in Archaeology. Students who perform exceptionally and who enjoy doing research can enter the two-year Research Master’s programme in Archaeology.
Sign up now for the Open Day on Friday 31 January!Hoi! Ik ben Isaac, ik ben tweedejaars student archeologie aan de RUG en ik woon op kamers in de stad. Ik heb het erg naar mijn zin op de opleiding en ben ook lid van de studievereniging Bachur. Ik vind lezen en sporten erg leuk, ik ben lid van Tjas (de schaatsvereniging) en van de GSAC (de klimvereniging). Ik ben zelf altijd druk bezig met van alles, ik werk op festivals door heel Nederland dus ik kom ook nog eens ergens.
Ik wilde in eerste instantie archeologie doen omdat ik geschiedenis op de middelbare school erg leuk vond. Nu ik bezig ben vind ik het een heerlijke combinatie van onderzoek doen, puzzelen en lekker buiten aan de slag zijn. Ik vind vooral de prehistorie erg interessant en ga me daar ook in specialiseren vanaf dit jaar. Ik heb hiervoor een jaar de HBO-opleiding archeologie aan Saxion gevolgd en hoewel ik dat ook echt heel leuk vond, voel ik mij op mijn plek bij de bachelor archeologie aan de RUG.
Lees meer over Isaac en waarom hij koos voor een studie Archeologie in Groningen!Are you a pre-university pupil and would you like to find out what studying at university is all about? The Archaeology degree programme offers a web class! A web class is a course offered by the UG via Brightspace (a digital teaching environment) for pupils in the 5th and 6th years of pre-university education. The course involves ten study hours, which serve as an introduction to Archaeology. You read texts, do assignments and hold discussions with other prospective students and a lecturer.
Interested? Sign up for the web class.
Are you curious about the Archaeology programme and would you like to know more about the fieldwork carried out by Bachelor's students? In this video you tag along with students that are digging around a convent in Ter Apel.
The Archaeology programme also has a bone attic. Here you will find the bone collection of the archaeologists of the UG. Based on these bones they learn about the cohabitation of humans and animals in the past. In this video, the collection manager gives a tour of the bone attic.