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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Theology & Religious Studies
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Theology & Religious Studies

How are religion, conflict and peace related? What is the significance of religious heritage in a secular society? And what are the boundaries of tolerance in societies, in past and present?

Religion matters in society: 85% of the world's population identify themselves as religious. And religion is an important factor in many national and international political, cultural and social issues. For instance in relation to climate change, sexual health, meaning making, heritage, radicalization, migration, conflicts and peacebuilding, and discussions about (religious) diversity and identity.

Experts in the field of religion are therefore needed in a world in which religion is an integral and permanent part of everyday life.

At the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society, within the one-year MA in Theology and Religious Studies, we offer various specialisation tracks that, each from an interdisciplinary approach, study the phenomenon of religion in relation to specific topics:

Will you join us to make a difference? Challenge yourself and study the religion factor in culture and society.

Facts & Figures
MA in Theology & Religious Studies
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Religion, Culture and Society
Why study this programme in Groningen?
  • Vibrant research tradition with international links.
  • Taught by leading experts with a world-class reputation at Top 100 University.
  • You can follow your own research interests.
  • International teaching staff and international classroom.
  • Expertise on various religions, taught at non-denominational university.

The tracks comprise of several course modules (30 ECTS in total), an internship (10 ECTS) and a master's thesis (20 ECTS).

All English taught tracks are fulltime. For part-time options, please contact the student adviser.

Study load

40 hours of class and self-study per week on average

1 ECTS = 28 hrs. of study. One year contains of 60 ECTS. In the first year, you will have on average 6 hrs. of lessons per week at the Faculty, the rest of the hours is reserved for preparation of the classes and studying.


Check the individual websites of our tracks for specific information.

Programme options
Spiritual Care (track)

"De mens kan niet leven van brood alleen", wordt weleens gezegd. Maar waar leeft de mens dan nog meer van? En hoe ervaren mensen zin in hun leven, ook tijdens ingrijpende gebeurtenissen?

Iedereen wordt voor keuzes gesteld op het terrein van gezondheid en ziekte, leven en dood. Als student Geestelijke Verzorging verdiep jij je in de cruciale rol van zingeving en levensbeschouwing bij ingrijpende gebeurtenissen. Je leert om mensen bij te staan, te begeleiden en te adviseren in crisissituaties, zowel in de eerste lijn als binnen een instelling. Tijdens de opleiding ontwikkel je bovendien een diep begrip van je eigen levensbeschouwelijke identiteit, en leer je dit duidelijk en krachtig te verwoorden. Met deze bagage op zak ben jij vervolgens in staat om met kennis en creativiteit in te spelen op zin- en levensvragen van anderen.De master is beroepsgericht en heeft een open, kritische en wetenschappelijke benadering van het werkveld van de geestelijke verzorging. De opleiding is geaccrediteerd door de SKGV (Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Geestelijke Verzorgers), en kan ook in deeltijd worden gevolgd.Deze opleiding in Groningen is niet gebonden aan één specifieke religie of levensbeschouwing. Als je wilt gaan werken met een ambtelijke binding aan een levensbeschouwelijk genootschap, dan heb je aanvullende scholing nodig.

More information about this option

Religion, Conflict and Globalization (track)

How are religion, conflict and peace related? How does globalization affect local religious traditions? How do religious and secular parties interact in debates on conflict, migration and gender?

Religion is involved in many of the major conflicts that the world is currently facing, and at various levels. At the same time, religion is also an essential part of people's lives, and has become an important basis for solidarity between people all over the world.Despite the importance of religion in society and politics, NGOs, governments and journalists alike often have misguided understandings of the role of religion in the modern world, and the meaning that it holds for various peoples, relying on simplistic and outdated assumptions. This can contribute to disagreements, tensions and misunderstandings, with potentially serious consequences.Within this MA-track, you will study the key role of religion in the dynamics of globalization, and how this relates to conflicts shaping contemporary societies. You will delve into understanding how conflicts and peacebuilding are intertwined with religious interests, practices and diverse identities. The programme is interdisciplinary and comprehensive; including political, social, psychological, cultural and legal dimensions.During the programme, you can specialise in themes such as conflict and peacebuilding, migration and gender.

More information about this option

Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern (track)

Since time immemorial, there has been a tension between 'us' and 'them'. Which role did in- and exclusion play in antiquity? What are the boundaries of tolerance in societies, in past and present?

In Europe, this tension is strongly felt in relations between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Partly due to present migration from Islamic countries, questions of political identity and 'belonging' are still strongly linked to religious persuasion. This MA-track focuses on the (internal) diversity, existence and coexistence of the three major monotheistic religions, and how these relationships have shaped our contemporary societies. You will explore the impact of religious diversity on social identity formation in the Graeco-Roman and late antique periods, and analyse the role of tolerance and acceptance, of rejection and exclusion in their mutual relationships during the last two millennia.You will focus on a historical and philological analysis of the textual sources documenting the contacts among these religious traditions, by approaching them from different angles and with diverse methods: archaeology, codicology, paleography, epigraphy, textual analysis and interpretation.This track is unique due to both the interdisciplinary study of ancient Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, and the possibility of combining with a modern specialization (see programme below).

More information about this option

Heritage and Religion (track)

How can museums deal with collections from colonial pasts? What is the significance of religious heritage in a secular society? And how is heritage be used by minorities to protect their traditions?

Heritage has become a significant topic in contemporary debates. In the coming years, many religious buildings will lose their original function. National and European budgets are dedicating millions of euros to the development of plans to address religious heritage buildings, and their re-use. Tourism and pilgrimage to religious objects, sites, and festivals are booming, which raises questions about sustainability and impact. At the same time, large-scale migration and secularization are changing the religious identities of communities, and the way they perceive the past. The demands of preservation of at risk material and immaterial heritage in the face of war, displacement, population shifts, and climate change are great. How are preservation concerns balanced with available resources, and conflicting interests? This is a unique interdisciplinary track at the interface of religion, identity, history, politics, and heritage studies. It challenges you to contribute your own voice and position to these debates. And during your placement, you will be able to apply your critical and analytical skills to current challenges and developments facing the heritage sector nowadays.

More information about this option

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional
  • For an average of 20 weeks
  • Maximum of 30 EC

We have various exchange contracts with universities both inside and outside Europe, enabling students to follow part of their degree programme at a foreign university. Another option is to take an internship or to do part of the research work abroad. For an overview of our exchange partners, see:

Entry requirements

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
Arabic Language and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Arts and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

History (part-time)All Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Classics (part-time)All Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Hebrew Language and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Islam en ArabischAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Middle Eastern StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Ancient Near Eastern StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Ancient CulturesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Religious StudiesAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
SociologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

TheologyAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Study programmeOrganizationTransition
TheologyUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements
Liberal Arts and SciencesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

Een overzicht van de vakken uit de gevolgde Bacheloropleiding met een toelichting op deze vakken. Afhankelijk van de gevolgde opleiding en vakken wordt een leeslijst verstrekt ter bestudering. De kennis uit de leeslijst wordt voorondersteld bij aanvang van de opleiding.

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor's degree in Theology, Religious Studies, Arts (e.g. International Organizations, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy), Political Sciences or Social Sciences (e.g. Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology). Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature. Students with another bachelor's degree may be admitted via a premaster's programme.

grade list

An overview of the courses from the bachelor's programme followed with an explanation of these courses.

language test

An English language test for Dutch students is only required if you do not have a VWO-diploma. TOEFL: 90 internet; IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 on each part). Exemption granted if:

  • You are a native speaker of, and have completed your full secondary level education in: the USA, Canada (only when taught in English), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
  • You have completed a full-time Bachelor programme (nominal duration of at least three years) in: the USA, Canada (only when English taught), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.

If English was the medium of instruction during your previous education, but you do not meet any of the above mentioned requirements, you are still required to provide proof of your English language proficiency.

Registration procedure

International students and Dutch students with non-Dutch qualifications are not automatically admitted to a Master's degree programme at the University of Groningen. The full registration procedure will take longer than for Dutch students with regular Dutch qualifications and consists of three steps: application, admission and registration.

  • After you submit your application in Studielink, you will receive a message from Studielink stating that the University of Groningen (UG) has to verify your educational background through the Progress Portal. You will receive a separate email with your login details (make sure to also check your spam folder).
  • Check the application guide for international students for more information about the admissions procedure.
  • Students with a Dutch bachelor's degree send all the documentation by mail to

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor's degree in Theology, Religious Studies, Arts (e.g. International Organizations, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy), Political Sciences or Social Sciences (e.g. Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology). Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature. Students with another bachelor's degree may be admitted via a premaster's programme.

grade list

An overview of the courses from the bachelor's programme followed with an explanation of these courses.

language test

TOEFL: 90 internet; IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 on each part) Exemption granted if:

  • You are a native speaker of, and have completed your full secondary level education in: the USA, Canada (only when taught in English), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
  • You have completed a full-time Bachelor programme (nominal duration of at least three years) in: the USA, Canada (only when English taught), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.

If English was the medium of instruction during your previous education, but you do not meet any of the above mentioned requirements, you are still required to provide proof of your English language proficiency.

Language requirements

ExamMinimum score
IELTS overall band6.5
IELTS listening6
IELTS reading6
IELTS writing6
IELTS speaking6
TOEFL internet based90

Registration procedure

International students and Dutch students with non-Dutch qualifications are not automatically admitted to a Master's degree programme at the University of Groningen. The full registration procedure will take longer than for Dutch students with regular Dutch qualifications and consists of three steps: application, admission and registration.

  • After you submit your application in Studielink, you will receive a message from Studielink stating that the University of Groningen (UG) has to verify your educational background through the Progress Portal. You will receive a separate email with your login details (make sure to also check your spam folder).
  • Check the application guide for international students for more information about the admissions procedure.
  • Students with a Dutch bachelor's degree send all the documentation by mail to

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
Tuition fees
NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 18700full-time

Talent Grant available for non-EU students.

All applicants with a non-Dutch qualification will have to pay an application fee.

Practical information for:

After your studies

If you want to become a teacher of religion in secondary education you can additionally follow the Educational Master's programme. If you want to pursue an academic career, you can follow one of the tracks track as a specialization within the Research Master's programme.

Job prospects

With a degree in Theology and Religious Studies, you can work as an advisor or policymaker. You can find a job in the media and in journalism, or enter the field of education. You can also pursue a research career at a university or research institution. As a spiritual caregiver you can work in care facilities.

Check our alumni page to find out where our alumni ended up after graduating.



The programme directly benefits from cutting-edge research carried out within the three departments of the faculty:

  • Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins. The research and teaching carried out in this department focuses on the formative stages of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Your lecturers study their dynamic interrelationship in the context of ancient Near Eastern, Graeco-Roman and late antique cultures.
  • Comparative Study of Religion. In this department, religion is addressed in all its forms and appearances. Historians, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists are working together to critically investigate religion as a cultural factor that is so influential in the modern world. Of particular importance for the research and teaching in this department is the critical analysis of constructions of “Eastern” and “Western” forms of religion.
  • Christianity and the History of Ideas. The scholars in this department focus on the impact of the Christian intellectual tradition in the past as well as the possibilities of a rapprochement of religion and the secular in our time.

The course units are taught by internationally recognized scholars. They will provide you with an up-to-date overview of the state of the art of the subjects you are studying, often drawing on their own research.

Research Centres and activities

Much of the research connects with the activities of:

These centres and research groups regularly invite speakers and organise events where students, PhD students and staff engage in lively discussions.

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact
masteravondMore information
Master's Weekdiverse locatiesMore information


  • ambassadors (our student ambassadors are happy to tell you more about the various MA programmes)
    Email: prospectives.rcs
  • Kees van den Ende MA (study advisor)
    Email: studyadvice.rcs
    Telephone: 050-363 9382
  • Drs. Thea de Boer (study advisor)
    Email: studyadvice.rcs
    Telephone: 050-363 5581
						Testimonial of Thomas Ansell (United Kingdom) / MA track: Religion, Conflict and Globalization

    Sophisticated academic analysis made diverting and fun.

    – Thomas Ansell (United Kingdom) / MA track: Religion, Conflict and Globalization
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    I read Theology at the University of Durham in the UK for my Undergraduate Degree and following two years of working in the media industry in London I decided that I wanted to know more about the interplay of religious belief, modernity and theories of conflict- which has led me to study Religion, Conflict and Globalization here at the University of Groningen.

    Religious choices and religious thinking are so close to the hearts of many millions of people around the world and religion’s interaction with modernity and secularism has formed the basis and breeding ground for many of the challenges faced by governments, international organisations and policymakers around the world. Religion is a very fluid concept, which almost always adapts to its contextual situation and so being taught its role within diverse modern societies and in relation to theories of conflict, intersectionality, culture and peacemaking is incredibly important when hoping to develop a better understanding of the world.

    The course is multi-faceted, drawing in influences from the social sciences, religious studies and political theory (and much, much more!). The course designers have worked incredibly hard to ensure that all the readings for classes are relevant, interesting and appropriate to the topic. Most pertinently, academic theories are applied to real-world case studies and many of the teaching staff in the department are leading experts in applying theory to practice. The Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society at UG has a brilliant teaching style, where independent study is encouraged but expert advice and support is only a short e-mail, coffee or chat away!

    Religion, Conflict and Globalization has a diverse range of focus topics; I chose ‘Religion, Violence and Conflict Transformation’ and have really enjoyed the mixture of topics - having had tasters of the other focusses (migration and gender) I can quite happily state that all of the focusses are equally interesting and well-taught.

    The University has a focus on the real-world application of your degree programme and part of that is and internship. I hope to undertake my internship within Groningen and work with one of the Non-Governmental Organisations that have clustered around the exceptional university.

    As a place to live and study in, Groningen is unmatched. It is vibrant, everyone is very friendly and there is a vast array of things to see and do. There is a festival, or university-led event nearly every weekend and I hope to extend my time in Groningen further than my one-year programme. I cannot recommend my course highly enough to anyone who would like to gain a more sophisticated understanding of our highly interconnected world, develop their thoughts on religion in the public domain and experience life at a renowned university in a beautiful city.

						Testimonial of Vera Mijnheer (The Netherlands) / MA track: Heritage and Religion

    A good foundation that certainly helps me in my work.

    – Vera Mijnheer (The Netherlands) / MA track: Heritage and Religion
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    Before I followed the master's degree in Heritage and Religion, I did the bachelor's degree in Social Geography and Planning at the University of Groningen. The master appealed to me because it was a perfect combination of many of my interests: the built environment, culture, history and of course religion. It turned out to be a very good choice!

    As part of the master's degree, I was also able to do an internship at the Province of Groningen. I spent six months there with the Heritage, Spatial Quality and Landscape (Erfgoed, Ruimtelijke kwaliteit en Landschap) team, but mainly conducted my own research into Church Visions (Kerkenvisies) in Groningen. Church visions are part of a national programme (The Future of Religious Heritage/ Toekomst Religieus Erfgoed) of the Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed). At the time of my internship there were hardly any Groningen municipalities that were going to adopt a church vision. The province was curious why this was, so I looked for an answer during my internship by conducting interviews.

    Ultimately, through the contacts I made during my internship, I came to my current job: drawing up a church vision for and at the Westerkwartier municipality. Because of my internship, my thesis and of course the courses from the master, I was well aware of how a church vision works and which dynamics play around (religious) heritage. This combination has ensured that I have received a good foundation that certainly helps me in my work. It is also just great fun to see the topics that emerged in the master's in practice.
						Testimonial of Arturo Diaz Guttierez Barriga (Mexico) / MA track: Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern

    One of my interests in religions is how they help in the formation of identities.

    – Arturo Diaz Guttierez Barriga (Mexico) / MA track: Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern
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    I chose the program at the University of Groningen for two reasons: The historical and social approach that the program has (other universities have a more theological approach), and the opportunity of studying the three monotheistic religions (other programs are focused on Christianity or Islam). Also, I like the courses on texts studies.

    My master’s thesis is about the split between Jews and Samaritans. Both religious communities share several beliefs, texts, practices, origins, and yet they are not the same. I chose this topic because one of my interests in religions is how they help in the formation of identities. For my internship, I will work at a historical research agency concentrating on museum design and exhibitions. They are currently working on the exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Groningen, and I will help with research. I will be a comparative study on several Jewish museums based in synagogues and how the religious aspect of the building might influence its use for cultural activities.

    I did my bachelor's in History at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana in Mexico City, and besides the cultural shock and the evident differences regarding the weather, living in Groningen has been a marvelous experience. The international environment in such a small city and its student essence makes studying at Groningen a great experience.

    After graduation, I would like to do research and teach at a university. The field of Religious Studies in Mexico is far from being developed and accepted at the universities. I want to help this to change. Also, as a former worker at a Research and Documentary Center of the Jewish Community, which also organizes cultural events, I want to collaborate on the planning of courses and activities for promoting an inter-religious society.

						Testimonial of Melissa Dales (The Netherlands) / MA track: Geestelijke Verzorging

    Breed inzetbaar als het gaat om zingeving en levensbeschouwing.

    – Melissa Dales (The Netherlands) / MA track: Geestelijke Verzorging
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    Na mijn master Geestelijke Verzorging, heb ik gewerkt bij het UMCG en als hoofdbegeleider bij een organisatie dat logeerweken faciliteert voor kinderen en jongeren met gedragsproblematiek.

    Op dit moment werk ik twee dagen als geestelijk verzorger bij Talant, een zorgorganisatie in Friesland dat zorg biedt voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. In deze functie kan ik er voor mensen zijn die, om wat voor reden dan ook, net niet in de alledaagse Nederlandse samenleving passen. Ik ervaar daarbij echtheid in contact en ik word in ieder gesprek positief verrast door de eerlijkheid en openheid van mensen. Naast cliëntgesprekken, zijn er tussendoor ook groepsmomenten en moreel beraden. Zo nu en dan horen thema-avonden ook bij mijn takenpakket.

    Daarnaast werk ik twee dagen bij Geestelijke Verzorging Aardbevingsgebied Groningen (GVA). Deze rol is uitdagend op een andere manier, het is een nieuwe organisatie waarbij ik zelf deel uit maak van de opzetfase. De aardbevingsproblematiek gaat mij zeer aan het hart. En dat ik mijn expertise mag inzetten voor het gebied waar ik zelf vandaan kom, voelt als een bijzondere kans. Ik draag bij aan het ontwikkelen van een training rond het signaleren en bespreken van levensvragen. Deze opdracht maakt dat ik veel afspraken heb met zorgprofessionals in de provincie, waardoor ik ook veel onderweg ben.

    De oefeningen in gesprekstechnieken en groepsdynamica tijdens mijn master ervaar ik als zeer waardevol, voor mijn eigen ontwikkeling en als voorbereiding op allerlei sociale situaties die je in het vak gaat tegenkomen. En door religie te zien als onderdeel van cultuur en het levensverhaal van mensen, ben ik breed inzetbaar als het gaat om zingeving en levensbeschouwing.

    Foto: Jan Willem van Vliet ©
						Testimonial of Judith Deliën (The Netherlands) / MA track: Werk en Zingeving

    Veel herkenning vanuit de praktijk.

    – Judith Deliën (The Netherlands) / MA track: Werk en Zingeving
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    Ik heb mij georiënteerd op vier universiteiten. Ik heb heel bewust gekozen voor Groningen omdat het accent hier op de praktijk ligt. Na de premaster Geestelijke Verzorging, ben ik dit studiejaar aan de master Werk en Zingeving begonnen. Ik opereer nu eenmaal het liefst binnen het bedrijfsleven.

    Als 51-jarige heb ik al een lange carrière achter de rug, binnen mijn studie Werk en Zingeving is er dan ook veel herkenning vanuit de praktijk, maar ik leer ook veel nieuwe zaken. Met name op het gebied van filosofie en ethiek. Deze vakken zijn echt een verrijking voor mij. Ik kan nu makkelijker woorden geven aan de praktijk en deze theoretisch onderbouwen. Precies wat ik nodig heb om een betere strategisch sparringpartner te worden, hetgeen mijn leerdoel is.

    Mijn grootste uitdaging is de wetenschappelijke benadering. Ik ervaar inmiddels de schoonheid van twijfel, maar moest mezelf echt aanleren minder stellig te zijn. Zowel in woord als in schrift. De absolute waarheid bestaat nauwelijks: zaken van meerdere kanten bekijken en in het juiste perspectief plaatsen, maak ik me steeds beter eigen. In hoeverre ik de wetenschappelijke benadering in de vingers heb, zal binnenkort blijken als ik mijn masterscriptie ga schrijven over de rol van zingeving bij het behoud van talentvolle medewerkers. Bij een accountants en adviseurs bureau mag ik zowel stage lopen als mijn casestudy voor mijn thesis uitvoeren. Tot nu toe ben ik voor alle vakken in één keer geslaagd, ik ben dan ook supertrots als ik mijn mastertitel komende zomer in de wacht weet te slepen. Daarna pak ik mijn ondernemerschap weer actief op en wel als adviseur en begeleider Verlies, Werk en Zingeving.

Pre-master's programme

If you do not have a bachelor's degree in either the Humanities, Arts or Behavioural and Social Sciences, you will probably first need to complete a pre-master's programme before you can enter this master's programme. Below, you will find the complete programme. There are various electives from which you can choose, depending on your preferred specialization within the master's programme.

1st semester (30 ECTS)

2nd semester (30 ECTS)

If you have followed minor courses in Theology or Religious Studies, it might be possible to follow a shorter premaster's programme. Please contact our studentadvisors to see what the options are.

For the pre-master's programme, you will pay a so called compensation in stead of regular tuition fees. This compensation is the same for both EU and non-EU students.

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Study associations

Gerardus van der Leeuw

Gerardus van der Leeuw is the study association of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society at the University of Groningen.
Besides broadening activities (for example, lectures or career events) for both the Religious Studies and Theology programs, they organize relaxing activities such as get-togethers and trips abroad.
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Study support

Master's students are expected to show a large degree of independence. If necessary you can make use of various forms of study supervision and study support. For example, you can contact a mentor or your study advisor. While writing your thesis, you will receive personal supervision from one of the lecturers.

Immediately after arrival, students who gained their Bachelor's degree at a different faculty or university as well as international students will be allocated a mentor who will help them get to know the Faculty. You can also go to the study advisor if you have doubts about your abilities or for whatever reason run the risk of study delay. You will receive intensive supervision while writing your thesis. The Master's programme includes a thesis seminar, where attention is paid to how to tackle writing a Master's thesis, and where the progress of the process is monitored closely. You will also receive structural supervision from the lecturer who is the specialist in the field of your thesis.