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About us Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society Our education Master's

Pre-master and exemptions

If you do not have a bachelor's degree in either the Humanities, Arts or Behavioural and Social Sciences, you probably need to complete a pre-master's programme of 60 ECTS first before you can enter one of the English taught tracks of the one-year master's programme in Theology and Religious Studies.

However, there are also exemptions. You can read more about that below, see the section 'Exemptions'.

For the Dutch taught track Spiritual Care (Geestelijke Verzorging) also applies a pre-master programme, generally speaking. You can read more about the details - and the exemptions - below.

Pre-master's programme

There are several electives you can choose from, depending on the track of your choice. Below, you will find the complete programme for the English taught master's tracks.

1st semester (30 ECTS)

2nd semester (30 ECTS)

Please contact our student advisors to see what the options are.

RCG = Religion, Conflict and Globalization
HR =
Heritage and Religion
RP = Religion and Pluralism, Ancient and Modern

For the pre-master's programme, you will pay a so called compensation in stead of regular tuition fees. This compensation is the same for both EU and non-EU students.

Pre-master Spiritual Care (Dutch)

For the Dutch taught specialization in Spiritual Care (Geestelijke Verzorging), you need to follow a specific pre-master's programme. Even if you have completed a BA degree in Theology or Religious Studies, unless you have done the Minor in Spiritual Care in your BA programme.

More information can be found on the programme page of Spiritual Care (in Dutch).

For questions about this pre-master programme, please contact the study advisor.


Students who do not have a bachelor's degree in Arts, Humanities or Behavioural and Social Sciences may be exempted from the requirement to complete the pre-master programme, and can still have direct acces to the English taught master's tracks, if they have:

Completed a Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society university minor of 30 ECTS, that is:


Can demonstrate completion of 30 ECTS worth of subjects in their previous degree programme that have introduced them to the following disciplines:

Students who have completed a bachelor's degree at HBO level are still required to complete the one-year pre-master programme.

For questions about your admissibility, please contact our study advisors.

Application in Studielink

For the pre-master's programme for the English taught master's tracks, you apply in Studielink for the premaster's programme of the BA in Religious Studies.

For the pre-master's programme for the Dutch taught track in Spiritual Care, you apply in Studielink for the pre-master's programme of the BA in Theology.

Last modified:06 February 2025 2.14 p.m.
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