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Education Bachelor's degree programmes History
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Have you ever thought about what connects the past with the present? And would you like to learn more about the background to various historic events? If so, this is your programme!

As a student in the international track of the Bachelor's degree programme in History, you search for explanations of events that took place in the past and are still relevant today. You learn about the connections between various developments, and you're encouraged to dig deeper and ask critical questions.

The programme takes three years. In the first year, you are given an overview of history from Antiquity to the present day, and you study Dutch history. In the second year, you examine history on the basis of various themes, such as economic and social history, political culture and cultural history. The third year, which includes a course unit on the theory of history, is used to deepen your knowledge. Your Bachelor's programme is rounded off with a thesis. As a history student, you are free to compile part of the programme yourself.

You can study for a Bachelor's degree in History on a full-time or a part-time basis, but there is no specific part-time programme. All classes in the international track of the History programme are in English.

Want to know more? Click for the short information video of the History programme.

Facts & Figures
BA in History
Course type
36 months (180 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
English, Dutch
Studie in Cijfers
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Why study this programme in Groningen?
  • Our programme teaches you to write about history, to conduct independent research and to apply historical knowledge and theory in practice
  • We introduce you to social, economic, political and cultural history, as well as regional & global history
- We offer many choices because of our teachers' broad expertise in regions, approaches and themes. From Ancient to Contemporary History
- We are a large department, but we offer small-scale teaching in which you quickly get to know staff & students

In the first year, chronological course units cover the most important events and developments from Antiquity down to the present day. You will also work on your academic research and writing skills and learn about historical sources and the theories behind the study of history. In short, the first year is very diverse and gives you a solid basis for the rest of the programme.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Ancient History (5 EC)
Globalisation: Economic & Social History (5 EC)
Historical Research I: Introduction (5 EC)
Contemporary History (5 EC)
Historical Research II: Skills (5 EC)
Medieval History (5 EC)
Dutch History (5 EC)
Early Modern History (5 EC)
Historical Research III: Historical Debate (5 EC)
Historical Research IV: Sources (5 EC)
Modern History (5 EC)
Regions I: Introduction (5 EC)

After studying history in a chronological order in the first year, the second year teaches you to approach history from a thematic perspective. You will learn about three 'types' of history, each with its own emphasis and theory: cultural history, history of political culture, and economic and social history.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Sources and Methods (5 EC)
Theme Political History (10 EC)

Students attend lectures on key theories and concepts in Political History. You can also choose from working lecture groups with different topics. Examples of this year's topics are: 'Building politics: politics and architecture in twentieth-century Europe', 'Ancient Athenian Democracy and its Legacy' and 'A Political History of the French Revolution'.

Theme Cultural History (10 EC)

Students attend lectures on key theories and concepts in cultural history. You can also choose from working lecture groups with different topics. Examples of this year's topics are: '(Historical) Virtual Communities', 'Sex in early modern Europe' and 'Experiencing and representing the body in Greek and Roman'.

Theory 1: Perspectives on History (5 EC)
Regions II: Historiography (5 EC)
Theme Economic and Social History (10 EC)

Students attend lectures on key theories and concepts in Economic and Social History. You can also choose from working lecture groups with different topics. Examples of this year's topics are: 'The Great Divergence: Why Europe Grew Rich And India Did Not', 'Population and development in historical comparative perspective' and 'Social History of 20th Century Europe: a Comparative Perspective'.

Research Seminar (10 EC)

The students take one research seminar of their choice within the three themes: cultural history, political history and economic & social history

Theory II: History of World History (5 EC)

In the third year you will address one of these themes in more detail. The core module forms the heart of this third year. A core module is a seminar in which you acquire content-related information and research skills by studying literature and source material. This results in an independent research project with a presentation and a long paper. Your Bachelor's phase concludes with a thesis and possibly a placement.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Minor (30 EC)
Theorie III: Theory of History in Practice (5 EC)
BA Thesis History (10 EC)
Regions III: Case Studies (10 EC)
Workshop Public History (5 EC)
Programme options
Minors (minor)

The fifth semester of your studies is dedicated to your Minor: a coherent set of future-oriented course units. It prepares you for a follow-on Master's degree program or for entering the labour market. You can opt for a Career Minor, a Minor abroad, a University Minor or a Faculty Minor.

More information about this option

University of Groningen Honours College (honours program)

The Honours College will give talented, motivated students the chance to be challenged even more by following Honours programmes and taking part in numerous other activities.

The Honours College comprises a broadening part and a deepening part and has a study load of 30 ECTS credit points besides the 180 ECTS credit points from your regular Bachelor programme.

More information about this option

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is recommended
  • For an average of 16 weeks
  • Maximum of 30 EC

Options for study abroad include amongst others: Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the UK, Russia, Southern Europe, USA, several countries in Asia and South Africa.

Entry requirements

Admissible Dutch diploma profiles

  • VWO Natuur & Techniek

    Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.

  • VWO Natuur & Gezondheid

    Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.

  • VWO Economie & Maatschappij

    Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.

  • VWO Cultuur & Maatschappij

    Met het VWO examen Engels voldoe je aan de taaleis.

  • HBO propedeuse

    Taaleis Engels: minimum TOEFL eis iBT 90 (met een minimum van 21 voor alle onderdelen), of IELTS 6.5 (met een minimum van 6 voor alle onderdelen). Cambridge C1 Advanced of C2 Proficiency met een minimum score van 180. Klik op de link voor meer informatie:

Choice of degree programme check

The degree programme will organize a matching procedure. Attendance is optional. The advice is not binding.

Explanatory notes

The Faculty of Arts believes students can decide for themselves whether they match with their chosen programme based on the available bachelor programme information, by visiting the Open Days, and by participating in a Webclass and/ or Student for a Day. If you are unable to attend one of these activities, a final opportunity for matching is to contact one of the students of the programme in June.

If you have any further questions about matching, check out:

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025

Choice of degree programme check

The Faculty of Arts believes students can decide for themselves whether they match with their chosen programme based on the available bachelor programme information, by visiting the Open Days, and by participating in a Webclass and/ or Student for a Day. If you are unable to attend one of these activities, a final opportunity for matching is to contact one of the students of the programme in June.

If you have any further questions about matching, check out:

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

A Dutch VWO diploma, a German Abitur, an International Baccalaureate diploma, a European Baccalaureate or another diploma that is sufficient for acceptance to a Dutch university. For other VWO-equivalent qualifications, see: Students with a Dutch 'hbo-propedeuse' diploma also need to meet the language requirements mentioned below.

other admission requirements

Additional requirements English: Minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 90 (with a minimum of 21 on all items), or IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a minimum score of 180.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
Tuition fees
NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 13100full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

If you want to continue with a Master's degree programme after your graduation, as most students do, you will have a wide range of programmes to choose from. With a Bachelor's degree in History, you have access to the following Master's tracks at the University of Groningen:

Job prospects

After completing your degree in History, you will be able to think critically, with a focus on problems. You will also be able to process large amounts of information and present the results clearly. Historians often find work in journalism and in museums, cultural institutions or publishing houses. Many of them go into politics, the government or business.

Job examples

  • Government policy officer
  • Spokesperson for a mayor
  • Exhibition organizer
  • Journalist
  • Reseacher
  • Lecturer or teacher

Teaching and research are closely interwoven at university. All professors and most of the lecturers who teach your course units are also conducting research in their own subject fields. This means that your classes will be partly based on the Faculty’s current research. Learn more about the research within the department of History.

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Er is veel ruimte om jezelf te specialiseren in jouw favoriete onderwerp/ tijdvak

Hey! Mijn naam is Maikel Troost en ik studeer geschiedenis aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Ik ben dit studiejaar met veel plezier begonnen aan mijn derde jaar. Naast de studie ben ik lid van de studievereniging Ubbo Emmius, werk ik als kok en voetbal ik.

Waarom Geschiedenis?

Ik heb gekozen voor de studie geschiedenis aan de RUG omdat je een brede kennis van de geschiedenis ontwikkelt en omdat er tegelijkertijd veel ruimte is om jezelf te specialiseren in jouw favoriete onderwerp/tijdvak. Hiernaast doe je veel onderzoeksvaardigheden op die je tijdens je gehele loopbaan zullen helpen.

Als historicus in wording kom je veel in aanraking met politieke onderwerpen. Dat is iets wat ik persoonlijk erg leuk vind aan de studie geschiedenis.

Lees hier meer over Maikel en waarom hij koos voor een studie Geschiedenis in Groningen.

Vragen? Stuur Maikel een e-mail!

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You can take the same exact event and write thousands of different essays from all kinds of perspectives

Hi my name is Madison (but you can just call me Maddie)! I just started my third year of my Bachelor's degree. I am all the way from Indiana in the U.S. and I came here to study History (in the International track of course). I am very involved in the study association for History, Ubbo Emmius, and I do various martial arts in Groningen. I enjoy cooking with my friends and exploring all the fun things the Netherlands has to offer.

Why History?

I find history fascinating because everyone sees things in a different way in history so you can take the same exact event and write thousands of different essays from all kinds of perspectives and all of those essays could be true at the same time. Learning about history (and why we remember what we do) can tell us so much about our current society. Nothing in the past is preserved by accident, everything is kept, or erased, for a reason.

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History has always interested me as a subject because so much of the world around us can only be fully understood by examining what has lead up to the present moment.

Hi! My name is Ayşe Rana Özsan, I'm 22 years old and I have just begun my third year of the History programme here at the University of Groningen. I came here all the way from Canada and, predictably, I'm in the international track of this programme. I'm an active member of our study association Ubbo Emmius and participate in several committees within the university.

Besides my involvement in the university itself, I enjoy spending time with my friends, learning languages, and travelling as much as I possibly can. That, and befriending the many stray cats wandering about Groningen.

Why History?

History has always interested me as a subject, because so much of the world around us can only be fully understood when examining the past. I had many other interests before starting university and, in fact, majored in business in 2018. However, when I realized my favourite courses were two electives in History, I knew that changing my programme was the right choice for me.

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Het is een ontzettend veelzijdige studie waar je je creativiteit vaak goed in kwijt kan!

Hoi! Mijn naam is Bibi Koekkoek, ik ben 23 jaar oud en rond momenteel mijn studie Geschiedenis af. Ik ben actief bij de studievereniging GHD Ubbo Emmius en heb net mijn bestuursjaar achter de rug. Naast studeren en de studievereniging vind ik het ontzettend leuk om te tennissen, muziek te luisteren en af en toe creatief aan de slag te gaan door te tekenen of te schilderen. Dat ik dit jaar studentambassadeur ben, vind ik een erg leuke toevoeging aan dit lijstje!.

Waarom Geschiedenis?

Wanneer ik vroeger naar de bibliotheek ging, kwam ik niet alleen thuis met fictieve boeken, maar nam ik ook informatieve boeken mee over geschiedenis. Wat mij toen vooral ontzettend fascineerde was Egyptologie. De jaren daarop is mijn interesse in geschiedenis alleen maar toegenomen. Het is een ontzettend veelzijdige studie waar je je creativiteit vaak goed in kwijt kan! Ondanks dat ik ontzettend getwijfeld heb over wat ik wou studeren, heb ik bij Geschiedenis altijd een goed gevoel gehad. Behalve het feit dat ik geschiedenis ontzettend leuk vind, wist ik ook nog niet (en nog steeds niet helemaal), wat ik in de toekomst wilde doen. Dat vind ik een van de mooie dingen van de studie Geschiedenis. Het is zo breed dat je je goed kan oriënteren en verschillende dingen kan proberen om erachter te komen wat goed bij jou past. Zelfs als je veel verschillende interesses buiten geschiedenis om hebt, valt dit ontzettend goed te combineren. Denk hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan Gender Studies, Internationale Betrekkingen of Filosofie.

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On the History programme you learn to view present and past problems from different perspectives.

History is a broad programme that you can tailor to your own interests. This freedom of choice is the reason that I decided to study History. My interest lies in contemporary history, and most of my course units are international in outlook. I don't think it's possible to understand contemporary problems without knowing their history. On the History programme you learn to view present and past problems from different perspectives.

Alongside my studies, I have served on a number of committees and served for a year on the board of the study association for History students. Not only was this great fun, it was also a great learning experience and of real benefit to my student career. In that period I acquired a number of skills that will be most valuable in my future career. In the History programme there are numerous opportunities to further challenge yourself. You can follow a minor of your interest or do a placement. I am going to study in Mexico for six months. As long as you make an effort, you will have loads of opportunities.

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Genuinely curious

History was one of my favourite subjects in secondary school. It suited me perfectly because it was so wide-ranging. I like to try a bit of everything, which is why I decided to study History. I was 18 when I left Enschede for Groningen, because the University of Groningen offered a degree programme in Journalism. In the end I decided to stick with History, although I did follow as many electives as I could on photography, film and television.

The most important thing I learned in my studies that I still use today is the ability to select core issues. As a reporter with the ‘Jackals’, I try to find current, moving and funny stories. I am always looking for news. Genuine curiosity, that is what all History students have in common. To prospective students I would like to say: When choosing your degree programme, get to know yourself first! Ask yourself what you enjoy most!

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Pupils in pre-university education who are keen to find out what university is all about can follow a web class in History. A web class is an online course offered by the University of Groningen for pupils in the 5th and 6th years of pre-university education. The course involves ten study hours, which serve as an introduction to History. You read texts, do assignments and hold discussions with other prospective students and a lecturer.

If you are interested, sign up for the web class.

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Study associations

Ubbo Emmius

Ubbo Emmius is the study association of the History department at the University of Groningen.
The association organizes a broad set of activities year-round. These can vary from social, study related, career or even activities that focus on all together. Not only this, but you can also get a nice discount on all your study books if you order them through us. The organization of the activities lies, for the main part, with the 17 committees that Ubbo has. There is for example the Career Committee, the Party Committee, the Travel Committee and the list goes on. All in all being a member of Ubbo is a great addition to your time as a student! For a full overview of who we are and what we do, you can take a look on our website or social media.
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Student profile

You are interested in the past and the present and you're a bookworm with a wide range of interests and a passion for writing. In addition, you are ambitious, critical and determined, with lots of self-discipline. If you can identify with this, then History is the programme you're looking for!

(Binding) study advice
  • A minimum of 45 EC in the first 12 months (binding)

You will be offered study advice after the first year of study. You can expect a positive result if you have earned more than 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative result, you will not be allowed to continue with your degree programme.

You will receive preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you stand. Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the BSA system. N.B. Some degree programmes use a tutoring system; please check with your study advisor.

Study support

The transition from high school to college comes with many changes. That is why you receive additional guidance during your freshman year.

A mentoring system is meant to ease your transition. Your mentor will teach you how to study effectively and how to make smart choices. You can also make an appointment with the study advisor. He can answer your questions about selecting coursework and other things. Everything you discuss with him is confidential. In case of complex problems, he can also refer you to the 'student deans' or the classes offered by Study Support.

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