Programmes, Course units & Tutoring
Programmes and tracks
- Which programmes does the Faculty of Law offer?
- Studying Law after HBO or a non-law WO degree
- Studying in parttime mode
- More than one LLB track
- More than one track within Dutch law
- Access to the bar after the LLB International and European Law / 'Civiel Effect'
- Open Degree Bachelor programme
- Open Degree Master programme
- Honours College
- Programme Master Dutch Law, specialisation Private Law
Course units
Courses from other faculties & minors
Study advisers
The study advisers for all English-taught programmes are part of the Faculty’s International Office. The study advisers can help you with any questions which have a (possible) relation with or have consequences for your study programme.
Next to advising about your study programme, the study advisers can also arrange for the Faculty to possibly take personal situations (e.g. illness or other special circumstances) into consideration. The study advisers can also be a guide to finding other organs within the University. The study adviser also would like to think along with you when it comes to study planning and additions to your programme (e.g. extracurricular activities).The study adviser can help you with
- Study choice & study progress;
- Questions about study planning and options in case of delay or extra course units (e.g. study abroad, extra courses or internships);
- Difficulties starting up/keep going when studying;
- Study skills
- Discuss the possibilities of extra facilities;
- Illness which can influence your studies;
- Mental problems;
- Personal circumstances, like divorce, deaths, illness in the family;
- ... and for any other questions which have a (possible) connection to your study programme.
Contact options study advisers
Please check the Law Knowledgebase, our digital Study Guide, first for the questions most frequently asked. If your question does not appear, please contact the study advisers of the International Office. You can do so by emailing them: LLB (LLB students), exchangelaw (incoming exchange students), and LLM (pre-LLM & LLM students).
Office hours
The International Office has two kinds of office hours:
- Walk-in office hours
- Office hours by appointment
Walk-in office hours
The study advisers of the International Office have walk-in office hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 am - 12 pm in room SA1 / 1217.0149. These office hours work on a first come, first served-basis.
The International Office study advisers
The International Office currently has 5 study advisers:
Ms E.V. (Emilia) Johnson, MA
Ms M. (Maaike) Kooijman, MSc
Ms S. (Sara) Penaguião-Houttuin, MAMs M. (Minke) Sijbrandij, MA
Any questions including questions about the Binding Study Advice can be posed to either of the study advisers.
All incoming exchange students can pose their question to Ms I.B. (Berenice) Domìnguez Armenta.Last update: 21-6-2024
Board of Examiners
The members of het Board of Examiners are appointed by the Faculty Board based on their expertise regarding the programme or group of programmes.
The Board of Examiners is the organ which in an objective and expert way determines if a student fulfils the requirements the Teaching and Examination Regulations set for knowledge, insight, and skills needed for obtaining a degree. It also watches over the quality of examinations and the final assessment.
Based on the Higher Education and Academic Research Act, the Executive Board should constitute a Board of Examiners for every programme or group of programmes it offers.
- Members of the Board of Examiners are appointed from the faculty responsible for the education in that (those) programme(s).
- The members of the Faculty’s Board of Examiners represent each programme or group of programmes.
- An external assessment expert has been appointed as external member of the Board of Examiners.
Authority of the Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners has authority with regard to administering examinations and with regard to the organisation and coordination of examinations.
The Board of Examiners has, amongst others, the following duties:
- ensures the quality of the examinations and the final assessment;
- checks via the course approval forms if the requirements of a final assessment is met;
- establish rules with regard to the correct course of events during the examinations and with regard to any measures to be taken in that context;
- has the authority to pass judgement on students who are suspected of fraud and to impose sanctions when fraud is determined;
- has the authority to extend the validity of examinations;
- can decide in special circumstances to have examinations be conducted in a different manner than determined by the Executive Board;
- can determine if an exemption for certain courses can be obtained based on previously taken and passed examinations or examinations in higher education, be it for knowledge or skills gained outside higher education.
Next to this, the Board of Examiners has other duties, which can be found in the Teaching and Examination Regulations, in the Examination Regulation and in the Aberrant Examination Regulation of the Faculty of Law.
Some of its duties have been mandated to the study advisers and the Official Secretary of the Board of Examiners.Contacting the Board of Examiners
You can file an individual request or complaints about (the procedure with regard to) examinations in writing to the Board of Examiners. Check if your request falls within the duties (see above) of the Board of Examiners.
You can contact the Board of Examiners by using this email address:BoE-Law
Or you can send a letter to the address below:
Board of Examiners
P.O. Box 716
9700 AS Groningen
the NetherlandsDo not agree with a decision?
If you do not agree with a decision of the Board of Examiners or the decision from an examiner (e.g. your grade), you can appeal that decision at the Board of Appeals for Examinations.
The Board of Appeals for Examinations will ask the Board of Examiners to hold a reconciliation meeting with you before they will actually start assessing the complaint.Period:
Please be aware: this appeal must be filed within six weeks after the official decision date.For more information, please check ‘complaint, objection and appeal’ in the Knowledgebase.
NB: This information is offered and maintained by SIA(Student Information & Administration). For questions and remarks, please contact them directly.Last update: 01-06-2024
Studying with extra facilities
The Faculty offers the possibility to students with an impairment to participate in examinations in a way that is geared towards their specific situation.
Such examination facilities are granted by the Board of Examiners and executed by either the departments responsible for a course or the Student Administration and Student Affairs Office.Proceduretemporary impairment
Is your impairment temporary, e.g. a broken wrist, please contact a study adviser of the International Office as soon as possible. Make sure to provide the study adviser with a recent expert statement (e.g. a doctor’s statement). Based on these documents, it can be assessed what kind of temporary facilities, e.g. the use of a laptop, can and should be arranged for. The study adviser will contact the Board of Examiners on your behalf with a possible request for temporary facilities.
You will then receive notification from the Board of Examiners about the possible allocation of the facility. This allocation is temporary.
Procedure non-temporary impairment
If you have a non-temporary impairment, please complete the information tool. Some circumstances can immediately be applied for via the information tool, for others you will have to make an appointment with a student counsellor first. Please complete this information tool first to find out which steps to take.
As soon as you have received the advice letter from the student counsellor, you can apply for extra facilities, using this application form. Please be aware: you will have to forward the advice letter from the student counsellors yourself to the Faculty. For privacy reasons these advice letters are not forwarded to the Faculty by the student counsellors.
The Board of Examiners will subsequently contact you about the possible allocation of facilities; if need be, you will be invited for a meeting. When allocating the facilities, it will be indicated whether the facilities are granted to you permanently or for a certain period of time. The facility therefore does not has to be applied for each examination period. You can find these specifications in the approval letter.
You are responsible for the timely application of the facility/facilities, handing in the expert statement(s), and the advice of the student counsellor. If the application is not done in time, it cannot be guaranteed that the facilities will be arranged for before the examination period. Please keep the following deadlines in mind:
For block 1: 27 September 2024
For block 2: 6 December 2024
For block 3: 28 February 2025
For block 4: 9 May 2025To do
1. Arrange for an advice letter by a student counsellor.Should you need facilities for a short period, this step can be skipped (e.g. arm in plaster). In some cases it will be necessary to make an appointment with a student counsellor, and in others your application can be taken care of digitally. The correct procedure can be found via
2. As soon as you have received the advice from the student counsellor or if you cannot produce an official advice before the deadlines mentioned above, you need to contact a study adviserof the International Office before the above mentioned deadline(s).You can contact the study advisers through LLB students) or LLM and LLM students). You need to include your advice letter from the student counsellor or – should you not have received that yet – a statement by a (medical) expert.
Taking exams
You will receive notification from the coordinator examination facilities a week before the start of the examination period at the latest. Should you not receive such mail, please contact
Organising examination facilities is very labour intensive. Should you therefore decide to not participate in an examination you registered for, you need to inform the secretariat of the department responsible for the course. If you take your exam in a separate room organised by OSA, please contact the department dealing with the facilities on the day of the exam at the latest (as specified in the approval letter by the Board of Examiners). If you take your exam in a room organised by OSA an dyou do not show up for the exam without informing the department, you will receive a warning. If this happens a second time, the exam facilities will be cancelled. Please take this into account!
Last update: 21-6-2024
Careers Services Law
Careers Services Law
Careers Services Law (CSL) is available for personal advice and supervision regarding internships and jobs. To this effect you can schedule a career planning meeting. They also organise workshops and information sessions, which can help you along in your career after your studies.
After all, your career does not only start áfter graduation, but already during your programme. This website will provide you with diverse information about your career perspectives and the way to get there. The Career Planner offers support in this. In addition, you can find information about internships, studying abroad, applying law in practice, competences and career events organised by the study associations.
All these possibilities offer you a chance to already start developing your competences and thus distinguish yourself on the labour market later.
Please check the Careers Services Law website for more information.
Student Portal, tabblad Career
In de Student Portal in the tab Career, you will find a database Gradleaders Career Center in which you can see all internships and jobs offered to our university and faculty. You also find the full offer of career events and workshops to improve your job-hunting skills. You can search in the system by using the student login and using the advanced search option to select your preferences.
Going Global
You can find a database called Going Global in Gradleaders Career Center. This database holds internships and jobs in several countries, including the Netherlands. It also provides you with guidelines on how to apply in several countries.
Get in contact!
If you have any questions regarding your (study)career, internship possibilities, doubts on your future career, please do not hesitate and contact csl
Last update: 21-6-2024
De Nationale Studenten Enquête (dutch only)
Wat is de NSE
Elk jaar, in januari, gaat de Nationale Studenten Enquête weer van start. Deze enquête is een van de mogelijkheden om feedback te geven op het onderwijs aan onze faculteit. Voor de faculteit is deze feedback erg belangrijk om verbeteringen door te kunnen voeren. We vertellen je graag wat we gedaan hebben en doen met de ontvangen feedback.
Zo is in eerdere enquêtes aangegeven dat:
meer aandacht willen voor het opdoen van vaardigheden voor de
Mede daarom hebben we het verplichte vak Recht in Praktijk opgenomen in onze masteropleidingen. Studenten kunnen deze ruimte gebruiken voor bijvoorbeeld een stage, advieswerk in een rechtswinkel of het meedoen aan pleitwedstrijden, masterclasses, etc. Daarnaast is dit jaar het Groninger Centrum voor Juridische Vaardigheden opgericht. Dit centrum ontwikkelt aanvullend onderwijsmateriaal gericht op het ondersteunen van studenten bij het verkrijgen en versterken van hun juridische vaardigheden.
de aansluiting met de beroepspraktijk voor verbetering vatbaar
Mede hierdoor worden er vanuit Careers Services Law veel carrière-evenementen georganiseerd zoals de Rechten Carrière Weken, BAANBREAKING en de Stagevoorlichting. Ook is een Learning Community voor stagelopers opgezet, kunnen individuele loopbaangesprekken plaatsvinden met de facultaire loopbaancoach en worden diverse gastcolleges gegeven door professionals vanuit de juridische beroepspraktijk.
de samenwerking met anderen willen versterken.
Dit is onder andere een punt van aandacht geworden in ons bachelor afsluitende project: de Studentenrechtbank. Peerfeedback, waarbij studenten met elkaar in gesprek gaan aan de hand van gedetailleerd commentaar over elkaars werk, is hier sinds dit jaar een onderdeel van geworden.
ons toets- en beoordelingsbeleid voor verbetering vatbaar
Studenten gaven aan het fijn te vinden om meer feedback op o.a. papers te ontvangen. Bij de papertoetsing is daarom een nieuwe vorm geïntroduceerd: feedback-paper. Wanneer deze vorm wordt gehanteerd krijgt de student minimaal één keer feedback op de conceptversie van de paper. Bij de uitvoering van het nieuwe toetsbeleid zijn meer mogelijkheden voor informele toetsmomenten waarin feedback wordt verwacht.
Tot slot
- Om (grote) masteropleidingen en het tweede jaar van de bachelor minder anoniem te maken organiseren we sinds een paar jaar de Master & Bachelor Kick-off bijeenkomsten waarin nieuwe studenten kennismaken met medestudenten en docenten.
- In vergelijking met vorig jaar is in 2022 met name de studiebegeleiding hoger beoordeeld. Het aantal studieadviseurs dat bij onze faculteit werkzaam is in de afgelopen jaren dan ook flink uitgebreid. Ook is er de mogelijkheid om via een online-afsprakensysteem een afspraak te maken (voor de Nederlandstalige student).
Laatst gewijzigd op 17-01-2023
meer aandacht willen voor het opdoen van vaardigheden voor de
Groninger Centrum voor Juridische Vaardigheden (GCJV)
Groninger Centrum voor Juridische Vaardigheden (GCJV) (Dutch only)