Dr. Qi Zhang wins FSE Postdoc Prize 2022
On November 24, the fourth FSE Postdoc Prize has been awarded to Dr. Qi Zhang of the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry. Qi received the prize for his impressive work and its high impact. His research focuses on dynamic disulfide plastics and smart materials. Dean Joost Frenken handed over the Postdoc Prize statue to him. The prize also includes a EUR 2,500 for an international scientific visit.
His last two very strong competitors, Dr. Margot Kuitems (ESRIG) and Dr. Joanna Sabino Pinto (GELIFES) finished on an honourable second place and were also praised for their impressive track records.
FSE Postdoc Prize
The FSE Postdoc Prize is an incentive to a successful postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty. It recognizes outstanding young researchers who have demonstrated excellent research and who are showing an exceptional promise for the future.
Last modified: | 04 August 2023 2.13 p.m. |
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