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Luc posing by one of Groningen's canals.

4 Observations from a South African in Groningen

Date:10 November 2020
Starting a new journey is always daunting - especially when moving away from home to study abroad. In this blog, Luc breaks down 4 of his observations of living, studying and experiencing Groningen!
Avital exploring Groningen

5 Ways to Broaden Your Horizons During a Pandemic

Date:05 November 2020
Author:The Blog Team
No reason to sit and sulk at home when there are still a lot of fun and interesting things you can do even during the partial lockdown! I'll give you some ideas about new things you could try to brighten your days.
Ready for presentations!

How to Make the Most Out of an Online Bachelor's Week

Date:02 November 2020
These tips and tricks will help you make the most out of the Online Bachelor's Week!
Gotta love the Dutch fries (especially with a lot of mayonnaise)

My 6 Favourite Dutch Dishes

Date:29 October 2020
The Dutch are known for their interesting cuisine, which can't be matched in any other culture. In this blog, Asmo highlights his six favourite Dutch dishes.
How to stay productive?

Productivity Apps That Every Student Should Check Out

Date:21 October 2020
How do you stay productive in these corona times? How do you make sure that you complete all your tasks? Read this blog to learn more about how apps can help your studies
Tips from a broke student to another broke student!

Guide to the Best Student Discounts in Groningen

Date:19 October 2020
Whether you’re running out of cash, or you’re simply aiming to save a little every month, these discounts will surely be of help!
During a heatwave this summer, the canals turned completely green!

5 Surprising Facts About the Groningen Canals

Date:14 October 2020

The Netherlands has a few stereotypes; the weather, cheese, tulips, windmills, and the canals. If you google “the Netherlands” and look through the suggested images, the majority of the photos are of the typical Dutch canals. While all of the Google images...

Asmo volunteered as a student council member for SOG!

4 Interesting Volunteer Positions in Groningen!

Date:06 October 2020

There are many different ways in Groningen to spend some of the free time you have to spare. From joining a study or student association to playing on a sports team - there are plenty of ways how students keep themselves busy outside of the classroom....

Hanze vs. UG

5 Differences Between Research and Applied Sciences Universities

Date:02 October 2020
What is the difference between a research university and a university of applied sciences?
At a national student rowing competition, just two year after starting rowing!

Sports in Groningen

Date:30 September 2020

Did you know that Groningen has the one of the biggest sports facility in all of Europe? Groningen is a pretty active city, thanks to the great facilities it offers. This means that whether you’d like to continue your sport that you did before uni, or...