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About us Faculty of Law Outbound exchange (for current students)

Application procedure


Application type
Open from
Closed on
Outside Europe
15 December 2024
1 February 2025
Inside Europe (including UK)
1 February 2025
1 March 2025

During the year: When the deadlines for an exchange have passed, students can contact the International Office for places that are still available.


It is now possible to apply for the Exchange Programme of the Faculty of Law using the application form below.

After filling in the form, you get access to our system, Mobility Online, in which you can upload the required documents. The application form for outside of Europe (Marco Polo exchange) opens on 15 December 2024 and for inside of Europe (Erasmus exchange) on 1 February 2025.

Problems with the application form? Please contact the International Office at exchangelaw

Application forms must be submitted fully in English. You have to choose three universities to apply to, in order of preference (Attention: all three universities have to be either inside or outside Europe!). By adding a university to your application, you agree to go on exchange to any of the chosen universities. This means that you preemptively approve the results of the selection. Think well about all your choices!  

After filling in the application form, the following documents have to be uploaded in Mobility Online:

  • Motivation letter in English (1 - 3 A4 pages or 500 - 1500 words). You may upload only 1 motivation letter which mentions your motivation for all three universities. The letter has to include academic motivations, but may also contain personal elements.
  • Resume (CV) in English. An overview of work experience, extracurricular activities, language, management and administrative skills etc.
  • Official list of grades (passes and fails). Official Transcript can be obtaiend from the Student Services Law, by filling in a request form.
    Please make sure that your document includes a sentence stating that you have passed all first year courses of your programme.
  • Proof of language proficiency. For applications outside of Europe and if required by the host university inside of Europe. More information about these requirements and the exceptions for LLB and LLM students, please see IESE.
  • For application Inside Europe only: Long-term study plan*. If at the moment of applications you have obtained at least 75 ECTS but not yet the required minimum of 90 ECTS (or if you still are missing a first-year course), you have to submit a long-term study plan to the study advisers llb Only a signed document with an official "Exchange advice" attached to it, will be approved.
  • Any other additional requirements mentioned for the host university in IESE.

An outline of the procedure

  • You submit a well prepared application before the deadline to the International Office via Mobility Online;
  • You will be notified about the results of the selection on your UG email within two months after the deadline;
  • The International Office will nominate the students at the host universities (depending on the deadlines, this can happen between 1 to 8 weeks after the selection);
  • Further instructions and information from the International Office will be given during a mandatory preparation session in April/May;
  • Your host university will send you information on their application procedure (registration for courses, registration at the faculty, application for housing, etc.).

Please check your RUG email and your spambox/junkmail folder regularly!

Last modified:01 February 2025 12.12 a.m.
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