PhD/i - learning community for interfaculty PhDs

Upcoming Events
19 December - How to present your interdisciplinary research. Invited speaker Naomie de Ruiter
23 January - Career choices, what to do after your PhD
23 January - New Years meeting at 5 pm.
Location: Studio, Broerstraat 5 Groningen
Time: Meetings will be held from 3 pm - 5 pm.
For questions and tips, please contact E.F. Volbeda
Sign up for the Brightspace PhD/i community and meet each other!
What is PhD/i?
PhD/i is a UG-wide learning community for interfaculty PhD candidates and their supervisors, which was launched on March 16, 2023.
Is this for you?
Are you doing or supervising an interfaculty PhD project and does your research connect the content and methods of two faculties? If so, you undoubtedly face specific challenges. How do you work out a supervision plan with a PhD and/or a co-supervisor from another faculty and discipline? Which publication strategy makes the uniqueness of the research most visible? And, how does it best align with the career prospects and desires of the PhD and supervisors? At the UG, there are about 70+ ongoing interfaculty and many more interdisciplinary PhD projects. Connect with your peers to share your challenges, experiences and solutions.

Join our mailing list
Sign up for an intervision group for PhD candidates or the workshop for supervisors
Join the Brightspace PhD/i Community - send us an email at to be enrolled!
Visit this PhD/i webpage regularly for updates on activities by YAG and the schools
What can PhD/i do for you?
PhD/i provides intervision groups for PhD candidates working on interfaculty projects. In the groups, candidates learn from each other and experts in the field about practical challenges and solutions relating to interfaculty and interdisciplinary research.
In collaboration with Corporate Academy, PhD/i facilitates workshops for supervisors of interfaculty projects. Here, supervisors discuss - a.o. - training and supervision plans, expectation management across faculty boundaries, publication strategies and career coaching.
In collaboration with the Young Academy Groningen, PhD/i provides an annual research symposium where interfaculty PhD projects are presented, and you can exchange experiences and practices.
In collaboration with the interdisciplinary Schools - Aletta Jacobs , Rudolf Agricola , Wubbo Ockels and Jantina Tammes - PhD/i provides academic workshops and activities focusing on interdisciplinarity and outreach.
If you wish to stay updated about all activities for interfaculty PhD students and supervisors, please join our mailing list using this link!
Need more information?
Contact us at phdi
or ask:
Dr. Konstantin Mierau, academic director
Drs. Liesbeth Volbeda, HR specialist
PhD/i was developed with a grant from SoFoKleS, the Dutch fund for innovation in education. For more information about this project, read the article and check out our video below!
Last modified: | 21 January 2025 12.20 p.m. |