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Research Research Support Portal During your research


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The UG provides researchers with support in practical and editorial matters regarding the publication of research. Find out which procedures you must follow as a researcher, and read more about the importance of open access publishing and the advantages of sharing pre-prints.
Publishing research

Publishing research

There is a lot to be done before you can publish your research: from applying for an ISBN to uploading the publication to the research portal. The UG can give researchers practical support and guidance when publishing their research output.

More information and support

More information about important matters relating to publishing your research is given below.


ORCID iD is a personal identification code for researchers who want to publish their work.

An ORCID iD links your unique identity to your publications and research activities, preventing name confusions. If you do not yet have an ORCID iD, you can apply for one free of charge.


Pure is a digital environment for managing, presenting, and sharing your publications, research profile, and CV. If you have any questions about adding your content to Pure, go to the FAQ for detailed information on this subject.

University of Groningen Press (UGP)

Do you want to publish a book or a magazine? University of Groningen Press gives researchers working at or with the UG a platform for publishing books, magazines, and other publications.

Publishing in English

Do you intend to publish your research in English and want to improve your academic writing skills? The UG offers a course in publishing in English.  

Research portal

The academic world sets great store by the open access publishing of research. All publications that you upload to Pure automatically appear in the public research portal.

Support with DOI

What is DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a so-called ‘persistent identifier’ (PID), which is a long-lasting reference to a digital object. While a URL may expire (‘link rot’) and content on webpages may change (‘content drift’), PIDs are managed and kept up-to-date over a long period of time. 

UB support ('request-a-DOI)

The UB assigns DOIs and rich metadata to deposited datasets in various UG and UMCG data repositories. This ‘request-a-DOI-service’ is offered in cooperation with DataCite, which is a leading global non-profit provider of DOIs for research data.

If you have a question regarding DOI’s or would like to know more about the request-a-DOI-service of the UB, please visit our website, or contact Welmoed Bekius.

Editorial support

Editorial support

It is advisable to ask the editorial service to check the substantive and linguistic aspects of your research. The University Translation and Correction Service (UVC) of the UG can help you with this.

More information and support

The editing services of the UVC provide editorial support for all kinds of texts: from academic publications and thesis summaries to policy documents and press releases. They will check the overall linguistic quality of your text, including spelling, grammar, and cohesion, as well as substantive aspects such as structure, content, and argumentation.  

More information per faculty

Open access

Open access

Publishing your research in open access under a free licence means that other people can consult, distribute, and reuse your research. Open access publishing increases the visibility of your research and the societal impact that your publication can have. In addition, increasingly more research funding bodies insist that publicly funded research is published via open access.

Open access publishing

Thanks to open access agreements between Dutch universities and academic publishers, researchers can publish open access in thousands of journals free of charge or with a discount. As well as a national UNL agreement, the UG and the UMCG also have a number of local agreements with academic publishers. 

Support with open access publishing

Do you need help with open access publishing? Are you interested in finding out about the different ways that you can publish research via open access? Or have you got a question about archiving your publication in Pure? The UG has a lot of information about open access publishing. For specific questions about open access publishing in your field, please contact openaccess

More information per faculty



A preprint is the version of an academic publication that precedes the peer review. Posting preprints allows researchers to share their findings quickly and build on each other’s work.

Sharing preprints

Sharing preprints on public servers such as arXiv and bioRxiv is becoming more commonplace in many fields. Sharing preprints helps to spread research findings more quickly. It is also a way of receiving feedback, which you can use to improve the quality of your publication.

Last modified:03 December 2024 10.24 a.m.
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