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Education Bachelor's degree programmes Industrial Engineering and Management
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Industrial Engineering and Management

IEM is a real engineers' degree, in which you learn to translate new industrial techniques into practical solutions, such as a more sustainable production process or new products.

In the Bachelor’s degree programme in Industrial Engineering and Management (Technische Bedrijfskunde in Dutch), you learn how to analyze problems and develop, design and apply solutions. You are first and foremost trained to become an industrial engineer, and you learn to look at the applicability of your solutions in the business world.

After all, a technical solution can only be effectively implemented if you have thoroughly tested its feasibility. Renewable energy comes in many forms such as wind energy, solar energy, energy from biomass, which is applied directly on the power grid or indirectly used in applications such as hydrogen or other biofuels. What is the best way to apply these forms of renewable energy? Which method is not only most efficient, but also the most cost-effective and suitable for a certain situation? These are examples of the types of questions that you will encounter during your programme and further career.

Technical bachelor supplemented with business courses

The degree programme is offered by the Faculty of Science and Engineering so you can be sure of lots of course units in maths, physics, chemistry, and programming. In addition, you will follow course units in business studies, management and logistics. Your technical know-how and your management insights will prepare you for jobs where technology and management meet. Embedding in business and society is a key element of this degree programme.

International Bachelor’s programme

The business world and the profession are becoming increasingly internationally oriented. Multinationals are introducing new products to the global market or want to open a factory abroad. These are all good reasons for offering this degree programme in an international English-taught variant. Your fellow students and lecturers come from the Netherlands and abroad.

Listen to the podcast! (only in Dutch)

Want to know more about this Bachelor's programme? Listen to the podcast with a student and lecturer of the Industrial Engineering and Management programme.

Facts & Figures
BSc in Industrial Engineering & Management Science
Course type
36 months (180 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Science and Engineering
Studie in Cijfers

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • In Groningen, you have the opportunity to study the perfect combination of technology and business. In this way, you can combine technical solutions with entrepreneurship! As a result, a Bachelor's degree from Groningen will grant you many possibilities for your future.
  • Of all of the degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and Management across the Netherlands, the one taught in Groningen is the most technical: 2/3 of your time will be spent on course units focusing on technology and the technical sciences, and 1/3 on course units in business subjects.
  • Our Faculty has produced two Nobel Prize winners: Ben Feringa won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Frits Zernike was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.


CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Calculus 1 (for IEM) (5 EC)
Global Supply Chain (5 EC)
Programming, Modelling and Simulation (5 EC)
Linear Algebra (for IEM) (5 EC)
Organizational Behaviour and Group Dynamics (5 EC)
System Dynamics (5 EC)
Calculus 2 (for IEM) (5 EC)
Management Accounting (5 EC)
Materials and Molecules (5 EC)
Fluid Dynamics (5 EC)
Industrial Marketing (5 EC)
Statistics and Stochastics (5 EC)
CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Design of Complex Systems (10 EC)
Operations Research (5 EC)
Outlining and Implementing Innovation Strategy (5 EC)
Dynamics of Engineering Systems (5 EC)
Production Planning and Quality Control (5 EC)
Track-specific courses (see below) (30 EC)
CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Minor (2) (30 EC)
Design Science (5 EC)
Integration Project IEM (15 EC)
Capita Selecta (SPE) (5 EC)
Design and Construction for IEM (PTL) (5 EC)
Mechanical Craftsmanship (PTL) (5 EC)
Product Technology IEM (SPE) (5 EC)


Two-thirds of the degree programme in Industrial Engineering and Management comprises course units focusing on the technical sciences, and one third of course units focus on business subjects.

In the first year, you will learn the basics of programming and you will also learn how to create models and simulations, with an eye to designing products and production processes. In addition, you will explore the chemical and physical aspects of materials and molecules. The course units on business and management provide an introduction to industrial marketing and management accounting, among other topics.

Apart from the content-based course units, you will receive study-related and personal support from experienced student coaches in your learning community.

In the second semester of the second year, you will choose a track: Sustainable Process Engineering or Production Technology and Logistics. You will complete your Bachelor's programme with a final project, in which you solve a concrete technical problem for a company.

Please be advised that students of the Faculty of Science and Engineering are expected to adhere to our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, ensuring seamless integration of personal electronic devices for academic purposes. For more detailed information on our BYOD policy, please visit our webpage.
Programme options
Production Technology and Logistics (track)

This track focuses on logistics and the automation of the production processes of large factories.

You will learn how to improve these processes, for example for a car factory. With this knowledge, you would also be able to work for a hospital, to investigate how medical research equipment can be deployed more effectively and efficiently.

You will follow course units including:

  • Production Techniques
  • Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • Modelling and Analysis of Complex Networks
  • Mechanics for IEM
  • Production Planning and Quality Control
  • Outlining and Implementing Innovation Strategy
Sustainable Process Engineering (track)

This track focuses on the process from raw material to final product. To this end, special attention is paid to the chemical and biochemical aspects of the production process

After following this track, you would be able to work for the chemical or pharmaceutical sectors, for companies such as Shell or DSM.

You will follow course units including:

  • Industrial Biotechnology for IEM
  • Production Planning and Quality Control
  • Reactor Engineering
  • Process Design and Equipment
  • Outlining and Implementing Innovation Strategy
  • Operations Research

You might wonder what the difference is between this degree programme and the degree programme in Chemical Engineering. The latter degree programme is more focused on chemical processes and how exactly these work. In the degree programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, more attention is paid to the skills that are needed in the business world, including the chemical and food industries. You will learn, for example, how to scale up certain chemical processes in a cost-efficient manner.

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional

Entry requirements

Admissible Dutch diploma profiles

  • VWO Natuur & Techniek
  • VWO Natuur & Gezondheid

    wiskunde B

  • VWO Economie & Maatschappij

    wiskunde B

  • VWO Cultuur & Maatschappij

    wiskunde B

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
additional subject

Even though only Mathematics is a formal entry requirement, knowledge of Physics is essential in order to be successful in this IEM programme. If you have not taken Physics during your secondary education, we highly recommend you to obtain a certificate in Physics as well. Knowledge in Chemistry is also advised.

language test

Language proficiency certificate for English (except for applicants with a Dutch pre-university education (VWO) as well as the exemptions listed on the language exemptions webpage). More info:

other admission requirements

Before you apply!

When you cannot fulfil the vwo requirement, due to deficient profile or if you want to be admitted on the basis of a successfully passed first year of HBO or colloquium doctum, you need to submit an additional admission request via the Admission Board Bachelor programmes. Please go to this website for more information.

Please note! The admissions procedure is independent of the matching procedure. Information about the matching procedure can be found here

Choice of degree programme check

The degree programme will organize a matching procedure. Although the advice is not binding participation is compulsory. More information about matching:

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Choice of degree programme check

More information about matching:

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Secondary education equivalent to Dutch pre-university education (vwo) is required.

A list of qualifications that are considered equivalent to pre-university education in the Netherlands can be found here:

If you have any questions concerning admission to the programme, please contact our Admissions Office:

additional subject

Even though only Mathematics is a formal entry requirement, knowledge of Physics is essential in order to be successful in this IEM programme. If you have not taken Physics during your secondary education, we highly recommend you to obtain a certificate in Physics as well. Knowledge in Chemistry is also advised.

language test

You will need to submit proof of English proficiency in accordance with the requirements of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Please find our English language requirements (exemptions, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge and more) on this page:

other admission requirements

You will need to complete a mandatory matching procedure. The admissions procedure is independent of the matching procedure.

Information about the matching procedure can be found here .

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 19300full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 19800full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

Once you have completed the three-year Bachelor's programme and have your degree, you may continue with the Master's degree programme to study your field in greater depth. A Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management will open many doors to you in many different companies and organizations, from multinationals to consultancy firms, in the Netherlands and further afield.

Your technical know-how and your management insights will prepare you for jobs where technology and management meet. You will feel at home in companies and organizations interested in innovation, searching for new opportunities by integrating technologies.

Product manager and process technologist are jobs often offered to our graduates. You could also work in a hospital, investigating how to use research equipment better. Some graduates end up in the service sector or working for the government. Ultimately, virtually all of our graduates find jobs immediately after graduating.

Business sectors that you could enter as a process technologist, for example, include the production industry (from car manufacturers to shaving products) as well as the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. You will have vast knowledge of production processes and chemical processes but, because you will also have thorough business training, you will be able to reach a management position faster. One interesting field is our future energy supply. Think of companies developing and improving solar panels, or generating electricity from biomass. You don’t have to stand in a lab yourself as long as you are able to translate the results of research into useful information for the rest of the company.

Job examples

  • Manager
  • Consultant
  • Industrial-process expert
  • Positions in the pharmaceutical industry


We consider it important that our students are exposed to the latest research developments throughout the course of their studies

In Industrial Engineering and Management, our academic educational programme is strongly linked to our research programme.

We consider it important that our students are exposed to the latest research developments throughout the course of their studies. In the Industrial Engineering and Management BSc, each student has the opportunity to conduct research to broaden his/her academic development. In lectures, tutorials and your own research project, you will be instructed by, and closely work together with, the scientific staff of our research institute and design group. These researchers are true specialists, and belong to the global experts in their respective fields.

Our researchers mainly come from ENTEG ( and ESD ( and perform excellent technology driven scientific research and teaching in product and production sectors. We strive to be recognized for the capability to explore and design new technologies, and to improve existing ones, that are based on the integration of fundamental and engineering sciences in a comprehensive environment.

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact
Enrol in webclassesMore information
Student for a day - Industrial Engineering and ManagementMore information
Bachelor's Open Daydiverse locatiesMore information


  • Ask Our Students! (Like to talk about the programme and student life with someone currently studying IEM?)
    Email: iemstudents
  • Academic Advisors FSE (For questions regarding the programme)
  • Study Science (For general questions for all prospective students)
    Email: studyscience

Study associations

TBV Lugus

Students of Industrial Engineering and Management have their own study association, known as Lugus.
Lugus organizes various activities for its members, both social, educational and career-oriented. In addition, Lugus provides study aids in the shape of summaries and organizes regular book sales. Nearly all students of Industrial Engineering and Management join Lugus, which now boasts more than 550 members. This number is rising every year..


ESTIEM is a leading organization for students of IEM. Since its establishment in 1990, ESTIEM has aimed and succeeded to foster an ecosystem of IEM Europe by providing opportunities and creating relationships between students of IEM, Universities, Organisations and other entities in the field of IEM.
ESTIEM is composed of 76 local groups across Europe and LG Groningen has been active since 2006. LG Groningen provides students of IEM with the opportunity to create a network that will benefit them not only during their studies but after graduating as well. This is achieved through organizing cultural exchanges, case competitions with IEM related companies, collaborative activities with various LGs and much more. Visit the ESTIEM portal for more info!
Student profile

You are broadly interested in technology and the business world. You enjoy physics, mathematics and chemistry – the subjects that form the basis of this degree programme. In addition, you are focused on the human aspect and on results. In Industrial Engineering and Management, all these elements come together. You are first and foremost trained to become an engineer, with a solid background in the technical sciences but also with thorough knowledge of the business world.

(Binding) study advice
  • A minimum of 45 EC in the first 12 months (binding)

You will be issued a study advice at the end of your first year of study. You can expect a positive study advice if you have earned at least 45 ECTS credit points (out of a total of 60 ECTS; most course units are 5 ECTS). If you have earned fewer than 45 ECTS and are issued a negative study advice, you will not be allowed to continue your degree programme.

You will receive a preliminary study advice in December to make sure that you know where you are. Please contact your study advisor as soon as possible if you have any questions about the Binding Study Advice system.

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