Title | Posted on |
Joining the municipal executive board costs parties votes – but one more than the others | 18 December 2020 |
Scientists create coatings from nature | 17 December 2020 |
€2 million ERC Grant for research on modulating the gut microbiome to improve drug efficacy | 09 December 2020 |
Convenience foods are a promising way of reducing consumer food waste | 27 October 2020 |
‘The coronavirus pandemic will be disastrous for many households’ | 05 October 2020 |
A critical stance may seriously harm a director’s social status and satisfaction in serving | 10 September 2020 |
Competition between healthcare insurers is hampering structural improvement of chronic care | 10 September 2020 |
Olivier van Eijk nieuwe huisdichter RUG | 01 September 2020 |
Campus Community Fund invests €500 million in Campus Groningen | 01 September 2020 |
UG researchers will look at Covid-19 impact on hospital staff’s well-being | 01 September 2020 |
Province of Groningen finances a chair in Nature-inclusive Rural Development | 01 September 2020 |
Archeologisch samenwerkingsverband PAN leidt tot nieuwe historische inzichten | 15 July 2020 |
Plenty of room for improvement of the turnaround time for the criminal justice supply chain | 30 June 2020 |
Basale stofwisseling in ‘levende’ moleculen | 26 June 2020 |
Life-emulating molecules show basic metabolism | 26 June 2020 |
Joke van Leeuwen is the 2020-2021 Guest Writer of the University of Groningen | 17 June 2020 |
Results of University elections 2020-2021 | 15 June 2020 |
Teun Havinga new student assessor to the Board | 11 June 2020 |
Nation wide technical problems Vodafone | 11 June 2020 |
Simple explanation suffices for conduction in nickelates | 11 June 2020 |
Investigation into additional activities of UG professor of European Constitutional Law and Citizenship concluded | 08 June 2020 |
20 miljoen euro voor vijf grote onderzoeksprojecten UMCG | 03 June 2020 |
Karel Brookhuis appointed Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion | 24 April 2020 |
Wout van Bekkum appointed Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau | 24 April 2020 |
Wim Quax appointed Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion | 24 April 2020 |
Herman Bröring appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau | 24 April 2020 |
Traditions in the Arctic in times of change | 06 April 2020 |
Five percent increase in municipal residential taxes for home owners | 06 April 2020 |
Evaluation of decision-making process for Yantai project completed | 26 March 2020 |
‘The elderly should be made to take compulsory lessons before buying an e-bike’ | 24 March 2020 |
Under His Thumb: The Effect of President Donald Trump’s Twitter Messages on the US Stock Market | 12 March 2020 |
Tienjarige Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs geeft krachtige impuls aan basisonderwijs Noord-Nederland | 11 March 2020 |
Students explain Artificial Intelligence in the new Forum Groningen | 10 March 2020 |
Grant for stimulating agricultural education in Mozambique | 09 March 2020 |
Fifteen Aletta Jacobs chairs for female academics | 06 March 2020 |
The Groningen Municipal Health Service (GGD) supervises return of Vindicat students | 06 March 2020 |
Temporary closure of KNIR | 05 March 2020 |
Photo report: Hacking brains in Psychology | 04 March 2020 |
Better understanding of the human brain | 03 March 2020 |
Measuring allergic asthma and hayfever with a nose brush | 03 March 2020 |
13 en 14 maart DoeDigiDagen: digitalisering voor iedereen | 03 March 2020 |
Outcome of the discussion between the UG, the Province of Friesland and the Municipality of Leeuwarden about Campus Fryslân | 27 February 2020 |
Letterenfaculteit organiseert congres over roeping van de wetenschap | 26 February 2020 |
University of Groningen Library celebrates its 405th birthday | 26 February 2020 |
‘We are stuck in a “disorder mindset”’ | 25 February 2020 |
Snel middenstuk belangrijk voor prestatie junioren op 1500 meter schaatsen | 24 February 2020 |
Suzanne Voorrips prolongeert nationale titel indoor 800 meter | 24 February 2020 |
Five experienced researchers from Groningen awarded Vici grants | 20 February 2020 |
Safe method for identifying polar bears tested | 20 February 2020 |
Mini libraries are more successful than they seem | 18 February 2020 |
Video lecture Ward Rauws as part of the Universiteit van Nederland (in Dutch) | 17 February 2020 |
New Chair at the University of Groningen for Professor Pablo Tittonell | 17 February 2020 |
Podcast ‘In Science’ with Ming Cao | 14 February 2020 |
Extension of UG PhD Scholarship experiment approved | 13 February 2020 |
Strong increase in year-to-year variation in Arctic precipitation | 13 February 2020 |
Female bird falls victim to her Valentine | 13 February 2020 |
Laurens Sloot holds new chair of Entrepreneurship in Retailing | 11 February 2020 |
Artistic PhD offered in Groningen | 11 February 2020 |
Advice regarding Coronavirus | 06 February 2020 |
Towards a circular economy | 04 February 2020 |
'My mission is to make sure that women can make their own choices' | 04 February 2020 |
Ancient Siberian Hunters Survived the Ice Age by Inventing Pottery and Eating Fish | 04 February 2020 |
Province of Groningen supports knowledge development of green process technology | 04 February 2020 |
Video lecture by Hedderik van Rijn as part of the Universiteit van Nederland | 03 February 2020 |
Berend Roorda is UG Lecturer of the Year 2019 | 30 January 2020 |
Multiple occurrences of skin cancer after transplantation lead to lower quality of life | 30 January 2020 |
What’s new in the news? | 28 January 2020 |
Noorden Digitaal will shine a spotlight on digital innovation and collaboration in the Northern Netherlands in March | 28 January 2020 |
Consumers will not choose the more sustainable option automatically | 27 January 2020 |
The underexposed downsides of local self-governance and civic self-reliance | 24 January 2020 |
Carcasses important for plants and insects in the Oostvaardersplassen | 22 January 2020 |
Looking for mercury in the Arctic (video) | 21 January 2020 |
ELT MICADO Instrument Passes Preliminary Design Review | 21 January 2020 |
Little dissatisfaction with asylum seekers’ centres, a lot of dissatisfaction with the government | 17 January 2020 |
Highest increase in municipal residential taxes since 2007 | 15 January 2020 |
How do you say ‘eitje’? | 14 January 2020 |
Time for a new approach to hearing loss | 14 January 2020 |
First UTQ certificates for Polish University Teachers | 14 January 2020 |
UG takes measures following investigation into funding of NOHA programme | 13 January 2020 |
Jouke de Vries wins Langman Prize | 10 January 2020 |
Whatever you do, don’t humanize care robots | 07 January 2020 |
Lower health care costs in neighbourhoods with more sports clubs members | 03 January 2020 |