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Herzog, Prof. Lisa

Prof. Lisa Herzog
Prof. Lisa Herzog

Prof. Lisa Herzog is Professor of Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and works at the interface of political philosophy and economic theory. Her focus lies on democracy in the workplace, professional ethics, and the role of knowledge in democracies. One of the topics that she is currently occupied with is the role of experts in democracy; how can we attune democratic equality to the need to be able to trust specialized knowledge? Herzog has published on the philosophical dimensions of markets (both historical and systemic), liberalism and social justice, ethics in organizations, and the future of work.

Other topics that are close to her heart include diversity and interdisciplinarity; how can we ensure that the academic world contains space for everyone, regardless of background? And how can we build bridges between different fields of research to tackle difficult scientific questions and urgent societal problems? For Herzog, approaching these issues poses another question: how can we adjust the incentives and career criteria in the academic world to make various types of contributions possible?

As from January 2023, Lisa Herzog will be the new dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.

From 2016 to 2019, Herzog was Professor of Political Philosophy and Theory at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2019, she has been working at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the UG. In addition, Herzog is a member of the Young Academy Groningen and has collaborated on the podcast series ‘Humans of RUG’. In 2023, she received a Vici grant for her research on how democracies should understand and organize work.

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Herzog, L. (2024). Are financial markets epistemically efficient? In J. Sandberg, & L. Warenski (Eds.), The Philosophy of Money and Finance (pp. 91-110). Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L. (2024). Big data and the risk of misguided responsibilization. Ethics and Information Technology, 26(3), Article 52.
Herzog, L., Li, M. K., & Llaguno, T. (2024). Cook Ding meets homo oeconomicus. Contrasting Daoist and economistic imaginaries of work. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Advance online publication.
Niesen, P., Spiekermann, K., Herzog, L., Girard, C., & Vogelmann, F. (2024). Does Diversity Trump Ability? Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Advance online publication.
Herzog, L. (2024). The Epistemic Preconditions of Markets and their Historicity. Law and Contemporary Problems, 86(4), 111-130.
Herzog, L. (2024). You’re Free to Choose, But do You have Time to Choose? Structural Injustice and the Epistemic Burdens of Market Societies. Hypatia. Advance online publication.


Herzog, L. (2023). Citizen Knowledge: Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy. Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L. (2023). Moral Discourse in the History of Economic Thought. By Laurent Dobuzinskis. London: Routledge, 2022. 322p. $128.00 cloth. Perspectives on Politics, 21(2), 721-722.
de Bruin, B., Herzog, L., O'Neill, M., & Sandberg, J. (2023). Philosophy of Money and Finance. In E. N. Zalta, & U. Nodelman (Eds.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University.
Herzog, L. (2023). Sympathy, Empathy, and Twitter: Reflections on Social Media Inspired by an Eighteenth-Century Debate. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 123(1), 51-72.
Herzog, L. (2023). Urban–rural justice. Journal of Political Philosophy, 31(2), 233-253.


Herzog, L. (2024). Corporate knowledge and corporate power. Reining in the power of corporations as epistemic agents. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 27(3), 363-382.
Herzog, L., & Schmode, F. (2022). 'But it's your job!' the moral status of jobs and the dilemma of occupational duties. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Advance online publication.
Herzog, L., & Lepenies, R. (2022). Citizen Science in Deliberative Systems: Participation, Epistemic Injustice, and Civic Empowerment. Minerva, 60(4), 489-508.
Herzog, L., Kellmeyer, P., & Wild, V. (2022). Introduction to the special issue 'digital behavioral technologies, vulnerability, and justice'. Review of Social Economy, 80(1), 1-6.
Herzog, L., & Zimmermann, B. (Eds.) (2022). Shifting Categories of Work: Unsettling the Ways We Think about Jobs, Labor, and Activities. Routledge.
Herzog, L., Wild, V., & Kellmeyer, P. (Eds.) (2022). Special Issue “Digital Behavioral Technologies, Vulnerability and Justice”. Review of Social Economy, 80(1).
Assaf-Zakharov, K., & Herzog, L. (2022). The Importance of Being First: Economic and Non-economic Dimensions of Inventorship in American and German Law. American Journal of Comparative Law, 70(3), 447-479.
Herzog, L. (2022). What, if anything, can justify limiting workers' voice? In C. M. Melenovsky (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (pp. 428-438). (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge.


Herzog, L. (2023). Is the privatization of state functions always, and only intrinsically, wrong? On Chiara Cordelli's The Privatized State. European Journal of Political Theory, 22(4), 657-665.
Herzog, L., Kellmeyer, P., & Wild, V. (2022). Digital behavioral technology, vulnerability and justice: towards an integrated approach. Review of Social Economy, 80(1), 7-28.
Herzog, L. (2022). Shared Standards Versus Competitive Pressures in Journalism. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 39(4), 393-406.
Heldt, E. C., & Herzog, L. (2022). The Limits of Transparency: Expert Knowledge and Meaningful Accountability in Central Banking. Government and Opposition, 57(2), 217-232. Article PII S0017257X20000366.
Herzog, L. (2021). Algorithmic bias and access to opportunities. In C. Véliz (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics (pp. 413-432). Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L. (2021). Algorithmic Decision-Making, Ambiguity Tolerance and the Question of Meaning. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 69(2), 197–213.
Herzog, L. M., Norheim, O. F., Emanuel, E. J., & McCoy, M. S. (2021). Covax must go beyond proportional allocation of covid vaccines to ensure fair and equitable access. BMJ-British Medical Journal, 372, Article 4853.
Herzog, L. (2021). Das System zurückerobern: Moralische Verantwortung, Arbeitsteilung, und die Rolle von Organisationen in der Gesellschaft . wbg Academic.
Herzog, L. (2021). Digitalisierung und Demokratie. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e.V.
Herzog, L. (2021). Global reserve currencies from the perspective of structural global justice: distribution and domination. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 24(7), 931-953.
Claassen, R., & Herzog, L. (2021). Making Power Explicit: Why liberal egalitarians should take (economic) power seriously. Social Theory and Practice, 47(2), 221-246.
Emanuel, E. J., Fabre, C., Herzog, L., Norheim, O. F., Persad, G., Schaefer, G. O., & Tan, K.-C. (2021). Obligations in a global health emergency – Authors' reply. LANCET, 398(10316), 2072-2072.
Herzog, L. (2021). Old Facts, New Beginnings: Thinking with Arendt about Algorithmic Decision-Making. Review of Politics, 83(4), 555-577.
Herzog, L. (2021). Privatizing Private Data. In A. Dorfman, & A. Harel (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Privatization (pp. 230-244). Cambridge University Press.
Herzog, L. (2021). Rebuilding Social Insurance to End Economic Precarity. In F. Niker, & A. Bhattacharya (Eds.), Political Philosophy in a Pandemic: Routes to a More Just Future (pp. 85-96). Bloomsbury.
Emanuel, E. J., Buchanan, A., Chan, S. Y., Fabre, C., Halliday, D., Heath, J., Herzog, L., Leland, R. J., McCoy, M. S., Norheim, O. F., Saenz, C., Schaefer, G. O., Tan, K.-C., Wellman, C. H., Wolff, J., & Persad, G. (2021). What are the obligations of pharmaceutical companies in a global health emergency? LANCET, 398(10304), 1015-1020.


Serrano Zamora, J., & Herzog, L. (2022). A Real Epistemic Utopia? Epistemic Practices in a Climate Camp. Journal of Social Philosophy, 53(1), 38-58.
Herzog, L. (2021). Lying, Misleading, and the Argument from Cultural Slopes. Res Publica, 27, 77-93.
Herzog, L. (2021). The Laws of Knowledge, Knowledge of Laws: A "Political Epistemology" Perspective on Pistor's The Code of Capital. Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, 11(1), 27-35. Article 20200064.
Emanuel, E. J., Persad, G., Kern, A., Buchanan, A., Fabre, C., Halliday, D., Heath, J., Herzog, L., Leland, R. J., Lemango, E. T., Luna, F., Mccoy, M. S., Norheim, O. F., Ottersen, T., Schaefer, G. O., Tan, K.-C., Wellman, C. H., Wolff, J., & Richardson, H. S. (2020). An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation The Fair Priority Model offers a practical way to fulfill pledges to distribute vaccines fairly and equitably. Science, 369(6509), 1309-1312.
Herzog, L. M. (2020). Book Review: N. Oreskes (2019). Why Trust Science? Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Herzog, L. (2020). Borders and Pseudo Borders - and how to try to distinguish them. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 127(1), 76-82.
Herzog, L. M. (2020). Die Erfindung des Marktes: Smith, Hegel und die Politische Philosophie. wbg Academic.
Frega, R., & Herzog, L. (2020). Preface to the Special Issue on Workplace Democracy. Review of Social Economy, 78(3), 281-285.
Engelmann, S., Grossklags, J., & Herzog, L. M. (2020). Should users participate in governing social media? Philosophical and technical considerations of democratic social media. First Monday, 25(12).
Frega, R., & Herzog, L. (Eds.) (2020). Special Issue “Workplace Democracy”. Review of Social Economy, 78(3).
Herzog, L. (2020). The epistemic division of labour in markets: knowledge, global trade and the preconditions of morally responsible agency. Economics and Philosophy, 36(2), 266-286. Article 0266267119000130.
Gerlsbeck, F., & Herzog, L. (2020). The epistemic potentials of workplace democracy. Review of Social Economy, 78(3), 307-330.
Herzog, L. (2020). Two challenges for participatory deliberative democracy: Expertise and the workplace. Krisis, 40(1), 91-98.


Claassen, R., & Herzog, L. (2021). Why economic agency matters: An account of structural domination in the economic realm. European Journal of Political Theory, 20(3), 465-485. Article 1474885119832181.
Herzog, L. M. (2020). Arbeitswelt, Demokratie und Digitalisierung. In R. Sturn, & U. Klüh (Eds.), Blockchained? : Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftspolitik (Jahrbuch Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik; Vol. 18). Metropolis.
Herzog, L. M. (2020). Citizens' Autonomy and Corporate Cultural Power. Journal of Social Philosophy, 51(2), 205-230.
Herzog, L. (2019). Die Rettung der Arbeit: ein politischer Aufruf. (1. Auflage. ed.) Hanser Berlin.
Herzog, L., & Zacka, B. (2019). Fieldwork in Political Theory: Five Arguments for an Ethnographic Sensibility. British Journal of Political Science, 49(2), 763-784.
Herzog, L. M. (2019). Gestörte Philosophie, störende Philosophie: Populismus, Philosophie, und die Reflexivität der Störung. In Quertreiber des Denkens: Dieter Thomä- Werk und Wirkung (pp. 133-141). Transcript.
Herzog, L. (2019). Political Institutions and Practical Wisdom: Between Rules and Practice. By Maxwell A. Cameron. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Perspectives on Politics, 17(3), 838-839.
Herzog, L. (2019). Politische Philosophie. UTB Schöningh.
Herzog, L. (2019). Professional Ethics in Banking and the Logic of "Integrated Situations": Aligning Responsibilities, Recognition, and Incentives. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(2), 531-543.
Herzog, L. (2019). Response to Maxwell A. Cameron's review of Reclaiming the System: Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organizations in Society. Perspectives on Politics, 17(3), 842-842.
Herzog, L. (2019). Thomas, Alan. Republic of Equals: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Ethics, 129(3), 497-501.
Assaf-Zakharov, K., & Herzog, L. (2019). Work, Identity, and the Regulation of Markets: A Study of Trademark Law in the United States and Germany. Law and social inquiry-Journal of the american bar foundation, 44(4), 1083-1112.
Frega, R., Herzog, L., & Neuhaeuser, C. (2019). Workplace democracy-The recent debate. Philosophy Compass, 14(4), Article 12574.


Herzog, L. (2018). Durkheim on Social Justice: The Argument from "Organic Solidarity". American Political Science Review, 112(1), 112-124.
Herzog, L. (2018). Global Trade with an Epistemic Upgrade. Moral Philosophy and Politics, 5(2), 257-279.
Herzog, L. (2018). Just wages in which markets? The embeddedness of markets and the very idea of an unjust wage. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 11(2), 105-123.
de Bruin, B., Herzog, L. M., O'Neill, M., & Sandberg, J. (2018). Philosophy of Money and Finance. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University.
Herzog, L. (2018). Realismus statt Sonntagsreden. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 66(3), 383-386.
Herzog, L. M. (2018). Reclaiming the System: Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organizations in Society. Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L. (2018). Teoria do reconhecimento e democracia econômica: Potenciais não exauridos. Civitas, 18(3), 523-538.


Herzog, L. (Ed.) (2017). Just financial markets? finance in a just society. (First edition. ed.) Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L. (2017). No Company is an Island. Sector-Related Responsibilities as Elements of Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(1), 135-148.
Herzog, L. (2017). The Game You Are in: Misleading through Social Norms and What's Wrong with It. Philosophy and society-Filozofija i drustvo, 28(2), 250-269.
Herzog, L. (2017). What Could Be Wrong with a Mortgage? Private Debt Markets from a Perspective of Structural Injustice. Journal of Political Philosophy, 25(4), 411-434.


Herzog, L. (2016). Basic Income and the Ideal of Epistemic Equality. Basic income studies, 11(1), 29-38.
Herzog, L. (2016). Harry G. Frankfurt, On Inequality. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 19(3), 823-825.
Skubinn, R., & Herzog, L. (2016). Internalized Moral Identity in Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(2), 249-260.
Herzog, L., & Honneth, A. (Eds.) (2016). Joseph A. Schumpeter, Schriften zur Ökonomie und Soziologie. Suhrkamp.
Herzog, L. (2016). Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith. History of Political Thought, 37(4), 803-806.
Gheaus, A., & Herzog, L. (2016). The Goods of Work (Other Than Money!). Journal of social philosophy, 47(1), 70-89.
Herzog, L. (2016). The Normative Stakes of Economic Growth; Or, Why Adam Smith Does Not Rely on "Trickle Down". The Journal of Politics, 78(1), 50-62.


Herzog, L. (2015). Allen W. Wood. The Free Development of Each. Studies on Freedom, Right, and Ethics in Classical German Philosophy. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press, 2014. Hegel-Studien, 49, 175-178.
Herzog, L. (2015). Distributive Justice, Feasibility Gridlocks, and the Harmfulness of Economic Ideology. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18(5), 957-969.
Herzog, L. (2015). History of Capitalism. Political theory, 43(3), 420-423.


Herzog, L. (2014). Adam Smith on Markets and Justice. Philosophy Compass, 9(12), 864-875.
Herzog, L. (2014). Adam Smith's Account of Justice Between Naturalness and Historicity. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 52(4), 703-726.
Herzog, L., & Honneth, A. (Eds.) (2014). Der Wert des Marktes: ein ökonomisch-philosophischer Diskurs vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. (Erste Auflage. ed.) (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft; Vol. 2065). Suhrkamp.
Herzog, L. (2014). Eigentumsrechte im Finanzsystem: Eigentumsrechte im Finanzsystem. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 62(3), 415-442.
Herzog, L. M. (2014). Inventing the Market: Smith, Hegel, and Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
Herzog, L., & Walton, A. (2014). Qualified market access and inter-disciplinarity. Ethics & global politics, 7(2), 83-94.


Herzog, L. (2013). Freiheit gehört nicht nur den Reichen: Plädoyer für einen zeitgemäßen Liberalismus. (Orig.-ausg. ed.) (Beck'sche Reihe; Vol. 6127). Verlag C.H. Beck.
Herzog, L. (2013). Hegel's thought in Europe: Currents, crosscurrents and undercurrents. Palgrave MacMillan.
Herzog, L. (2013). Introduction: Hegel's thought in Europe. In L. Herzog (Ed.), Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents (pp. 1-14). Palgrave MacMillan.
Herzog, L., & Wischmeyer, T. (2013). "Moral Luck" in Moral und Recht: Ein induktiver Vergleich zweier normativer Ordnungen anhand des Umgangs mit dem Zufall. Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 99(2), 212-227.
Herzog, L. (2013). Persönliches Vertrauen, Rechtsvertrauen, Systemvertrauen. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 61(4), 529-548.
Herzog, L. (2013). The Community of Commerce: Smith's Rhetoric of Sympathy in the Opening of the Wealth of Nations. Philosophy and rhetoric, 46(1), 65-87.
Herzog, L. (2013). The modern social contract tradition. In C. Luetge (Ed.), Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics (pp. 631-645). Springer Netherlands.
Herzog, L. (2013). Virtues, interests and institutions, or: ordinary and heroic virtues. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 120(2), 238-256.


Herzog, L. (2012). Ideal and Non-ideal Theory and the Problem of Knowledge. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 29(4), 271-288.
Herzog, L. (2012). "Recognition" as a Principle of critical Theory and Studies of Philosophy. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 119(2), 478-480.


Herzog, L. (2011). Adam Smith and the Circles of Sympathy: Cosmopolitanism and Moral Theory, Fonna Forman-Barzilai, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Canadian journal of political science-Revue canadienne de science politique, 44(3), 725-726.
Herzog, L. (2011). Higher and lower virtues in commercial society: Adam Smith and motivation crowding out. Politics philosophy & economics, 10(4), 370-395.
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