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Proficiency European Languages and Cultures

Address:Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands


Abel, N.
PhD candidate / Coordinator and lecturer for German language proficiency courses
Alba Duran, J., MA
Lecturer and Researcher
Bot, K.D.J.M. de, MA
Lecturer in Dutch as a second language
Buiting, drs. A.I.
Teacher and coordinator for Russian Language Proficiency
Menke-Bazhutkina, I.A.
German language teacher and coordinator
Michel, prof. dr. M.C.
Full Professor of Second Language Acquisition & Chair of Language Learning
Oggel, drs. G.A.
Lecturer of Spanish Proficiency at the department of European Languages and Cultures, Chair Language Learning & Teacher of Spanish Didactics at Master of Education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences
Prada, J.L., Dr
Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism
Robinson-Jones, C.
PhD student
Rousse-Malpat, A.L.M.
Assistant Professor of language learning at the program European Languages and Cultures
Tabacco, V., MSc
Vidon, C.
Lecturer & coordinator of French language

PhD students

Coughlan, G.K.
PhD student
Han, Z., MA
PhD student
Hiemstra, A.
PhD student
Nap, L.S.
PhD student
Salama, M.A.H.
PhD student
Sikkens, H., M
PhD student
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