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Publicaties 2000


Bolhuis, A., Koetje, E., Dubois, J.-Y., Vehmaanperä, J., Venema,G., Bron, S., Dijl, J.M. van.
Did the mitochondrial processing peptidase evolve from a eubacterial regulator of gene expression? Mol. Biol. Evol.,17: 198-201

Müller, J., Bron, S., Venema, G., Dijl, J.M. van.
Chaperone-like activities of the CsaA protein of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology,146: 77-88

Wallaart, T.E., Pras, N., Beekman, A.C., Quax, W.J.
Seasonal variation of artemisinin and its biosynthetic precursors in plants of Artemisia annua of different geographical origin: Proof for the existence of chemotypes. Planta Medica, 66: 57-62.

Bos, R., Hendriks, H., Pras, N.
Essential Oil Composition of Valeriana officinalis ssp. collina cultivated in Bulgaria. J. Essent. Oil Res. 12: 313-316.

Braun, P, Bitter, W., Tommassen, J.
Activation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase in Pseudomonas putida by triggering dissociation of the propeptide-enzyme complex. Microbiology 2000, 146: 2565-2572.

Tjalsma, H., Bolhuis, A., Jongbloed, J.D.H., Bron, S. Dijl, J.M. van.
Signal peptide-dependent protein transport in Bacillus subtilis: a Genome-based Survey of the Secretome. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev., 64: 515-547

Tjalsma, H., Stöver, A.G., Driks, A., Venema, G., Bron, S., Dijl, J.M. van.
Conserved Serine and Histidine Residues are Critical for Activity of the ER-type Signal Peptidase SipW of Bacillus subtilis. J. Biol. Chem., 275: 25102-25108.

Jongbloed, J.D.H., U. Martin, H. Antelmann, M. Hecker, H. Tjalsma, G. Venema, S. Bron, J.M. van Dijl and J. Müller.
TatC is a specificity determinant for protein secretion via the twin- arginine translocation pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 41350-41357.

Roosmalen, M.L. van, J.D.H. Jongbloed, A. Kuipers, G. Venema, S. Bron and J.M. van Dijl.
A truncated soluble Bacillus signal peptidase is subject to self-cleavage at its active site. J. Bacteriol.182: 5765-5770

Woerdenbag, H.J., Bos, R., Meeteren, H.E. van, Baarslag, J.J.J., Jong-van den Berg, L.T.W. de, Pras, N., Rego Kuster, G. do, Petronia, R.R.L., Vos, G.I.
Essential Oil of Croton flavens L. (Welensali), a Medicinal Plant from Curaçao. J. Essent. Oil Res. 12: 667-671.

Empt, U., Alfermann, A.W., Pras, N., Petersen, M.
The Use of Plant Cell Cultures for the Production of Podophyllotoxin and Related Lignans. J. Appl. Bot., 74; 145-150.

National publications in the field of study

Woerdenbag, H.J., Oosterhuis, B., Pras, N., Kager, P.A., Vries, P.J. de.
Artemotil (Artecef®).Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 135, 31: 1161-1165.

Halkes, S.B.A., Meer, J.H. van, Woerdenbag, H.J., Jans, A.L., Tombe, S.F. des, Kuy, A. van der.
Kwaliteit, veiligheid en werkzaamheid van plantaardige medicinale bereidingen. Teelt en oogst beter controleren. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 135: 1260-1265.

Woerdenbag, H.J., Meer, J.H. van.
Crataegus. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fytotherapie, 13(3): 15-17.

Chapter in proceedings

Jongbloed, J.D.H., Bolhuis, A. Braun, P.G., Darmon, E, Dorenbos, R., Tjalsma, H., Westers, H., Zanen, G.E., Quax, W.J., Bron, S. Dijl, J.M. van.
Functional Analysis of the Secretome of Bacillus subtilis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biotechnology; Practice in Non-Food Products (22-25 October 2000), Wilhelms-University, Münster, Germany, in press.

Book parts

Dröge, M.J., Pries, F., Quax, W.J. Directed Evolution of Bacillus Lipase. In: Lipases and Lipids: Structure, Function and Biotechnological Applications. Eds. Kokotos, G., Constantinou-Kokotou, V. pp 169-180.

Chapter in book

Pras, N.
Plant cell cultures, secondary product accumulation. In: The Encyclopedia of Cell Technology (Spier, R., Ed.), Wiley & Sons, New York, pp 1015-1029.

Woerdenbag H.J., De Smet P.A.G.M.
Adverse effects and toxicity of ginkgo extracts. In: Van Beek TA, ed. Ginkgo biloba. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Pu-blishers, 2000: pp. 443-452.


Gerritse, G., Quax, W.J. Expression system for altered expression levels. US006048710A 2000

Quax WJ, Verhaert RMD, Beekwilder MJ, Aehle W. Enzyme selection WO 007719



Wallaart, T.E. Investigations on the Biosynthesis of the Novel Antimalarial Drug Artemisinin in the Plant Artemisia annua, Promotor: Quax, W.J., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, 2000, 117pp.

Laatst gewijzigd:11 oktober 2012 09:50