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Research Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG) Research Theoretical and Empirical Linguistics

General Linguistics

Jan-Wouter Zwart's research addresses the fundamental properties of syntax, including the derivation of structure and dependency, as well as morphosyntactic typology, with a specialization in Germanic linguistics.

Mark de Vries focuses on the syntax and semantics of complex constructions such as parentheses, dislocation, coordination and relative clause.

Bart Hollebrandse works on both theoretical as psycholinguistic issues concerning recursive constructions (clauses, possessives, prepositions). His work also includes the fields of Theory of Mind and Serious Gaming.

Willem Visser is primarily engaged in name forming (not to be confused with naming) in Frisian. Subjects he published about: diminutive names, hypocoristics, full names ending in -y and 'shortened' names (by omitting the diminution suffix). Furthermore, he has an interest in his 'first love', the phonology of Frisian.

Group members:

Hollebrandse, dr. B. Linguistics, Child language, Serious Gaming, Syntax, Semantics and Cognition Linguistics
Language & Linguistics
Visser, dr. W.The phonology of Frisian; Frisian linguistics; patterns in the formation of Frisisan personal names.Language & Linguistics
Vries, dr. M. de Syntax, theoretical linguistics

Language & Linguistics
Zwart, prof. dr. C.J.W. Syntax, linguistic typology Linguistics
Language & Linguistics
Last modified:18 July 2019 12.05 p.m.