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‘Just do IT’ - Improve your ICT skills for teaching

The use of ICT in education is becoming increasingly important. Not only is there an overwhelming supply of tools for teaching, but students also expect to acquire the digital skills  that are demanded in their professional careers. Therefore the urgency is growing for teachers to start using ICT for teaching and learning.

ICTOL, the Faculty of Arts Centre of ICT and Education, can help you with this!

In August 2019, ICTOL will be offering the next series of Just do IT workshops on the use of technology and teaching. The emphasis in the workshops is on promoting ‘good practices’ and making teaching and learning more effective and more efficient by the use of technologies. The workshops are in the form of one-hour hands-on demos and practice. We use ‘Just do IT’ as motto because the use of ICT should be simple and functional. After the workshops, participants should be confident in using the tools on their own.

New in this series are the workshops TrainTool, Perceptiv and Nestor Discussion Board. Updated are Interactive video with H5P (now integrated in Nestor) and Nestor Journals, Blogs and wikis. For a description, see the overview below.

And we will repeat ten of the workshops we gave earlier, including Interactive whiteboards, Grade registration in Nestor, Collaborative writing using Google Drive and Google Docs, Google Classroom, Creating tests in Nestor, Assignments and feedback in Nestor and Using Rubrics in Nestor.

Workshops are at beginners’ level, unless indicated otherwise. Attendance to the workshops is free for Faculty of Arts members of staff.

Use this form to let us know which workshop(s) you want to participate in.

Location: Harmonie building, Multimedia rooms 2-3 and Practicum Room Law.

Open in Google Calendar

The following topics have been planned.





Collaborative writing using Google Drive and Google Docs

GDocs and GDrive are great tools for working on texts together. In this session we will demonstrate the basics of GDrive and GDocs and you will learn how to use these applications for collaborating with colleagues and using them in writing assignments with your students.

Instructor: Sake Jager

August 21, 10:00 - 11:00

MMroom 3

Google Classroom

Google Classroom integrates Google Drive and Docs in an environment for classroom teaching. Classroom is particularly well suited for working with Google documents and integrating web-based content (YouTube videos, Arts and Culture content, etc.).

It can be used to create classes, distribute and collect assignments, and communicate with students. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.

We will also demonstrate some Classroom extensions and add-ons which provide additional functionality.

Instructor: Sake Jager

Please watch thisTeacher talk videoto learn more about how Ronald Ohlsen (Language Centre) and his Chinese students use Classroom.

August 21, 11:00 - 12:00

MMroom 3


TrainTool is an online video training tool focusing on the practice of 'soft-skills' such as: presentation skills, communication skills, etc. In the tool, students first prepare practicing a skill with underlying theory or examples. They then see a 'prompt' video of a role play to which they respond while recording themselves. TrainTool is often used in skills programs at our university as part of preparing for face to face sessions. It enables student to practice specific skills as often as they like and to receive and provide feedback.

Instructor: Vincent de Boer (CIT-ESI)

August 27, 10:00 - 11:00

MMroom 2


Peerceptiv is an online tool helping teachers organize peer feedback in their classroom. Because Peerceptiv is very efficient in distributing peer feedback assignments automatically, it enables to teachers to implement peer feedback even in very large groups. With the use of grading tables or rubrics, peer feedback can be a very powerful teaching tool. Finally, Peerceptiv allows for anonymous feedback and back-evaluation (feedback on the peer feedback).

Instructor: Irene Douwes-van Ark (CIT-ESI)

August 27, 11:00 - 12:00

MMroom 2

Interactive video with H5P

With H5P, a lecturer can create interactive content, such as quizzes, flashcards, games and interactive videos. In this workshop, we will focus on creating interactive videos in particular and you will learn to create and embed them in Nestor for use with your students.

New: H5P is now fully integrated in Nestor and result are stored in the Grade Center.

Instructor: André Rosendaal

August 27, 13:00 - 14:00

MMroom 2

Nestor Journals, Blogs, Wikis

Journals are a personal space for students to communicate privately with you. Students can also use journals as a self-reflective tool to post their opinions, ideas, and concerns about the course, or discuss and analyze course-related materials.

A blog is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended to share with others. Most blogs also have a commenting feature, so that people can respond to one another's thoughts. Blogs encourage students to clearly express their ideas.

Wikis allow course members to contribute and modify one or more pages of course-related materials and provide a means of sharing and collaboration. Course members can create and edit pages quickly, and track changes and additions, which allows for effective collaboration between multiple writers.

Instructor: P. de Groot

August 27, 14:30 - 15:30

MMroom 2

Nestor Discussion Board

In Discussion boards, students can express their ideas, gathering feedback and help with refining their opinions and plans. In the workshop you will learn how to set up a discussion board and how students can benefit from his interactive tool.

Instructor: André Rosendaal

August 27, 16:00 - 17:00

MMroom 2

Creating tests in Nestor

Nestor offers excellent facilities for online testing (exams and intermediate tests). During this workshop we will show you the basics of creating your own test in Nestor and how to use these as basis for diagnostic or high-stakes tests.

Instructor: Peter de Groot

August 28, 10:00 - 11:00

MMroom 2

Assignments and Feedback in Nestor


Nestor assignments are used to manage the digital submission or file upload of essays, papers or other types of assignments.

Inline Grading

Instead of requiring instructors to download student-submitted files to view or edit those submissions, instructors can now view student-submitted files “inline,” i.e. in the web browser, without leaving the Grade Assignment page.

Instructor: Peter de Groot

August 28, 11:30 - 12:30

MMroom 2

Grade registration in Nestor

In the Grade Center, you can provide and manage your students' grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts, journals, blogs, and wikis, and for ungraded items, such as surveys or self tests. You can also create grade columns for any activities or requirements you want to grade, such as special projects, participation, or attendance.

During this workshop, you will learn to use the basics of grade registration in Nestor and how to prepare these results for further processing by the Student Affairs office.

Instructor: Peter de Groot

August 28, 13:00 - 14:00

MMroom 2

Interactive whiteboards

In this workshop, you will learn to use the interactive whiteboards available in lecture rooms. After the workshop, you will know how to navigate in Powerpoint and other applications via the touchscreen functionality, and you will be able to write on the screens by using the SMART Notebook software. This software enables you to create multiple pages on which you can write, manipulate text, display images etc. You will also learn to annotate Microsoft Word documents on-screen.

New:the workshop was updated and now covers new Windows 10 touchscreen functionality.

Instructor: André Rosendaal

August 28, 14:30 - 15:30

MMroom 2

Using Rubrics in Nestor

A rubric is an assessment tool for grading assignments; it specifies evaluation criteria at varying levels of skill. Rubrics can be used to communicate assignment requirements and acceptable performance standards, as well as to give students a clear indication of how to improve their work. Well-designed rubrics can also support impartial and reliable grading.

This workshop focuses on how to set up and use rubrics in the Nestor learning environment. By the end of the session, you’ll be able to create your own rubric, attach it to a Nestor assignment, and grade assignments using the rubric.

Instructor: Tom Wigham

August 30, 13:00 - 14:00

Practicum room Law (1314.0042)

Last modified:16 August 2023 11.29 a.m.
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