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About us Campus Fryslân

Student for a Day

When:Th 20-04-2023 11:00 - 16:30
Where:De Beurs, Leeuwarden

At Campus Fryslân, we offer future-oriented studies, aiming for a better world and with a close-knit international community. But how will your time at the campus be for you? Find out and become a Student for a Day!

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During this day, you'll have the chance to see if our Bachelor programs are the right fit for you. You can choose from our exciting programs:
Global Responsibility & Leadership or Data Science & Society

Come and see for yourself what it's like to be a part of Campus Fryslân!

About Global Responsibility & Leadership
Contribute to finding solutions to important societal challenges. Dive deep into the fields of politics, leadership, psychology, economics, global health, and sustainability.

✔ Ranked as the #1 BSc program in the Netherlands.

✔ Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals: global challenges - local solutions.

✔ Customized to apply classroom concepts directly in the Living Lab, a research collaboration with local partners.

✔ Majors: Responsible Planet, Responsible Governance, or Responsible Humanity.


12.00 - 12.15.

Walk with tea & coffee

12:15 - 12.45 

Students introduce you to the GRL program & student life in Leeuwarden

12:45 - 13:15


13:15 - 14.00

GRL lecture 

14:00 - 14.15

Tour of the Beurs 

14:15 - 14:30

Short break 

14:30 - 15.00

UCF staff go through the practicalities including costs, housing, and the  application procedure 

15.00 - 16.00

Optional: Walk through the city and student accommodation at Kanaalstraat

About Data Science & Society
Gain insight into data from a societal perspective. Discover data-driven solutions in a fair, responsible, and sustainable way. Learn to bridge disciplines and connect the dots.

✔ Developed in collaboration with Microsoft, Philips, and Astron

✔ Take courses on big data, programming, and machine learning

✔ But also learn about ethics, laws, and regulations surrounding data


11:00 - 11:15

Welcome with tea & coffee 

11:15 - 11:30

Ice breaker 

11:30 - 12:15

DSS Lecture 

12:15 - 12:45


12:45 - 13:15

Programme presentation

13:15 - 13:30

Tour of the Beurs 

13:30 - 13:45

Short break 

13:45 - 14:30

Data walk + debriefing + Practicalities 

When you arrive at our campus in the heart of Leeuwarden, one of our enthusiastic students will be there to greet you, take you on a tour, and bring you to a sample lecture.

Throughout the day, you'll get a taste of student life and a clear sense of what you'll learn during the program. Ultimately, it's a chance to discover if it's the right fit for you.

Are you ready to take the next step? Sign up for the program that interests you most!

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