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Profiling? How do I do that?

A distinct visual profile could help to link the quality of your teaching, research, or services to your own organizational unit and to the parent brand (the UG). That is how you work on your reputation. 
At the UG, everyone can tell a part of our story. To keep that story recognizable, we have set out a number of rules and guidelines. For example, as an organizational unit you are not allowed to develop your own logo which, for example, comprises a symbol and a word picture or just a word picture, and you have to use the UG colours and fonts. Fortunately, there are still many ways to develop a recognizable visual profile!

Below is an overview to give you an idea of the possibilities. It is very difficult to briefly outline all the possibilities and impossibilities. That is why we would like to be involved in the thinking process from the start. 

A recognizable visual profile

Within the UG house style, there are profiling possibilities on various platforms and through various means in the logo and name zone, in the middle zone, and in the bar at the bottom. Incidentally, specific rules apply to some of these platforms and means, such as for the website and social media.

The logo and name zone

The logo and name zone always shows the parent brand. The logo and name zone is available in a narrow and a wide version. In the narrow version, a corporate logo can be placed, if desired expanded with a second and third branding element. It is advisable to keep the logo bar white as it makes the sender extra noticeable, but another colour is also fine. The wide version fits a corporate logo with the name of the organizational unit at the bottom right of the bar. In this version, the bar is always white, the corporate logo and the name of the organizational unit red. Under no circumstances may text or images be placed adjacent to the logo.

decorative image

The middle zone

In addition to the brand name element in the logo and name zone, the middle zone is where you can place distinctive style elements. This could be:

  • A distinctive lay-out with form/shapes and structures, see for instance the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society
  • A distinctive symbol, i.e. without the name of the organizational unit
  • In addition to the logo and name zone, the name of the organizational unit can become part of the layout in the middle zone—formatted in the Arial font
  • Distinctive UG colour combinations. Always make sure that the colour red stands out sufficiently clearly.
  • Distinctive photography
  • Combinations of the above.
decorative image

From left to right and from top to bottom:

  • A name as part of the layout
  • A distinctive lay-out with form/shapes and structures
  • Another example of distinctive lay-out and formatting from the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (GMW)
  • Distinctive colour combination
  • A distinctive symbol
  • A symbol combined with the name is considered a sub-logo and is not allowed.

The bar at the bottom

You can use the bar at the bottom to place the logos of collaborative parties and a URL, but you can also place a distinctive symbol there by default. Unfortunately, the latter cannot be done in combination with the name of the organizational unit, since it would then be considered a sub-logo again.

In the below examples, the area at the bottom is kept white to make any logos of collaborative parties and a URL stand out clearly. A different colour is also possible, such as the colour of the middle zone, for example. 

decorative image

From left to right and from top to bottom:

  • The name and the URL 
  • A distinctive symbol and the URL
  • The logos of collaborative parties
  • The logos of the collaborative parties and the URL
  • A combination of a distinctive symbol and the name is not permitted 
  • If the UG is the sender, the UG logo is always at the top left. The logos of collaborative parties may be placed in the middle zone or in the bar at the bottom.
Last modified:19 December 2024 4.37 p.m.
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