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Elections 2024


From May 13 to May 17, 2024, university elections took place for the student sections University Council and Faculty Councils (student councils).

The results

These can be found below in The timeline at May 21 | The Results.

Why vote?

The importance of participation councils is great. By voting you exercise your influence in a variety of areas within the UG.

What does the University Council do?

The University of Groningen (UG) has a University Council. This 'U-council' (UR) consists of twenty-four members: twelve elected from and by the students each year, and twelve from and by the staff every other year. The UR members together represent the academic community. They constitute the highest democratically elected body within the governance of the university.

The University Council is in charge of various tasks, such as checking the policy-making of the Board of the University (CvB), the renovation of the University buildings, general teaching and exam regulations, and the annual University budget. The UR has the right of consent and can therefore vote on specific documents or measures.

Currently, there are three student parties: Lijst Calimero, Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG) and De Vrije Student/The Independent Student.
The parties participating in faculty councils can be found on the faculty webpage. The number of seats for each party is distributed each year, during the university elections in May.

What do the Faculty and Employee councils do?

After the University Council, the faculty councils are the highest consultative participation bodies within the University. They act as intermediaries between the various departments within each faculty. These councils have the right of approval and the right to issue advice on certain topics relevant to the faculties, such as on parts of the Education and Examination Regulations (OER). These councils also act as representatives of students and staff within their respective faculties and as sounding boards for their respective faculty boards.

Three of the University of Groningen service units have employee councils and consist solely of staff members of the service units concerned. The service councils have the right of approval and the right to issue advice on cetain topics relevant to the service units. University Services, the University Library and the Center for Information Technology (CIT) have a service council.

The timeline

Here you will find the timeline of these elections, information about the different steps in the election process, links to the official announcements, the list of candidates, the election programs and the elections themselves.

January 25| Election announcement

On Januar 25, 2024 everyone concerned will be informed by the Central Electoral Office (CSB) about the Elections 2024.

February 5 - 8 | Inspection of voter register and request for correction

The right to vote is laid down in the Electoral Regulations. Students and staff who are eligible to vote are included in the register of voters of the respective division and council.

This year, on February 2, 2024, the voter register will be established. At that time, you must be registered as a student or employed by the RUG to be eligible to vote in May.

From February 5 to 8, your own data in the Voter Register can be viewed using the blue button "View Voter Register." (Only visible during this period). Everyone will receive an email for this purpose.

More information about the Electoral Register you can find in he Electoral Regulations with appendix 2 about the who are elegible to vote.

March 11 - 20 | Candidacy announcement

From March 11 through March 20, 2024, you can run for the 2024 elections. The submitters of participating parties enter their candidates in the digital voting application. Candidates must then confirm their candidacy then confirm their candidacy during the same period. After March 20, the list final and the Central Ballot Bureau decides on its validity.

As of Feb. 26, 2024, you can find the official Announcement no. 2 - Candidaty below.

March 27 | Parties and Candidates

The list of candidates for the 2024 elections has been determined.

The list of participating parties and candidates can be found in Announcement no. 3 - Candidacy List below.

Further information about the elections themselves can be found in announcement No. 4 - Election periods.

March 28 - April 10 | Candidate Profiles and Party information

Util April 10, 2024, candidates can fill their candidate profiles. They can use the blue button "Candidate:"update profile" on this page.

In this period List submitters can update their party's information with the blue button " Submitter: Update Party Information"

May 13 - 17 | Voting

Elections start on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:00 am.

Elections close on Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

May 21 | The Results

The results were officially announced on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The list of Elected Candidates you can find here

More information you can find in Announcement no.5

The full results of the 2024 University elections are available below

Last modified:22 May 2024 11.41 a.m.
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