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The Future of Europe

When:Mo 13-05-2024 20:00 - 21:30
Where:Forum groningen, Rabo Studio

I n June, we will vote for a new European Parliament. Right-wing populist parties are performing well in many countries. Why is this happening and what does it mean for the election outcome and the future of Europe?

The significant electoral victory of the Dutch PVV is not an isolated incident. Right-wing populist parties have been on the rise in Europe for some time. Viktor Orbán is firmly in power in Hungary, Giorgia Meloni leads in Italy, and Marine Le Pen remains the biggest and most popular challenger on the right in France. What lies behind this trend and how will we see it reflected in the European Parliament elections?

UG graduate Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal discusses these and other questions with populism expert Léonie de Jonge, Professor of European Politics and Society Pieter de Wilde, and EU correspondent Romana Abels. They delve into what populism entails exactly, why it is gaining ground in Europe, what external factors are at play (such as a possible re-election of Donald Trump), and whether there are counter-movements or other movements in Europe.

This event will be in Dutch.

Free admission. Reserve a seat via the Forum Groningen website.

EU Election activities

From June 6th to 9th, European Elections will take place. Over 375 million Europeans are eligible to cast their vote for a new European Parliament. In order to assist everyone in making informed decisions when casting their vote, the university, along with other parties in the city, is organizing various events about the elections.

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