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Masterclass: Innovation in Education – from creativity to scholarship

When:Th 01-12-2022 14:00 - 16:00
Where:Faculty of Medical Sciences | Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen | Room 3219.0024C

How can we transform the challenges of our educational practice into opportunities to renew and refresh our pedagogical approaches? How may educational theory inform the development of evidence-informed activities?

In this session, dr. Marco Carvalho Filho will present and reflect on some innovative approaches he has developed in the last 10 years of his educational practice and present a framework to support the creation, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative educational practices.

Participants will reflect on their own challenges and be introduced to a roadmap for developing scholarship in teaching and learning. Scholarship in teaching and learning refers to adopting a theory and evidence informed approach to design, implement, assess and disseminate educational practices.

Please note: There is a maximum of 30 participants for this session

Dr. Marco Carvalho Filho
Dr. Marco Carvalho Filho

About the presenter

Dr. Marco Carvalho Filho is an expert in medical education. Currently he is the Head of Medical Education Research at the University of Groningen. Marco is also active on faculty development, especially on using online tools to foster communities of practice of innovative teachers. His research interests are focused on professonal identity development, arts in medical education, and clinical reasoning. Learn more about Dr. Marco Carvalho Filho and his research.

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