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About us Practical matters How to find us M.A. (Marco) de Carvalho Filho

Research interests

Marco worked for 20 years as an internal medicine specialist and clinical teacher in Internal Medicine wards, Intensive Care Units, and Emergency Departments. He is passionate about medical education and active methodologies and is deeply influenced by Critical Pedagogy and The Theatre of the Oppressed. This passion led Marco to a career change in the last 15 years when he focused on designing innovative approaches to online learning, simulation, and assessment, including MEET (Medical Education Empowered by Theatre) and CCPS (Co-constructive patient simulation). Marco is active in faculty development, especially using online tools to foster communities of practice of innovative teachers. His research interests are focused on online learning, clinical reasoning, professional identity development, and arts in health professional education.


Adopting a pedagogy of connection for medical education

All You Need is Music: Supporting Medical Students' Emotional Development with a Music-Based Pedagogy

An evidence-informed pedagogical approach to support professional identity formation in medical students: AMEE Guide No. 171

Connect or detach: A transformative experience for medical students in end-of-life care

Establishing psychological safety in online design-thinking education: a qualitative study

Feedback: Now and then

‘Feedback: Now and then’

Harnessing student feedback to transform teachers: Role of emotions and relationships

Mindfulness training in medical education as a means to improve resilience, empathy, and mental health in the medical profession

Psychiatric Clinical Training Across Borders: Developing Virtual Communities of Practice Through International Co-constructive Patient Simulation

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Critical Pedagogy and the Work of Paulo Freire