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121, February 2019

19 February 2019

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Overview of the Budget

Last December the budget was on the agenda. The University Council has voting rights on the main points and an advice right on the rest.

The costs for phasing out the Yantai preparation group fell under main points of the budget and the UC (University Council) voted negative. There were two points where the UC gave a negative advice. A portion of the UC found the motivation of the budget of the language policy from the Bureau not properly motivated and the same was for the sale on the University Paper. Should there be no positive advice then a solution must be found. This came in January. The Board of the University moved the phasing out costs of the preparation group Yantai to private means where the UC does not have any say over and there would be less of a sale on the University Paper, furthermore, the language policy of the Bureau would be analysed after a year. With that the problems were solved and the budget on these three points was approved.

Reorganisation Centre for Advanced Radiation Technology (KVI-CART)

In 2013 KVI was reorganised and the KVI-CART was created. This led to the abnormal reality that the KVI-CART as a scientific institution fell directly under the Board of the University instead of under a faculty. In 2016 the KVI-CART, in cooperation with the BoU (Board of the University), created a strategic plan and made the agreement that the particle accelerator would stay operational for at least 10 years with an evaluation after 5 years. The financial situation was such that the BoU decided to begin a reorganisation that would lead to the abolition of the KVI-CART. That is why in January a notification of reorganisation was issued. A research group with the accelerator can go to the UMCG, a research group can go to the FSE and the placement of the third research group is unknown. The BoU is trying to prevent forced layoffs but is not ruling out the possibility. At UC meetings, the different factions can allow external parties to speak. In the committee meeting in preparation for the Council meeting the secretary of the staff council gave a speech. This information together with the lack of evidence for a financial need to reorganise, the lack of statements from the FSE, and the UMCG about taking over the and sharing of the KVI-CART, were enough reasons for the UC to, at that moment, give a negative advice. To be continued. The financial situation shall be incredibly important for this situation.

The Institutional Test

The self-evaluation in preparation for the Institutional Quality Assurance Test has been completed and sent to the NVAO with an accompanying letter from the University Council. On the 7th and 8th of March a committee from the NVAO will come to speak with several bodies of the RUG about the self-evaluation. There are several members of the Council involved with this. On 10-12 April there will be a second visit in which the committee will delve deeper into certain issues. What those issues are will only be clear after the first visit. In the accompanying letter the Council made two points explicit. the internationalisation must lead to better education and the work pressure must be seriously worked on.

The Quality Agreements

The quality agreements were discussed together with the self-evaluation. These are goals that the RUG has created itself that are conditional to get the study loan resources. The faculty plans are created with approval from the faculty boards. Beyond that, the UC has agreed on reserving 10% of the budget for plans above the faculty level.

Job Openings in the Board of the University

In the coming period two positions within the board of the University will be opened. The openings concern the rector magnificus and the vice president because Elmer Sterken and Jan de Jeu are retiring. The change of rector will take place during the lustrum in June. Henrieke Polinder (student faction) and Casper Albers (personnel faction) shall, in the name of the UC, be in the selection advisory committee.

The February -agenda

The reorganisation of KVI-CART will once again be on the agenda of the Council on February 28th. So will the quality agreements. On the same day there will be a open presentation from Leendert Klaassen about the research about the finances surrounding Yantai.

Elections 2019

It seems far away, but the deadline for candidates for the election to participate in decision is in March. If you are interested or would otherwise like to contribute then please contact us at: Uraad


With representatives from many different faculties and services, from the WP to the OBP, the PF reflects the versatility of the RUG and complement each other by sharing our diverse knowledge and background information. We are, for example, in favour of a work pressure paragraph (impact analysis) by all larger plans, for example the quality agreements, and for voting right or advisory right to all aspects of the budget and not just the public parts.

Science faction


Lijst Calimero

Lijst Calimero has been in the University Council since 2004 with a clear goal: the improvement of the quality of education at our university. We achieve this by critically but constructively looking at different facets of education within our university. By looking at how every students studies, what every students studies, and where every student studies we are try to represent all elements of student life in the University Council. Every year we organise think tanks with different themes to hear from the students and to inform students about our activities within the University Council.

Studenten Organisatie Groningen

Studenten Organisatie Groningen            

The Studenten Organisatie Groningen is the oldest student party in the University Council and is active, in different forms, in improving the daily life of all 30,000 RUG students since 1972. The policy of the SOG focusses on the following three pillars: internationalisation, sustainability, and flexibility and employability of students. With that in mind, the SOG has, among other things, had an international in our faction for the past 3 years. The SOG stands for a constructive, horizontal dialogue throughout the whole academic landscape to improve the daily life of the students that wish to get the most out of their study period.

Democratische Academie Groningen 

We of the Democratische Academie Groningen (DAG) are in the Council to give fundamental criticism to the aspects of the RUG that are non-transparent, undemocratic en to focussed on profit. Besides our role in the University Council, DAG also organises protests, debate evenings, and we do research into abuses from the University.

One Man's Gang

One Man Gang’s inaugural year in the University Council has, so far, been an interesting experience. When I decided to participate, I had two platforms that I based my entire candidacy on: free hot water and a balcony for smoking. I can proudly say that hot water is now free in the UB. But I will only be satisfied when there is free hot water in every building of the university. And I am working towards this. But to achieve this I need to talk to the faculty boards because it is within their competences to realise my plan. About the balcony for smokers, I sent a 8 page memo to the Board of the University in October in which I laid out three possibilities to work on the smoking/pollution problem. I am still waiting on an answer which I can expect in February. There are two truths within the University Council: every takes time and compromises are unavoidable.

De vrije student
Last modified:19 January 2023 11.37 a.m.
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