Contact info
Contacting the University Council
You can contact the Council to share concerns, ideas, feedback or important topics. Perhaps you want to find out what the parties think of a certain theme or what’s being done about an existing problem, or perhaps you’d like to put a new topic on the agenda; you can talk to the Council about all these things. You can join the walk-in hours of the Council if you want to speak to a member face to face, but you can also email a party or contact the registrar who can pass along your question to the right person- see the contact info below. You can also email a party if you’re interested in becoming a candidate on their list.

The University Council has a registry, consisting of a chair who leads the meetings, a registrar who provides support for the UC and a minute taker who minutes all the meetings. The registrar is the first point of contact for the registry if you’d like to:
Contact the UC in general.
Ask questions about processes and procedures of the UC.
See a specific archived document.
Contact info
Registrar is Roos Feringa: griffier.ur
Chair is Bob Bergsma: voorzitter.ur
Live translator, Wesley Pechler: vertaler.griffie
Translator and minute-taker, Anneke Kroodsma: vertaler.griffie of notulist.griffie
Staff members per faction
Personnel faction: pf.ur
Science faction: wf.ur
Student delegation per faction
Lijst Calimero: contact
De Vrije Student: fractie
Studenten Organisatie Groningen: info
Member Bin Israr: a.israr
Last modified: | 10 September 2024 1.06 p.m. |