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Research Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG) Research Discourse and Communication PAT: Pictures and Text


  • Charlotte Vijfvinkel, Ielka van der Sluis, Gisela Redeker (2018). I like to move it move it. Analysing first-aid instruction videos for moving a victim. Presented at the 39th TABU Dag 2018, 14-15 June, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Van der Sluis, I., Vergeer, R. & Redeker, G. (2018). Action Categorisation in Multimodal Instructions. In J. Pustejovsky, I. van der Sluis (Eds.), Presented at the 1st International Workshop on Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions (AREA 2018) at LREC 2018, 7 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan).
  • Alise Borger, Ielka van der Sluis & Gisela Redeker (2018). Multimodale analyse van instructievideo's. Presented at the 28ste Anéla VIOT juniorendag 2018, 20 April, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  • Ielka van der Sluis & Gisela Redeker (2017). The Pictures and Text (PAT) Workbench: Toward Automated Evaluation of Multimodal First-Aid Instructions. Presented at DH Day 2017, 27 October, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Ielka van der Sluis, Anne Nienke Eppinga & Gisela Redeker (2017). Text-Picture Relations in Multimodal Instructions. Presented at the FSMC Workshop on Foundations of Situated and Multimodal Communication 2017, at IWCS 2017, 19 September, Montpellier, France.
  • Anne Nienke Eppinga, Ielka van der Sluis & Gisela Redeker (2017). Van vóór naar achter of van links naar rechts? Gebruikersonderzoek naar de positionering van afbeeldingen en tekst in procedurele instructies. Presented at the 27ste Anéla VIOT juniorendag 2017, 13 April, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Manon van 't Hul, Ielka van der Sluis (2017). Evaluation of a corpus building tool for annotated multimodal instructions. Presented at the 38th TABU Dag 2017, 22-23 June, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Ielka van der Sluis, Lennart Kloppenburg & Gisela Redeker (2016). PAT Workbench: Annotation and Evaluation of Text and Pictures in Multimodal Instructions. Presented at the Het etmaal van de communicatiewetenschap 2017, 26-27 January, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  • Ielka van der Sluis, Lennart Kloppenburg & Gisela Redeker (2016). PAT Workbench: Annotation and Evaluation of Text and Pictures in Multimodal Instructions. Presented at the Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities Workshop (LT4DH’16) at COLING 2016, Osaka, Japan.
  • Ielka van der Sluis, Shadira Leito & Gisela Redeker (2016). Text-Picture Relations in Cooking Instructions. Presented at the Twelfth Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop onInteroperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-12) at LREC 2016, 28 May, Portoroz, Slovenia.
  • Joyce van Dijk, Ielka van der Sluis & Gisela Redeker (2016). Annotation of text and pictures in health care  instructions. Presented at the 37th TABU Dag 2016, 3 June, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Shadira Leito, Ielka van der Sluis & Gisela Redeker (2014). Het gebruik van tekst en beeld in kookinstructies. Presented at the 24ste Anéla VIOT juniorendag 2014, 8 March, Leiden, The Netherlands.

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Last modified:06 May 2019 09.53 a.m.