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Research Department of Genetics
University Medical Center Groningen

Ellen Nollen named as EMBO Young Investigator

07 November 2011
Ellen Nollen, of the Dept of Genetics, UMCG, University of Groningen, is one of 22 young investigators named by EMBO today to join their prestigious Young Investigator Programme. She is studying 'Aging-related protein aggregation and toxicity'.

Press release

22 young researchers join the EMBO 2011 Young Investigator Programme

Heidelberg, Germany, 7 November 2011 – EMBO today acknowledges the work of 22 young European scientists selected for excellence in research to join the Young Investigator Programme.

These scientists join a growing network of more than 300 young group leaders.

“The EMBO Young Investigators have the potential to be tomorrow’s life science leaders,” says Gerlind Wallon, EMBO Deputy Director and manager of the Young Investigator Programme. “They are already active contributors to science in Europe and by supporting them, EMBO wants to highlight both their work and their potential.”

With 164 applications in 2011, the EMBO Young Investigator Programme is highly sought after, for its prestige and for its comprehensive array of benefits, which include networking, training, mentorship by EMBO Members and funding. The programme targets young scientists within four years of establishing their first laboratories and aims to support their promising careers.

EMBO Young Investigators receive 15,000 euros per year for three years directly from the member state where their laboratories are located. The distinction of being an EMBO Young Investigator often assists them in attracting additional sources of funding for their research. They also receive funding for conference attendance for themselves and their group members, practical training in laboratory management and access to core facilities at EMBL.  more

Earlier this year she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant (more).

Last modified:18 December 2023 08.30 a.m.
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