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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Pedagogical Sciences Ethics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology
Header image Ethics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology

Ethics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology

Many of the issues involved in social and professional discussions on youth and education require an interdisciplinary approach. But why and how does this approach work?

In education, upbringing and youth care there are a number of different interests to consider. These interests, of the children, their parents, the groups to which they belong (e.g. religious or ethnic minorities), and the interests of society are often difficult to define and they can often be at odds with each other.

Educational professionals need to have the competences to analyse and discuss moral, legal and policy-related issues. Some of them need to be extra-proficient in this area in order to be able to advise other professionals, managers, policy makers, politicians, and governments. The Ethics of Education Master's course provides the right learning environment to enable you to develop this extra expertise. You will acquire the relevant competences and learn to apply these in the professional contexts of research, policy making and consultancy.

In the Master track Ethics of Education you learn to analyse moral issues and discussions in order to design policies and procedures and to take decisions. Three examples:

You can also follow this programme in part-time.
Facts & Figures
MSc in Pedagogical Sciences
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Behavioural and Social Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

According to our students:
"Different disciplines are crossed in the lectures, internship and/or master's thesis: history, children's rights and philosophy."
"You will learn to understand complex ethical issues in upbringing, education and youth care and to write concrete advice for professional practices."

  • Our master is provided by experts from Educational Sciences sections 'Philosophy and History' and 'Children's Rights';
  • Courses, subjects of the research projects and the internships are closely related to the research and expertise of our teaching staff;
  • Guest lecturers from the academic world and the professional field discuss current themes in the field of education and youth;
  • Students choose whether to write their master's thesis in Dutch or English.

Grant information: students from certain countries are eligible for the Orange Knowledge Programme grant - see for more information


The programme consists of three lines:

1) In the thematic line, you explore four domains in the courses:
  • Ethics - introduces you to theories on ethics and moral issues.
  • Children's rights - the best interests of the child must be paramount. But how do we determine what is in the best interest of the child?
  • Development of citizenship - There is much controversy over the nature of good citizenship and how education and training can contribute to its development.
  • Professionalization - Scientification and professionalization influence working methods in education, in child and youth care, and impact how children and youth are perceived and treated.

2) In the professionalization line, you practice your professional skills and get acquainted with the practice.

  • Domain Specific Skills - prepares you to work successfully as an academic professional in a wide range of educational institutions, in youth care and organizations.
  • Internship - familiarises you with the demands placed on professionals, introduces you to the professional field to which they apply their knowledge and understanding.

3) In the Research line you do research:

  • Master thesis - During your master thesis you learn to do research. Types of research besides empirical research are for instance: analysis of documents, case studies or video material, literature reviewing, theoretical research (ethical, legal, philosophical), discourse analysis, historical research.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Domain-specific Professional Skills
Ethics in Care and Education (optional)
Research Thesis (optional)
Expertise, education and psychological practice
In the best interests of the child
Qualitative Research Methods
Citizenship development and education
Ehtics in Care and Education (optional)
Research Thesis (optional)
Education for a better world


In the course catalog, scroll down for the overview of the courses of this master, click on a course for more information about the content, the learning objective, language, teacher.

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
knowledge minimum

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Universities of applied sciences

Via a pre-master

More information:
  • verwante vooropleiding + schakelprogramma SPO 60 EC (1 jaar)
  • niet-verwante vooropleiding + verzwaard schakelprogramma SPO 60+56EC (1 jaar) SPO site: zie
Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Research universities

Via a pre-master

More information:

Toelatingsverzoek aan de toelatingscommissie. De commissie beoordeelt op basis van het verzoek of er een aanvullend programma in de vorm van een pre-master nodig is.

Academic training primary school teacherAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Study programmeOrganizationTransition
Pedagogical SciencesUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements

Registration procedure

Request for admission to the Admissions Committee

You can submit your admission request via the form Application for admission MSc Educational Sciences. You require a completed university bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences or a related field. You should submit your diplomas and a list of courses with course descriptions via the form. An assessment may be part of the admission procedure.

Application procedure

The application procedure is described on the general RUG page Enrolment for a Master's degree. Alternatively, you can contact admission

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

A completed university bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences or a related field allows you to request admission via the Admissions Committee. Please check the registration procedure below for more information on how to submit your application.

knowledge minimum

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

language test

The official language of the programme is English. Non-native English speakers must provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests mentioned below. Official test results must be supplied. Please note, we do not accept Institutional TOEFL results as evidence of English proficiency.

IELTS: overall 6.5; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5 | TOEFL internet-based: overall 90; speaking 22; writing 24 | CAE / CPE: C, B or A | Dutch pre-University diploma (VWO) including English: 5.5 for English |

Registration procedure

To apply for this programme, first go to Studielink . After you have submitted your details in Studielink, you will receive an e-mail with the information necessary to activate your user account for The Progress Portal.
See the application procedure for some guidance in Progress Portal.

Then, please upload the following documents in The Progress Portal:

  • a copy of the (Bachelor) diploma on the basis of which you ask admission to our program (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your transcript of courses (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your results for one of the mentioned English tests (exc. for native speakers)
  • a copy of your passport or ID card
  • optional: additional documents (e.g. a CV, ) with information that might be relevant for your admission (note: this does not include letters of recommendation or motivation letters)

If you have any doubts about your application, please contact us at: admissionsoffice

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 June 202501 September 2025
01 June 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 20800full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 21400full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

In the international Master Ethics of Education professionals and almost-professionals develop the knowledge and skills needed to research and respond to urgent ethical questions, doing justice to their complexity, while at the same time seeking practical solutions that may be of use in the context of policy-making and in practice.

Job prospects

The master track will prepare you for jobs at institutions and media in the field of education, training, child care and child and youth welfare work. Two domains of jobs can be distinguished: Teaching & Training and Policy and Consultancy. Teaching & Training includes for example teaching at schools for higher professional education (hbo), but also schooling and training at institutions and companies. Policy & Consultancy includes consultative jobs, policy making and communication and the theoretical underpinning and support of educational responsibilities both from private and governmental organizations.

Of course, the master track also prepares you to do academic research. You will be trained in academic reading, designing research, assessing scientific publications and academic writing.

Students will be familiarized with the educational field, career options and career perspectives. They will practice professional skills, such as writing consultancy reports and policy decisions, teaching and training. The internship and the course Professional Skills are important parts of the master track.

Kinds of institutions where jobs can be found:

  • Public education associations
  • Advisory councils for education
  • Associations of universities
  • Governmental/state organizations
  • Child Welfare Council
  • Schools advisory services
  • Schools for higher professional education
  • Trades unions for education
  • EU
  • OECD
  • Educational organizations
  • Research institutions (such as the SCP)
  • Youth policy organizations (such as the NJI)
  • Centres for social development
  • Youth welfare councils
  • Scientific councils for government policy
  • Child care organizations
  • Knowledge centres about education

Career services BSS
Where do you want to work after your studies? You can contact
Career Services already during your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.


Staff members

B.A.J. (Johannes) Westberg
Expertise: History of Education, including the history of school subjects, material culture, school finance, school architecture, and the teaching profession.
Courses: Education for a better World; Expertise, education and psychological practice
Current research: I am currently involved in a number of projects, and have a wide range of interests. In the academic year of 2020-21 I’m working on or finishing articles and chapters on the history of kindergartens; the transnational history of infant schools; the discourses of school crisis in Sweden; the nation, manliness and physical education; the roles of European ninteenth century school acts, the everyday lives of teachers, and the marketization of Swedish preschools.

B.E. (Brenda) Bartelink
Expertise: Anthropology of relationship building, gender relations, parenting and family in the context of diversity. I am interested in how people in everyday life deal with and respond to normative views and discourses about relationship building, parenting and upbringing. In my own research I mainly focus on how people navigate normative approaches to gender and sexuality in their daily lives. In increasingly diverse societies, such as the Dutch, there are also greater differences between how people approach this and what they encounter in it. As a qualitative researcher and ethnographer, I therefore mainly look at the everyday ethics that speak from the daily actions and lives of people. I publish on this subject with special attention to cultural and religious diversity.
Courses: Family and Family Pedagogy, Theoretical Pedagogy, Qualitative Methods
Current research: Religious and cultural diversity in youth care; Sexual and relational formation in upbringing and education; Mothers and Motherhood: Personal, Social and Political Meanings

D.D. (Diana) van Bergen
Expertise: my academic work focuses on ethnic- and sexual minority adolescents and emerging adults. I investigate topics such as youth's psychosocial development and mental health (particularly suicidality), in relation to the family context, victimization processes, and ethnic- and sexual minority discrimination or stigma.
Courses: Domain Specific Skills
Current research: I current involved in several research projects: 1) The background of suicide and suicidal behavior of young people in the Netherlands 2) a suicide prevention intervention study for LGBT Youth 3) Two projects about the wellbeing and (ethnic) identity development of ethnic minority youth ("Roots are Powerful" on foster children and "Father Absence" on Caribbean Dutch youth). 4) Ethical Dilemmas regarding Religious Issues in Foster Care.

J. (John) Exalto
Expertise: religion and education; early modern education; history of educational studies; freedom of education; Dutch school system; history of youth care
Courses: Ethics in Care and Education; In the Best Interest of the Child; Research Thesis; Traineeship
Current research: I am interested in early modern as well as modern ideas and practices of education. Currently, my research focuses on Philipp Abraham Kohnstamm and his role as one of the founders of Dutch educational studies. I’m also researching the ideas of the Bohemian philosopher John Amos Comenius and his educational legacy in the Netherlands.

L.W. (Lourens) van Haaften
Expertise: history of higher education; internationalisation of education; education and post-colonialism; test technologies in education; education and nation-building.
Courses: Citizenship Development and Education; In the Best Interest of the Child.
Current research: I am a historian with a broad interest in how education as a transnational phenomenon shapes contemporary societies. The focus of my work is on developments in India/South Asia. My research interests include issues related to business and management education, education and agriculture, education and citizenship development, the history of testing and assessment, governmentality and the geopolitics of education. In my research, I often draw inspiration from the history of knowledge and Science, Technology and Society studies.

S. (Sanne) Parlevliet
Expertise: cultural transmission, (the history of) children’s literature, children’s literature and national identification
Courses: In the interest of the Child 1 and 2
Current research: I am interested in the history of children’s literature, literature in culture, cultural transmission and representation. My current research focuses on identity and identification in historical fiction for children and the reciprocity between the history of children’s literature and the history of education. I am also starting up research on the influence of reading fiction on attitudes and behaviour towards minority groups.

S.M. (Sarahanna) Field
Expertise: Research methodology (both qualitative and quantitative, including the Delphi method and reform methodologies such as preregistration/registered report and replication, and ethnography), responsible research and innovation (RRI)
Courses: Domain-Specific Professional Skills; Ethics in Care and Education
Current research: I am a metascientist, meaning, broadly, that I use scientific methodology to study science itself. Within that, my research involves different themes, all involving ethical and responsible research practice. The main pillars of my research involve: 1. The scientific subcommunity (known by some as the open science community, the science reform movement, or ‘metascience’) that is interested in improving how research is conducted and disseminated. 2. Certain scientific methodologies, focusing on research ethics and responsible research and innovation (RRI), and replication. 3. I am interested in ensuring that the voices represented in scientific discourse are diverse and varied.

P.A. (Piet) van der Ploeg
Expertise: Citizenship Education (philosophy, history), Progressive Education (philosophy, history), Philosophy of Education (incl. ethics, and history).
Courses: Introduction Ethics, Citizenship Education 1 and 2
Current research: Currently working on different projects:
*Teaching critical thinking (curriculum and didactics). Important aspect of 21st century skills, citizenship education and Bildung. One of the foci is the relationship between critical thinking and arts education (in co-operation with some musea in Rotterdam and Amsterdam).
*The early 20th century history of (thinking about and practicing) citizenship education in the US, Japan and China. Very interesting background of recent policies and practices; helping us to reflect on contemporary theories, research and discussions. *Ethics of parental involvement in education. Parental involvement is a “hot” issue in educational policy and school practice. Moral questions (f.i. regarding equality, privacy, parental autonomy, professional autonomy) are not always considered.
*The early 20th century history of reform and progressive education (Montessori, Dalton Plan, Project plan etc. in the US, Japan and China). The international history of educational innovations is not only interesting for its own sake, but also instructive for new attempts to reform education.
*The history of the reception and interpretation of important philosophers of education (f.i. Dewey, Ballauff, and Ts’ai Yüan-p’ei). Thinking about education has always been a part of mainstream philosophy (since Plato). The same goes for 20th century philosophy, in all traditions. Much to learn ...

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact
Master's Weeksdiverse locatiesMore information


  • John Exalto (Coördinator)
    Email: j.exalto
  • Student Service Desk (appointment academic advisor & more, see website (onderwijsbalie))
    Telephone: +31 (5)0 363 6301
  • Study Advisors Pedagogical Sciences (about the programme, studying)
    Email: studieadvies.pedok
    Telephone: +31 (0)50 363 6301
  • Admission Office (Contact form) (for students with a non-Dutch diploma)
    Telephone: +31-(0)50 363 8976

The three lines of the master's track

The programme consists of three lines:

1) a thematical line
2) a professionalisation line, and
3) a research line

What are these lines about?


1) The thematical line

You will explore four different domains:


In the introduction to ethics, you are introduced to theories on ethics and moral issues. You learn to conduct ethical analyses, moral assessments and to make and justify moral decisions. You do this based on concrete case studies, such as discussions on the right to have children, parental rights versus professional ethics and the right to privacy. You will be equipped, as a future professional, to give substantiated advice on complex situations in education, child raising or in youth care. You learn the basics, preparing you for the other subjects, the internship and the master thesis.

Children’s rights

The guiding principle in decision making regarding children, and in discussions on child raising, child and youth care and education, is that the best interests of the child must be paramount. But how do we determine what is in the best interest of the child when considering dilemmas such as conflictual divorce, medical care, radicalisation, youth criminality … How do we weigh advantages and disadvantages, how do we overcome impasses, how do we reach the ultimate conclusions, and do we legitimise policy and decisions?

Development of citizenship

A core function of child raising and education is to bring up children to be citizens. Citizenship education has become explicitly mandatory in education and it seems that legislation will become even tighter. There is much controversy about the nature of good citizenship and how child raising, and education may contribute to its development. What is the nature of this discussion, what is the current state of knowledge and how does this influence both policy and practice? And to what extent is it desirable for the government to interfere with the kind of citizenship schools should stimulate?


Scientification and professionalisation influence working methods in education, in child and youth care, and impact how children and youth are perceived and treated. What are the advantages and what are the risks? What can professionals do to reduce such risks? How can policy contribute to this? In this subject, you mainly learn to reason about the influence of professionalisation and scientification on education, child raising and youth care. The emphasis lies on (bio)medicine, child psychology and neuroscience.

2) The professionalisation line

You practice your professional skills and are introduced to the practice in which you will work later on as a professional.

Domain Specific Skills

This subject prepares you to work successfully as an academic professional in a wide range of educational institutions, in youth care and organisations.
Two aspects receive particular attention: (1) you practice your didactical skills, enabling you to work as a teacher in higher education and as a trainer in supporting organisations; (2) you practice skills that prepare you to function as a (policy) advisor, by learning to analyse policy and practices, practicing how to draw up an advisory report in an education/youth care/child raising setting and how to communicate about this professionally.


The internship familiarises you with the demands placed on professionals, and you are introduced to the professional field to which they apply their knowledge and understanding. The internship takes place at an institution or an organisation working in the fields of education, youth care or child raising. During the internship you perform activities that introduce you to the work activities of professionals, to working relationships between professionals, the day-to-day practice within professional organisations, such as the SLO (the National Centre for Curriculum Development), local and provincial government, ROCs, Primary and Secondary schools, MBO Council (Dutch Vocational Education and Training Council), Defence for Children International, etcetera.

3) The research line

Master thesis

During your master's thesis you learn to do research. You can choose among different kinds of research, relevant to future work, such as educational consultant, policy advisor, roles in youth care or education, positions in institutions such as provincial government, or academic researcher. Types of research besides empirical research are for instance: analysis of documents, case studies or video material, literature reviewing, theoretical research (ethical, legal, philosophical), discourse analysis, historical research.

For the master's track Ethics of Education

Study associations


As a student of the programmes Pedagogical Sciences, Educational Sciences, the AOLB and the Switching Programme of Pedagogy (SPO), you can become a member of ODIOM, the friendly and active study association.
As a member, you benefit from discounts on all required textbooks and receive the newsletter every two weeks. ODIOM has over 800 members and organises a wide range of educational, sporting and social activities every year, such as guest lectures, excursions to pedagogical and educational institutions, the introduction camp for first-year students, trips abroad, get-togethers and parties.
Student profile


  • are looking for a 'think master' where the link with practice is strong
  • want to learn to think at a meta-level about problems and discussions in education, education and youth care
  • have an analytical slant
  • like to look at complex issues in, for example, education, youth care and education
  • dare to make decisions in complex situations
  • want to develop the ability to weigh up issues in the field of tension between the rights of children, parents, and professionals while taking these rights into account
Study support

In the programmes of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, there is a strong focus on study advice. There are several study advisors are available. You can contact them as a prospective student, current student, or former student of programmes within the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Study advisors can assist you with questions regarding:
• the content of the programme
• planning and organising your studies
• choices during your study
• registrations
• programme regulations
• taking courses outside your programme
• studying abroad

They are also available for personal support.
Don't hesitate to get in touch or make an appointment with one of the study advisors.

For brief questions, please email: studieadvies.pedok
You can make an appointment via the online scheduling system: ,
or by phone through the Student Service Desk: +31 50 3636301