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PhD student

Stay abroad for PhD students is coordinated by the Graduate School. Possibilities are limited, however it is not impossible! It is important that things are clear with regard to the consequences of a stay abroad for the progress of your PhD work. Please contact the supervisor of your PhD thesis and the coordinator of the Graduate School at an early stage to discuss your plans, the purpose of you stay abroad et cetera.

There are private funds you can apply to for extra funding. These funds can be found, for example, on and These databases offer information regarding grant opportunities for your specific situation. Make sure you start this procedure in good time, as some funds have strict deadlines!

Note: at the beursopener website, click both on''t alen en filologie, kunst en geesteswetenschappen' as well as 'gedrag en maatschappij: sociale wetenschappen' to find the various options for grants regarding PhD studies at the faculty of Arts.

Erasmus+ exchange and EMA2

Erasmus+ offers PhD students possibilities to go on exchange via the Erasmus+ programme. Although different in the Netherlands, PhD students are considered by Erasmus+ as students as well. Universities which have exchange opportunities for PhD students from the faculty of Arts are mentioned in this overview.

Procedures and possibilities for Erasmus+ exchange is both the same for BA/MA/PhD students, like minimum of 3 months, maximum 12 months. A small Erasmus+ grant is available for BA/MA/PhD students.

For more information, please consider the procedures for students and Erasmus+ exchange. Yearly deadline is February 1st for stay abroad in subsequent academic year.

Also possibilites via Erasmus+ exchange and EMA2 might be interesting for PhD students. This is an option for an exchange stay of at least 6 to maximum 24 months for which a monthly allowance (€1500) + travel expenses, insurance and visum is available. Participating universities differ per programme.

Dutch Institutes                            

At various locations in the world Dutch Institutes are located. These institutes are created by a joint consortium of Dutch universities to facilitate research and collaboration in a specific region. In addition, the Dutch Institutes have hosting facilities and have created study/research programmes in which (Dutch) PhD students are able to participate or can apply for a scholarship to fund their stay at the Dutch Institute.

Note: previously the Dutch institutes facilitated only Dutch nationals, now all students regardless nationality from Dutch universities may apply. However, some funding/scholarships of the Dutch Institutions are still limited to nationality. If you apply for a scholarship option at a Dutch institution, please verify if it is applicable to your nationality as well.

There are 8 Dutch Institutes abroad. These are located in: Ankara, Athens, Cairo, Florence, Istanbul, Rabat, Rome and St Petersburg.

Faculty funding officer

Further information on research funding (abroad) is available via the page of the faculty funding officer, with whom you can also make a personal appointment to discuss the possibilities.

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.39 p.m.
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