Publications 2018
Avraamidou, L. (2018). Stories we Live, Identities we Build: How are elementary teachers' science identities shaped by their lived experiences? Cultural Studies of Science Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-017-9855-8
Voivonta, T., & Avraamidou, L. (2018). Facebook: A potentially valuable educational tool? Educational Media International, 55(1), 34-48. DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2018.1439708
Kayumova, S., Avraamidou, L. , & Adams, J. (2018). Diversity, Equity, and the Big Picture. In L. Bryan and K. Tobin (Eds.), Critical Issues and Bold Visions for Science Education: The Road Ahead (pp. 285-297). Leiden: Brill Publishers.
Avraamidou, L. (2018). Elementary Science Teacher Identity as a Lived Experience: Small Stories in Narrative Analysis. In P. Schutz, J. Y. Hong, and D. Cross Francis (Eds.), Research on Teacher Identity: Mapping Challenges and Innovations (pp. 144-155). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93836-3
Adams, J., Avraamidou, L. , Bayram-Jacobs, D., Boujaoude, S., Bryan, L., Christodoulou, A., ... Goedhart, M... Zembal-Saul, C. (2018). The role of science education in a changing world. Leiden, NL: NIAS Lorentz center.
Avraamidou, L. (2018, June). Science identity: theoretical and empirical explorations. Plenary talk at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Summer School. Finland: Helsinki.
Avraamidou, L. (2018, February). Science teacher identity: Theoretical, methodological and empirical explorations. Invited talk at the University of Santiago De Compostela. Spain: Santiago
Goedhart, M.J. (2018, August). Skills for our future. Interactions between domain-specific and general skills. Invited talk at the 2nd International Conference on learning Innovation (ICLI). Malang, Indonesia.
Bronkhorst, H. , Roorda, G., Suhre, C., & Goedhart, M. (2018). Secondary students' logical reasoning abilities. In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, pp. 27). Umeå, Sweden: PME.
Aaten, A. B. , Roorda, G., Deprez, J., & Goedhart, M. (2018). Evolution of undergraduate students’ mathematical reasoning . In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, p. 3). Umeå, Sweden: PME.
Aaten, A. B. , Roorda, G., Deprez, J., & Goedhart, M. (2018, October). Evolution of undergraduate math students’ reasoning to solve integration tasks – a case study. Poster session presented at the Onderwijs meets onderzoek conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Anwar, L. , & Goedhart, M. (2018, June). Understanding Geometric Proofs: Digital Geometry System as Semiotic Mediation and Flow-Chart Proof with Open Problem under Web-Based Learning System as Scaffolding. Poster session presented at 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education, Bremen, Germany.
Anwar, L. , & Goedhart, M. (2018, August). Understanding Geometric Proofs: Scaffolding Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher Students Through Dynamic Geometry System (Dgs) And Flow-Chart Proof Method. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI), Malang, Indonesia.
Avraamidou, L. (2018, March). Identities as Coalitions: A young immigrant woman’s journey in Physics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Atlanta, Georgia.
Avraamidou, L. & Holmegaard, H. (2018, March). Science identities: embracing the diversity and multiplicity of theory and research. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Atlanta, Georgia.
Avraamidou, L. (2018, March). Race, politics, and teacher identity: Reflecting on professional learning and practice. Discussant presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Atlanta, Georgia.
Sezen-Baren, A. & Avraamidou, L. (2018, April). “A different kind of middleman: Lessons from Ms. Crawford on preservice science teachers’ agency and climate change”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). NY: New York City.
Bronkhorst, H. , & Roorda, G. (2018, May). Hoe onderwijs je ‘logisch redeneren’ logischerwijs bij wiskunde C. Workshop presented at ECENT and ELWIeR conference 2018. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Bronkhorst, H. , Roorda, G., Suhre, C., & Goedhart, M. (2018, October). Interventie bij vwo wiskunde C: redeneren in non-formele contexten. Poster session presented at Onderwijs meets Onderzoek, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Munfaridah, N. , Avraamidou, L. , & Goedhart, M. (2018). The use of Multiple Representations (MR) in physics education: What do we know and where do we go from? Poster session at 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education, Bremen, Germany.
Stadermann, H. K. E. , Goedhart, M. J. , & Tmmermans, R. G. E. (2018, July). Quantum physics in secondary education: The relation between learning quantum physics concepts and students’ beliefs about nature of science, ESERA summer school 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Van den Eynde, S. , Goedhart, M. , Deprez, J., De Cock, M. (2018). Blending of mathematics and physics: student difficulties with boundary conditions for the diffusion equation. Presented at the GIREP 2018, San Sebastian - Spain.
Van den Eynde, S. , De Cock, M., Deprez, J., & Goedhart, M. (2018, July). Blending of mathematics and physics: Boundary conditions for the heat equation. Poster presentation ESERA summer school 2018. Jyväskylä, Finland.
Van Rooij, E. , Fokkens-Bruinsma, M., & Goedhart, M. (2018, June). Changes in motives an perceptions about teaching during a half-year teacher training programme for science undergraduates. Paper presented at Earli/SIG 11 – Teaching and Teacher Education in a Changing Society, Kristiansand, Norway.
Van Rooij, E. , Fokkens-Bruinsma, M., & Goedhart, M. (2018, June). Self-efficacy in preservice secondary school science teachers: Its sources and its impact on the choice to become a teacher. Paper presented at Earli/SIG 11 – Teaching and Teacher Education in a Changing Society, Kristiansand, Norway.
Bronkhorst, H. , & Roorda, G. (2018). Leren logisch redeneren bij wiskunde C ≠ cursus logica. Euclides, 93(6), 22-25.
Bronkhorst, H. (2018, April). Logisch redeneren voor en met leerlingen wiskunde C. Invited workshop presented at SLO conference ‘Aansluiting wiskunde vwo-wo’. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Stadermann, H. K. E. (2018). 4.2.11 Quantumwereld achtergrondinformatie ‘Spin first’ benadering. In K. Kortland, A. Mooldijk & H. Poorthuis (Eds.), Handboek natuurkundedidactiek. Epsilon.
Last modified: | 11 July 2023 11.42 a.m. |