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Publications 2008

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

De Boer, J., & Tolboom, J. L. J. (2008). How to interpret viewing scenarios in log files from streaming media servers. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 18(4), 431-444.

Grgurina, N., & Tolboom, J. L. J. (2008). The First Decade of Informatics in Dutch Secondary Schools. Informatics in education, 7(1), 1-20.

Knippels, M., Goedhart, M., & Plomp, T (2008). Docenten in onderzoek – het DUDOC-programma [Teachers doing research - the DUDOC programme]. Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der β-wetenschappen, 25(1&2), 51-70.

Mulder, H.A.J., Longnecker, N. , & Davis, L.S. (2008), The State of Science Communication Programs at Universities Around the World. Science Communication 30(2), 277-287.

Pol, H.J., Harskamp, E.G., Suhre, C.J.M., & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). The effect of hints and model answers in a student-controlled problem-solving program for secondary physics education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17, 410-425.

Telli, S., den Brok, P. J. & Cakiroglu, J. (2008). Teachers’ and students’ views of the ideal turkish teacher (öğretmen veöğrencilerin i̇dea türk öğretmeni için görüşleri). Education and Science Journal, 33(149), 118-129.

Telli, S., den Brok, P., & Cakiroglu, J. (2008). Liselerde fen siniflarinda ogretmen profilleri [Teacher's profiles in high school science classes]. Milli Egitim Derğisi, 37 (179), 113-123.

Thuy, N.T., Dekker, R., & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). Preparing Vietnamese student teachers for for teaching with a student-centered approach. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11, 61-81.

Vos, P. (2008). Pearson’s correlation between three variables; using students’ basic knowledge of geometry for a statistical exercise. International Journal for Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(1).

Book chapters

De Boer, J., & Tolboom, J.L.J. (2008). Interpretatie van kijkpatronen in log files van streaming media servers. In J.Bergstra, R.Tönissen, H.Blankendaal, J.Baeten, P.v.d.Hoeven, M.Loots, L.Sloof & H.Frederik (Eds.), NIOC 2007 (pp. 183-189). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Stichting NIOC.

Goedhart, M. J., Van Lacum, E., & Ossevoort, M. A. (2008). Learning from research articles: How undergraduate life science students understand primary literature. In B. Ralle & I. Eilks (Eds.), Promoting successful science education - the worth of science education research (pp. 123-131). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.

Conference proceedings

Apotheker, J. H. (2008). Introducing a context based curriculum in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the 20th International conference on chemical education (p. 53). Mauritius: Caslon printing.

Apotheker, J. H., & Ambrogi, P. (2008). Fruits of wisdom, an experiment in cooperative learning in Reggio Emilia. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education (p. 251). Istanbul: Turkish Chemical Society.

Conference contributions (unpublished):

Koeneman, M.N., Ossevoort, M.A., & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). Het gebruik van wetenschappelijke literatuur voor het leren van argumentatievaardigheden. Poster presented at the Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2008, Eindhoven, 18-20 August 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J. (2008). Science Shops and the 4S/EASST Research Agenda’s. Presentation at the 4S/EASST Conference, Rotterdam, 23 August 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J. (2008). Science shops as a University-Society interface, invited presentation, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 28 April 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J. (2008). Science shops and student research: Dutch experiences. Invited presentation at the conference “Linking Communities and University Research”, University College Cork, 4 April 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J. (2008). Science shops as a University-Society interface. Invited presentation at the Round Table “Les Boutiques de Sciences en Rhône-Alpes: Pour une mise en place réussie: organisation, fonctionnement, financement”. MSH, Grenoble, 28 March 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J. (2008). Science shops as a University-Society interface. Invited presentation at the seminar “Les Boutiques de Sciences en Europe: Pourquoi, comment?”. INSA, Lyon, 27 March 2008.

Mulder, H.A.J., & Longnecker, N. (2008). Science communication programs at universities around the world . Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology , Malmö, 25 June 2008.

Ossevoort, M.A., E.B. van Lacum, & M. J. Goedhart (2008). Recognition of scientific arguments in primary literature by bachelor biology students. Paper presentation at the conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), 16 - 20 September 2008.

Roorda, G., Vos, P. & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). Het samenhangend leren van het wiskundige begrip ‘de afgeleide’ in relatie tot niet-wiskundige contexten [Learning the concept of ‘the derivative’ in relation to non-mathematical contexts]. Paper presented at the symposium ‘Mathematical knowledge and skills in light of science-education’. ORD 2008 (Onderwijsresearch Dagen, Education Research Days), Eindhoven, 18-20 June 2008.

Schaap, S., Vos, P., Broer, H.W. & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). Mathematisation as a shackle of the modelling cycle: opportunities and obstacles while creating a mathematical model. Poster presented at the ORD2008 (Onderwijs Research Dagen, Education research days), Eindhoven, 18-20 June 2008.

Schaap, S., Vos, P., Broer, H.W. & Goedhart, M.J. (2008). Mathematisation as a shackle of the modelling cycle: opportunities and obstacles while creating a mathematical model. Oral presentation at YERME (Young European Research in Mathematics Education), Trabzon, Turkey, 18-24 August 2008.

Professional publications

Apotheker, J. H. (2008). Chemie im kontext in Holland. Chemie Konkret, 15(3), 131-134.

Apotheker, J. H., & Arnold, F. (2008). Het examenexperiment nieuwe scheikunde. NVOX, 33(1), 16-18.

Apotheker, J. H., & Bulte, A. (2008). Een tussenverslag van de stuurgroep nieuwe scheikunde. NVOX, 33(5), 202-204.

Apotheker, J. H., & Rens, L. v. (2008). Contexten in de landbouw: Kunstmest en pesticiden. NVOX, 33(7), 286-288.

Jissink, S., & Tolboom, J. L. J. (2008). De grafische rekenmachine en een draadloos netwerk in vmbo-3. Euclides, 83(5), 266-269.

Kruijver, B., & Tolboom, J. L. J. (2008). Digitaal toetsen; de computer als leerlingbegeleider en examinator. Euclides, 83(6), 310-313.

Roorda, G., Den Braber, N. & Vos, P. (2008). De remweg als functie van de snelheid; en wat is dan de afgeleide? [The stopping distance as a function of velocity; and what is then the derivative?]. Euclides, 82 (6), 314-317.

Vos, P. (2008). Feiten en meningen: evident beest [Facts and opinions: evidence beast]. Euclides, 83 (8), 393-394.

Vos, P. (2008). Feiten en meningen: universele wiskunde en didactische diversiteit [Facts and opinions: Universal mathematics and diversity in teaching]. Euclides, 83 (5), 270-271.

Vos, P. & Gankema, J. (2008). Ploeteren met Powersim; redeneren met differenties bij Δ x=1 [Struggling with Powersim; reasoning with differences when Δ x=1]. Nieuwe Wiskrant , 27(4), 19-24.

Last modified:11 July 2023 11.41 a.m.