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Workshop: Academic Culture and Well-Being: Exploring Well-being in Academia From a Systemic Perspective

When:Fr 10-11-2023 09:00 - 12:00
Where:House of Connections (exact room in the invitation)

Presenter: dr. ir. Salome Scholtens is a UG teacher and trainer on personal and professional development focusing on the development of competencies needed for successful collaboration.

Recently, students who gave a presentation on their group work told me that the project was running behind because the whole group suffered from ‘academic burnout’. Nowadays, most academic teachers have experience with students suffering from stress-related complaints. There are many publications evidencing high study- and workload, and mental health problems within academia. Therefore, well-being has become a focus of our university, a taskforce Well-being has been put in place and many faculties have appointed a well-being officer.

More broadly within academia, there is an increasingly loud call for a shift towards an academic culture that fosters well-being. However, what does academic culture have to do with an individual’s well-being and burnout? What should the university do to create a culture that fosters well-being? During this workshop, we will explore well-being in academia from a systemic perspective and especially investigate our beliefs about our academic culture. The workshop invites the participants to share and reflect on their ideas about well-being and gives them the opportunity to broaden their perspective on academic well-being.

Please note: This workshop was already (partly) offered as a keynote lecture during the Education Festival 2023. 

Please sign up here before the 3rd of November at 17.00. 

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