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Von Stuckrad, Prof. Kocku

Kocku von Stuckrad
Kocku von Stuckrad

Kocku von Stuckrad (1966) is professor of Religious Studies. He is a specialist in the field of European history of religion, the history of astrology and the links between the philosophy of nature, natural sciences, esoterics and religion. He is also involved in the theory and methodology of studying religion. He is actively involved in many international research groups, he holds organizational positions within the American Academy of Religion, is secretary of the Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschap [Netherlands Society for Religious Studies] and chair of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture.

‘You can’t study religion in isolation’, is Von Stuckrad’s motto. ‘What we refer to as “religion” is a discursive matter whereby natural science, philosophy, language, politics, law, art, economics and other cultural factors are all closely interwoven’. He is thus particularly interested in the transitions between the systems, in the transfers between religious traditions and in the important function played by alternatives when forming a religious identity.

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von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Aus der Zeit gefallen, in die Zeit gefallen: Raunächte. Feinschwarz: Theologisches Feuilleton.
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Cosmology, Astronomy, and Heavenly Order: Depicting the Heavens in Ancient Jewish and Christian Culture. In R. Brentjes, S. Brentjes, & S. Mastorakou (Eds.), Imagining the Heavens across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity (pp. 139-151). Mimesis International.
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Languages of Life and the Blending of Worlds: Radical Entanglement. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, 18(1), 113-129.
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Nach der Ausbeutung: Wie unser Verhältnis zur Erde gelingen kann. Europa Verlag .
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Plausibilitätsstrukturen im heterodoxen Diskurs: Astrologie und hegemoniale Wissensordnungen. In A. Fischer, & M. Lessau (Eds.), Rechtfertigungsspiele: Über das Rechtfertigen und Überzeugen in heterodoxen Wissensdiskursen (pp. 95-106). Brill Fink.
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Situated Knowledges and Diffractional Definitions of Esotericism. Aries, 24(2), 270-273.
von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Wir erzählen uns immerzu Geschichten: Der Religionswissenschaftler Kocku von Stuckrad im Gespräch. In Oya-Almanach 2024 (pp. 238-245). Verlag Oya Medien.


von Stuckrad, K. (2024). Das deutende Wissen der Sterne: Astrologie und magisches Denken von der Bronzezeit bis ins Mittelalter. In A. Reichenberger, & H. Meller (Eds.), Aspekte magischen Denkens: Internationale Tagung vom 12.–13. November 2021 in Halle (Saale) (pp. 311-322). (Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle; Vol. 29). Landesambt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt.
von Stuckrad, K. (2023). Abseits des Bildungskanons: Esoterik und alternative Formen von Spiritualität. In Bildung als (De-)Zentrierung - (De-)Zentrierung der Bildung (pp. 134-146). Beltz.
von Stuckrad, K. (2023). Decentering Humanism in Philosophy and the Sciences: Ecologies of Agency, Subversive Animism, and Diffractional Knowledge. Sophia, 62, 709-722.
von Stuckrad, K., & Randmaa, T. A., (TRANS.) (2023). Diskursiivne religiooniuurimine: Vaimuseisunditest kommunikatsiooni ja tegevuseni. Akadeemia: Eesti Kirjanike Liidu kuukiri Tartus, 35(11), 1967-1986.
von Stuckrad, K. (2023). Esoterik und Spiritualität in Deutschland: Eine schwierige Diskussion. info3: Bewusst leben, Gesellschaft gestalten, september(2023), 44-48.
von Stuckrad, K. (2023). The Revival of Animism in the 21st Century. In Religion (Oxford Research Encyclopedia). Oxford University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2023). Undisciplining the study of religion: Critical posthumanities and more-than-human ways of knowing. Religion, 53(4), 616–635.


von Stuckrad, K. (2022). A Cultural History of the Soul: Europe and North America from 1870 to the Present. Columbia University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). Bron Taylor’s Dark Green Religion After 12 Years. ARGOS, 1(1), 58-64.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). Religion and Science Before Religion and Science. In W. A. Bauman, & L. Stenmark (Eds.), Bloomsbury Religion in North America: Section "Western Sciences, Technology and Religion in a Global Context" Bloomsbury.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). Review of Yves Mühlematter & Helmut Zander (eds.), “Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900”. Theologische Revue, 118.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). The Accountability of Embedded Scholarship: Reply to Laurie L. Patton. In A. W. Hughes, & R. T. McCutcheon (Eds.), What Is Religion?: Debating the Academic Study of Religion (pp. 237-242). Oxford University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). The Circularity of Defining Religion: A Response to Shaul Magid. In A. W. Hughes, & R. T. McCutcheon (Eds.), What Is Religion?: Debating the Academic Study of Religion (pp. 112-120). Oxford University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2022). Troubled Distinctions: The Soul in Posthumanist Perspective. In S. Herbrechter, I. Callus, M. Rossini, M. Grech, M. de Bruin-Molé, & C. Müller (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism (pp. 407-430). Palgrave MacMillan.


von Stuckrad, K. (2021). Der Schamanismus in europäischer Wahrnehmung: Definitionsarbeit und die Suche nach der verlorenen Bedeutung. In Museum Schloss Moyland (Ed.), Joseph Beuys und die Schamanen: Ausstellungskatalog (pp. 136–140; 298–299). Museum Schloss Moyland.
von Stuckrad, K. (2021). Die Schekhina vom Sohar bis zu Madonna. Oder: Die Weiblichkeit Gottes als Ergebnis gesellschaftlicher Organisation. In A.-K. Höpflinger, A. Jeffers, & D. Pezzoli-Olgiati (Eds.), Handbuch Gender und Religion (2nd ed., pp. 367-377). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/UTB.
Johnston, J., & von Stuckrad, K. (Eds.) (2021). Discourse Research and Religion: Disciplinary Use and Interdisciplinary Dialogues. De Gruyter.
von Stuckrad, K. (2021). Historical Discourse Analysis: The Entanglement of Past and Present. In J. Johnston, & K. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Religion and Discourse Research: Disciplinary Use and Interdisciplinary Dialogues (pp. 77-88). De Gruyter.
Johnson, J., & von Stuckrad, K. (2021). Introduction. In J. Johnston, & K. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Discourse Research and Religion: Disciplinary Use and Interdisciplinary Dialogues (pp. 1-6). De Gruyter.
von Stuckrad, K. (2021). Magic. In R. A. Segal, & N. P. Roubekas (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion (2nd ed., pp. 315-324). Wiley-Blackwell.


von Stuckrad, K. (2020). Institutional Histories, Identity Work, and Critical Theory: A Response to Markus Davidsen. NTT: Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, 74(3), 243–252.
von Stuckrad, K. (2020). Nachwort. In Dunkelgrüne Religion: Naturspiritualität und die Zukunft des Planeten Wilhelm Fink.


von Stuckrad, K. (2019). Die Seele im 20. Jahrhundert: Eine Kulturgeschichte. Wilhelm Fink.
von Stuckrad, K. (2019). The Place of Language in Discursive Studies of Religion. In R. Yelle, C. Handman, & C. Lehrich (Eds.), Language and Religion (pp. 304-324). (Language Intersections; Vol. 2). De Gruyter.


Hjelm, T., Koch, A., & Von Stuckrad, K. (2018). Editorial: Ten years of the Journal of religion in Europe. Journal of Religion in Europe, 11(2-3), 105-109.


von Stuckrad, K. (2017). Religion and Theories of Action. In R. King (Ed.), Theory, Religion, Critique: Classical and Contemporary Approaches.: Classical and Contemporary Approaches. (pp. 385–391). Columbia University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2017). Review: Andreas Lerch, Scientia astrologiae: Der Diskurs über die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Astrologie und die lateinischen Lehrbücher 1470–1610. Isis, the international journal for the history of science, 108(2), 442-443.


von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Astrology. In G. A. Magee (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotericism (pp. 372-380). Cambridge University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Astrology. In G. L. Irby (Ed.), Companion to Greek Science, Medicine and Technology (Vol. 1, pp. 114-129). Wiley-Blackwell.
von Stuckrad, K., & Terrin, A. N. (2016). Che cos’è l’esoterismo? Breve storia della conoscenza segreta. Edizioni Messaggero.
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Epilogue: When Things Talk Back. In P. Ingman, T. Utriainen, T. Hovi, & M. Broo (Eds.), The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization: Changing the Terms of the Religion versus Science Debate (pp. 267-276). (The Study of Religion in a Global Context). Equinox Publishing Ltd..
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Esotericism Disputed: Major Debates in the Field. In A. DeConick (Ed.), Religion: Secret Religion (pp. 271-281). (Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks). MacMillan.
von Stuckrad, K., & Wijsen, F. (2016). Introduction. In K. von Stuckrad, & F. Wijsen (Eds.), Making Religion: Theory and Practice in the Discursive Study of Religion (pp. 1-11). (Supplements to method & theory in the study of religion; Vol. 4). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Magie und Wissenschaft - Wie geht das zusammen? Kultur & Technik, (1), 7-11.
von Stuckrad, K., & Wijsen, F. (Eds.) (2016). Making Religion: Theory and Practice in the Discursive Study of Religion. Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Religion and Science in Transformation: On Discourse Communities, the Double-Bind of Discourse Research, and Theoretical Controversies. In K. von Stuckrad, & F. Wijsen (Eds.), Making Religion: Theory and Practice in the Discursive Study of Religion (pp. 203-224). Brill.
Vollmer, L. J., & von Stuckrad, K. (2016). Science. In M. Stausberg, & S. Engler (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion (pp. 450-471). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2016). The Hybridity of Scientific Knowledge: A Response to Leonardo Ambasciano. Zygon, 51(4), 1067-1071.


von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Action. In K. von Stuckrad, & R. A. Segal (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Vol. 1, pp. 1-5). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Adriaan van de Vijsels interpretatie van Piet Mondriaans horoscoop: enkele observaties. In W. de Rooij (Ed.), Character is Fate: Piet Mondrian’s Horoscope (pp. 47-51). Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Adriaan van de Vijsel's Reading of Piet Mondrian's Horoscope: Some Observations. In W. de Rooij (Ed.), Character is Fate: Piet Mondrian's Horoscope (pp. 15-19). Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Ancient Esotericism, Problematic Assumptions, and Conceptual Trouble. Aries, 15(1), 15-18.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Astrology. In K. von Stuckrad, & R. A. Segal (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Vol. 1, pp. 129-132). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Discourse. In K. von Stuckrad, & R. A. Segal (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Vol. 1, pp. 429-438). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Esoteric/Esotericism. In K. von Stuckrad, & R. A. Segal (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Vol. 1, pp. 526-529). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2015). Stars and Powers: Astrological Thinking in Imperial Politics from the Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba. In G. H. van Kooten, & P. Barthel (Eds.), The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Experts on the Ancient Near East, the Greco-Roman World, and Modern Astronomy (pp. 387–398). (Themes in biblical narrative; Vol. 19). Brill.
Robert A, S., & von Stuckrad, K. (Eds.) (2015). Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Brill.


von Stuckrad, K. (Ed.), Haacke, A. L. A., (TRANS.), & Damsma, A. (Ed.) (2014). Esoterie: De zoektocht naar absolute kennis. Amsterdam University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2014). Geschlechterdiskurs und Normativität – kurze Anmerkungen zur Tagung. In Lauster, Jörg (Ed.), Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: Herausforderung der Religionen (pp. 335–339). EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt.
von Stuckrad, K. (2014). The Scientification of Religion: An Historical Study of Discursive Change 1800 - 2000. De Gruyter.


von Stuckrad, K. (2013). Discursive Study of Religion: Approaches, Definitions, Implications. Method & theory in the study of religion, 25(1), 5-25.
Oldenhuis, F. T., von Stuckrad, K., de Jong, N., Visser, P., & Westert, J. (2013). Eschatologische bewegingen in Nederland: Religiewetenschappelijke en juridische bevindingen. BiZa/RUG en ISW.
von Stuckrad, K. (2013). Secular Religion: A Discourse-historical Approach to Religion in Contemporary Western Europe. Journal of contemporary religion, 28(1), 1-14.
von Stuckrad, K., & Klostergaard Petersen, A. (2013). The Gods as Role Model in Western Tradition: Introduction to the Special Issue. Numen, 60(1), 1-6.
von Stuckrad, K. (2013). Überlegungen zur Transformation des esoterischen Diskursfeldes seit der Aufklärung. In M. M. Neugebauer-Wölk, Monika, & Geffarth, Remco (Eds.), Aufklärung und Esoterik: Wege in die Moderne (pp. 96-112). (Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung). De Gruyter.
von Stuckrad, K. (2013). What I Cannot Build I Cannot Understand: Transgressive Discourses in Life Sciences and Synthetic Biology. Numen, 60(1), 119-133.


von Stuckrad, K. (2012). Discursive Transfers and Reconfigurations: Tracing the Religious and the Esoteric in Secular Culture. In Asprem, Egil, & Granholm, Kennet (Eds.), Contemporary Esotericism (pp. 226-243). (Gnostica series). Acumen.
von Stuckrad, K. (2012). Refutation and Desire: European Perceptions of Shamanism in the Late Eighteenth Century. Journal of Religion in Europe, 5(1), 100-121.
von Stuckrad, K. (2012). Review: Das Zeitalter des Geheimnisses: Juden, Christen und die Ökonomie des Geheimen (1400-1800) - Daniel Jütte. Journal of Religion in Europe, 5, 418-419.
von Stuckrad, K. (2012). Review: The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion - edited by Michael Stausberg and Steven Engler. Numen, 59, 621-623.
von Stuckrad, K. (2012). Straw Men and Scientific Nostalgia: A Response to Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe. Religio : Revue pro religionistiku, 20(1 téma), 55-61.
von Stuckrad, K. (2012). "The Only Game in Town?" Or: Contested Masters in Modern Western Shamanism. In Almut-Barbara Renger (Ed.), Meister und Schüler in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Von Religionen der Antike bis zur modernen Esoterik (pp. 363 - 382). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


von Stuckrad, K. (2011). Astral Magic in Ancient Jewish Discourse: Adoption, Transformation, Differentiation. In G. Bohak, Y. Harari, & S. Shaked (Eds.), Continuity and Innovation in the Magical Tradition (pp. 245-270). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2011). Le Picatrix dan le De Vita de Marsile Ficine, transferts culturels. In J. P. Boudet, A. Caiozzo, & N. Weill-Parot (Eds.), Picatrix, Images et magie (pp. 331-339). Champion.
von Stuckrad, K. (2011). Review: An introduction to Shamanism - T.A. DuBois. Numen, 58, 422-423.


von Stuckrad, K. (2010). De Schepping in Vier Letters. Trouw, 78.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Introduction: Kabbalah and Modernity. In C. K. M. von Stuckrad, B. Huss, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Kabbalah and Modernity (pp. 2-10). (Aries Book Series; No. 10). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Kabbalah and Modernity: Interpretations, Transformations, Adaptation. (Aries book series; Vol. 10). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Locations of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities: Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities. (186 ed.) (Brill's Studies in Intelectual History; Vol. 186). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Madonna and the Shekhinah: The Playful Transgression of Gender Roles in Popular Culture. In C. K. M. von Stuckrad, B. Huss, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Kabbalah and Modernity (pp. 283-299). (Aries Book Series; No. 10). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Reflections on the Limits of Reflection: An Invitation to the Discursive Study of Religion. Method & theory in the study of religion, 22(2-3), 156-169.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Religie, natuurwetenschap en de radicalisering van de moderniteit. Theologisch Debat, 7, 32-39.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Review: Aufklärung und Esoterik: Rezeption - Integration - Konfrontation. Journal of Religion in Europe, 3(3), 380-382.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Secrecy as Social Capital. In A. B. Kilcher (Ed.), Constructing Tradition: Means and Myths of Transmission in Western Esotericism (pp. 239-252). (Aries Book Series). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). The Bounderies of Monotheism: Interdisciplinary Explorations into the Foundations of Western Monotheism. Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, 348-349.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). The Code of Creation: Kabbalistic Genealogies and Modern Life Sciences. In Y. B. Kuiper, J. H. F. Dijkstra, & J. E. A. Kroesen (Eds.), Myths, Martyrs, and Modernity: Studies in the history of religion in honour of Jan N. Bremmer (pp. 671-685). (Numen Book Series; Vol. 127). Brill.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice. Ambix, 314.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Utopian Landscapes and Ecstatic Journeys: Friedrich Nietzsche, Hermann Hesse, and Mircea Eliade on the Terror of Modernity. Numen, 1(57), 78-102.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Why philosophy and history matter: A conversation with Ann Taves. Religion, 40(4), 314-316.
von Stuckrad, K. (2010). ‘Zo zijn we niet getrouwd’: Religie, natuurwetenschap en de radicalisering van de moderniteit. Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen.


von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Astrologia Hermetica: Astrology, Western Culture, and the Academy. In T. Bauduin, W. Hanegraaff, & J. Pijnenburg (Eds.), Hermes in the Academy: Ten Years Study of Western Esotericism at the University of Amsterdam (pp. 51-58). Amsterdam University Press.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Esoterik. In Lexikon der Religionsgemeinschaft im Ruhrgebiet. (pp. 517-519). Klartext Verlag.
Kippenberg, H. G. (Ed.), Rüpke, J., & von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Europäische Religionsgeschichte: ein mehrfacher Pluralismus. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Introduction: In Praise of Questions. In J. Braak, & D. Malone (Eds.), Van Discussie tot Beleving: Reliestudies aan de UvA (pp. vii-xii)
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Naturreligionen. In F. Jaeger (Ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit - 9 J.B. Metzler Verlag.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Naturwissenschaft und Religion: Interferenzen und diskursive Transfers. In H. G. Kippenberg, J. Rüpke, & C. K. M. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Europäische Religionsgeschichte – ein mehrfacher Pluralismus (2 delen) (pp. 441-466). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/UTB.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Orientalismus: Religionswissenschaft. In F. Jaeger (Ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit - 9 (Vol. 9). J.B. Metzler Verlag.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Religionsbegriff. In F. Jaeger (Ed.), Enzylopädie der Neuzeit (Vol. 10). J.B. Metzler Verlag.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Religionsvergleich. In F. Jaeger (Ed.), Enzylopädie der Neuzeit (Vol. 10). J.B. Metzler Verlag.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Religionswissenschaft. In F. Jaeger (Ed.), Enzylopädie der Neuzeit (Vol. 10). J.B. Metzler Verlag.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Review: Astrologumena Judaica: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der astrologischen Literatur der Juden. Aries, 9(1), 117-119.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Review: Den Irrtum Liquidieren: Bücherverbrennungen in Mittelalter. Journal of Religion in Europe, 2, 61-62.
von Stuckrad, K. (2009). Theologies and Scholars (A Forum on 'Theology' and Scholarly Inquiry). Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, 3, 392-397.
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