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Fennis, Prof. Bob

Bob Fennis
Bob Fennis

Bob Fennis (Tilburg, 1968) is Professor of Consumer Behaviour at the Department of Marketing of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. Fennis’s research focuses, inter alia, on the effects of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, in particular on subconsciously influencing consumer behaviour.

Fennis studied Social Psychology at Utrecht University and Communication Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, where he graduated cum laude. He gained his PhD in 1999 in Utrecht with a thesis entitled ‘Health on television: Studies on the content and effects of mass media messages’. This research concerned the image and effects of health advertising on television. Fennis has worked as a senior research and communications consultant at the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management and as a senior consultant at Boer & Croon Corporate Communication. He has also been a lecturer and associate professor at VU University Amsterdam, the University of Twente and Utrecht University.

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Sadowski, S., Fennis, B. M., & van Ittersum, K. (Accepted/In press). All the cues we cannot see: How reward-driven distractors render consumers insensitive to assortment complexity. Journal of Business Research.
Moes, A., Fransen, M. L., Fennis, B. M., & Verhagen, T. (Accepted/In press). Take a deep breath: Exploring the role of mindfulness in impulse buying. Heliyon.
Mang, V., & Fennis, B. M. (Accepted/In press). The need to evaluate. In J. Aitken Schermer (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of personality and individual differences Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fennis, B. M., & Stroebe, W. (2025). The Psychology of Advertising: 4th edition. (4th ed.) Routledge.


de Ridder, D. T. D., & Fennis, B. M. (2025). Editorial overview: Mapping the current state of affairs and future outlook of self-control and self-regulation research: From effortful inhibition to motivated and situated strategies. Current Opinion in Psychology, 61, Article 101940.
Moeini-Jazani, M., Albalooshi, S., & Fennis, B. M. (2025). Harnessing Opportunity Cost Salience for Effortless Self-Control. Current Opinion in Psychology, 61, Article 101945.
Barauskaite, D., Barsyte, J., Fennis, B. M., Auruskeviciene, V., Kondo, N., & Kondo, K. (2024). Are functional foods used as self-medication? Subjective health, self-reported disease symptoms, current medical treatment and functional food choices. Nutrition & Food Science, 54(6), 1131-1144.
Lervik-Olsen, L., Fennis, B. M., & Andreassen, T. W. (2024). Compulsive Social Media Use and Disconnection Anxiety: Predictors and Markers of Compulsive and Addictive Social Media Consumption. In A. Close-Scheinbaum (Ed.), The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health (2nd ed., pp. 31-49). Routledge.
Mang, V., Fennis, B. M., & Epstude, K. (2024). Gullible People or Deceptive Environments: How Should the Causes of Misbeliefs Be Communicated to the Public?. Poster session presented at CONSPIRACY_FX Conference on the Consequences of Conspiracy Theories, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., Ye, M., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2024). Social tipping games: Experimental paradigms for studying consumer movements. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 9(4), 427-440.
Mang, V., Fennis, B. M., & Epstude, K. (2024). Source credibility effects in misinformation research: A review and primer., Article aip00028.
Meernik, C., Li, Q., Drope, J., Shang, C., Leonard, T., Fennis, B. M., Qadan, M., Barlow, C. E., DeFina, L. F., Oetjen, R., DiPietro, L., & Shuval, K. (2024). The Association between Psychological and Behavioral Economic Factors and the Rapid Assessment Disuse Index (RADI) during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(8), Article 1040.


Joye, Y., & Fennis, B. M. (2024). Set that record straight! Cardinal line orientations in music album artwork boost market performance and music consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 41(4), 916-937.
Mang, V., Epstude, K., & Fennis, B. M. (2024). When do conspiracy theories shape behavioural intentions? The moderating role of the need to evaluate. Personality and Individual Differences, 218, Article 112481.,
Lervik-Olsen, L., Andreassen, T. W., & Fennis, B. M. (2024). When enough is NOT enough: Behavioral and motivational paths to compulsive social media consumption. European Journal of Marketing, 58(2), 219-547.
Moes, A., Fransen, M. L., Verhagen, T., & Fennis, B. M. (2023). From Direct Marketing Towards Interactive Marketing: The Evolving Interactive Marketing Tools. In Handbook of interactive marketing (pp. 43-63). Palgrave MacMillan.
Mang, V., Epstude, K., & Fennis, B. M. (2023). From Exposure to Intentions: How the Need to Evaluate Shapes the Impact of Conspiracy Theories on Behavioural Intentions. Poster session presented at TIBER symposium 2023, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Fennis, B. M., & Rucker, D. D. (2023). The coin of consumption: Understanding the bright and dark sides. Current Opinion in Psychology, 49, Article 101518.
Mang, V., Epstude, K., & Fennis, B. M. (2023). When Does Conspiracy Exposure Affect Behavioural Intentions? The Moderating Role of the Need to Evaluate. Abstract from 5th Multidisciplinary International
Symposium on Disinformation in
Online Open Media -
MISDOOM 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Gineikiene, J., & Fennis, B. M. (2023). When Innovation Backfires: Preference for predictability moderates the spillover of functional food ambivalence to the entire parent category. Journal of Business Research, 158, Article 113670.
Mang, V., Fennis, B. M., & Epstude, K. (2023). When Thinking More Is Detrimental to Judging the Truth: The Roles of Perceived Source Dishonesty and Scrutiny in Veracity Judgments. Poster session presented at ASPO Conference 2023.
Mang, V., Fennis, B. M., & Epstude, K. (2023). When Thinking More Is Detrimental to Judging the Truth: The Roles of Perceived Source Dishonesty and Scrutiny in Veracity Judgments. Abstract from EASP General Meeting 2023, Kraków, Poland.
Mang, V., Fennis, B. M., & Epstude, K. (2023). When Trust Makes You Sceptical: Scrutiny Mediates the Effect of Perceived Source Dishonesty on Truth Judgments for Those With High Dispositional Trust. Poster session presented at 18th Conference of the Social Psychology Section (FGSP) of the German Psychological Society, Graz, Austria.


Fennis, B. M., Gineikiene, J., Barauskaite, D., & van Koningsbruggen, G. M. (2022). Acute stress can boost and buffer hedonic consumption: The role of individual differences in consumer life history strategies. Personality and Individual Differences, 185, Article 111261.
Moes, A., Fransen, M. L., Verhagen, T., & Fennis, B. M. (2022). A good reason to buy: Justification drives the effect of advertising frames on impulsive socially responsible buying. Psychology & Marketing, 39(12), 2260-2272.
Balleyer, A. H., & Fennis, B. M. (2022). Hedonic consumption in times of stress: Reaping the emotional benefits without the self-regulatory cost. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 685552.
Zino, L., Ye, M., Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2022). Incentivizing social diffusion on networks using a novel game-theoretic model. Abstract from Netsci-X 2022, Porto, Portugal.
Barauskaite, D., Gineikiene, J., & Fennis, B. M. (2022). Saved by the Past? Disease threat triggers nostalgic consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 39(8), 1433-1450.
Fennis, B. M. (2022). Self-control, self-regulation, and consumer wellbeing: A life history perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, Article 101344.
Gineikiene, J., Fennis, B. M., Barauskaite, D., & van Koningsbruggen, G. M. (2022). Stress can help or hinder novelty seeking: The role of consumer life history strategies. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(4), 1042-1058.


Shuval, K., Leonard, D., Chartier, K., Barlow, C., Fennis, B. M., Katz, D., Abel, K., Farrell, S., Pavlovic, A., & DeFina, L. (2022). Fit and Tipsy? The Interrelationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Alcohol Consumption and Dependence. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(1), 113-119.
Moes, A., Fransen, M. L., Fennis, B. M., Verhagen, T., & Van Vliet, H. (2022). In-Store Interactive Advertising Screens: The Effect of Interactivity on Impulse Buying Explained by Self-Agency. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 16(3), 457-474.
Vohs, K. D., Schmeichel, B. J., Lohmann, S., Gronau, Q. F., Finley, A. J., Ainsworth, S. E., Alquist, J. L., Baker, M. D., Brizi, A., Bunyi, A., Butschek, G. J., Campbell, C., Capaldi, J., Cau, C., Chambers, H., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Christensen, W. J., Clay, S. L., Curtis, J., ... Albarracín, D. (2021). A Multisite Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego-Depletion Effect. Psychological Science, 32(10), 1566-1581.
Ye, M., Zino, L., Mlakar, Ž., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2021). Collective patterns of social diffusion are shaped by individual inertia and trend-seeking. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 5698.
Barak, R. E., Shuval, K., Li, Q., Oetjen, R., Drope, J., Yaroch, A. L., Fennis, B. M., & Harding, M. (2021). Emotional eating in adults: The role of socio-demographics, lifestyle behaviors, and self-regulation- Findings from a US national study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), Article 1744.
Joye, Y., Bruyneel, S., & Fennis, B. M. (2021). Is there a “Gestalt bias” in indulgence? Subjectively constructing food units into wholes (versus parts) increases desire to eat and actual consumption. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 671299.
Shuval, K., Morales Marroquin, E., Li, Q., Knel, G., Gabriel, K. P., Drope, J., Yaroch, A., Chartier, K. G., Fennis, B. M., & Qadan, M. (2021). Long-Term Weight Loss Success and the Health Behaviors of Adults in the United States: Findings from a Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study. BMJ Open, 11(7), Article 047743.
Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Fennis, B. M., & Risselada, H. (2021). Repetition Legitimizes: Consistent Behavior as a Signal of Reliability, Trustworthiness, and Competence. Poster session presented at The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention 2020.


Sadowski, S., Fennis, B. M., & Ittersum, van, K. (2020). Losses tune differently than gains: how gains and losses shape attentional scope and influence goal pursuit. Cognition and Emotion, 34(7), 1439-1456.
Fennis, B. M., Gineikiene, J., Barauskaite, D., & van Koningsbruggen, G. M. (2020). Nudging health: Scarcity cues boost healthy consumption among fast rather than slow strategists (and abundance cues do the opposite). Food Quality and Preference, 85, Article 103967.
Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Fennis, B. M., Risselada, H., Ye, B., & Zino, L. (2020). Releasing the brake: How disinhibition frees people and facilitates social change. Poster session presented at The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
Risselada, H., Bolderdijk, J. W., Mlakar, Z., Fennis, B. M., Ye, B., & Zino, L. (2020). Releasing the brake: How disinhibition frees people and facilitates innovation diffusion. In Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (Vol. 49). Article 64211 EMAC.
Fennis, B. M., & Stroebe, W. (2020). The Psychology of Advertising. (3 ed.) Routledge.
Ye, M., Zino, L., Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2020). Understanding and Modeling Behavioral Mechanisms in Social Diffusion. Abstract from International School and Conference on Network Science.
Ye, B., Zino, L., Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2020). Understanding and Modeling Cognitive Mechanisms in Social Diffusion. Poster session presented at International School and Conference on Network Science.


Albalooshi, S., Moeini Jazani, M., Fennis, B. M., & Warlop, L. (2020). Reinstating the Resourceful Self: When and How Self-Affirmations Improve Executive Performance of the Powerless . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(2), 189-203.
Cheung, T. T. L., Gillebaart, M., Kroese, F. M., Marchiori, D., Fennis, B. M., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2019). Cueing healthier alternatives for take-away: a field experiment on the effects of (disclosing) three nudges on food choices. BMC Public Health, 19(1), Article 974.
van Rompay, T. J. L., & Fennis, B. M. (2019). Full-bodied taste: On the embodied origins of product perception and sensory evaluation. In C. Velasco, & C. Spence (Eds.), Multisensory Packaging (pp. 163-190). Palgrave MacMillan.
De Vries, E. L. E., & Fennis, B. M. (2019). Go local or go global: how local brands promote buying impulsivity. International Marketing Review, 37(1), 1-28.
Shuval, K., Fennis, B. M., Li, Q., Grinstein, A., Morren, M., & Drope, J. (2019). Health & Wealth: is weight loss success related to monetary savings in US adults of low-income? Findings from a National Study. BMC Public Health, 19(1), Article 1538.
Giacomantonio, M., Jordan, J., & Fennis, B. M. (2019). Intense Self-Regulatory Effort Increases Need for Conservation and Reduces Attractiveness of Energy-Requiring Rewards. Social Psychology, 50(5-6), 355-369.


Barauskaite, D., Gineikiene, J., Fennis, B. M., Auruskeviciene, V., Yamaguchi, M., & Kaondo, N. (2018). Eating healthy to impress: How conspicuous consumption, perceived self-control motivation, and descriptive normative influence determine functional food choices. Appetite, 131, 59-67.
de Vries, E. L. E., Fennis, B. M., Bijmolt, T. H. A., Ter Horst, G. J., & Marsman, J.-B. C. (2018). Friends with benefits: Behavioral and fMRI studies on the effect of friendship reminders on self-control for compulsive and non-compulsive buyers. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(2), 336-358.


Fennis, B. (2017). How to foster health and well-being when self-control is low. In D. de Ridder, M. A., & K. Fujita (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of self-control in health and well-being (pp. 446-459). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Fennis, B. M., & Wiebenga, J. H. (2017). Me, myself, and Ikea: Qualifying generic self-referencing effects in brand judgment. Journal of Business Research, 72, 69-79.
Janssen, L., & Fennis, B. (2017). Mindless resistance to persuasion: Low self-control fosters the use of resistance-promoting heuristics. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(6), 536-549.
Cheung, T. T. L., Kroese, F. M., Fennis, B. M., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2017). The Hunger Games: Using hunger to promote healthy choices in self-control conflicts. Appetite, 116, 401-409.


Hagger, M., Chatzisarantis, N., Alberts, H., Anggono, C., Batailler, C., Birt, A., Fennis, B., & Zwienenberg, M. (2016). A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(4), 546-573.
Cheung, T., Kroese, F., Fennis, B. M., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2016). Changing the fate of impulsivity: Using heuristics to promote impulsive choices to healthy choices. European Health Psychologist, 18 .
Salmon, S. J., Adriaanse, M. A., Fennis, B. M., De Vet, E., & De Ridder, D. T. D. (2016). Depletion sensitivity predicts unhealthy snack purchases. Appetite, 96, 25-31.
van der Heide, M., Fennis, B., van Ittersum, K., & Trampe, D. (2016). “I Deserve to Help!” Effects of Entitlement and Social Influence Appeals on Prosocial Motivations. In P. Moreau, & S. Puntoni (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 44). Association for consumer research.
Fennis, B. M., & Stroebe, W. (2016). The Psychology of Advertising. (2nd ed.) Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.
Fennis, B. (2016). Weerstaan van en toegeven aan verleiding: nieuwe inzichten op het gebied van beïnvloeding en overreding van consumenten. Holland Management Review, 2016(169).


Fennis, B. M., Andreassen, T. W., & Lervik-Olsen, L. (2015). Behavioral Disinhibition Can Foster Intentions to Healthy Lifestyle Change by Overcoming Commitment to Past Behavior. PLoS ONE, 10(11), Article e0142489.
Fennis, B. M., & Wiebenga, J. H. (2015). Disordered environments prompt mere goal pursuit. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 43(9), 226-237.
van der Heide, M., Fennis, B., van Ittersum, K., & Trampe, D. (2015). Entitlement Can Both Decrease and Increase Consumer Susceptibility to Social Influence. In K. Diehl, & C. Yoon (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 43, pp. 811). Association for consumer research.
Verhoeven, A. A. C., Adriaanse, M. A., De Vet, E., Fennis, B. M., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2015). It's my party and I eat if I want to: Reasons for unhealthy snacking. Appetite, 84, 20-27.
Fennis, B., & Stroebe, W. (2015). Psicologia de la publicidad. Trillas.
Cheung, T., Kroese, F., Fennis, B., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2015). Put a limit on it: The protective effects of scarcity heuristics when self-control is low. Health Psychology Open, 2(2), 1-10.
Salmon, S. J., De Vet, E., Adriaanse, M. A., Fennis, B. M., Veltkamp, M., & De Ridder, D. T. D. (2015). Social proof in the supermarket: Promoting healthy choices under low self-control conditions. Food Quality and Preference, 45, 113-120.


Fransen, M. L., & Fennis, B. M. (2014). Comparing the Impact of Explicit and Implicit Resistance Induction Strategies on Message Persuasiveness. Journal of Communication, 64(5), 915-934.
Vohs, K. D., & Fennis, B. M. (2014). From weakness to strenght: Low self-control can be good for sustainability. In H. C. M. van Trijp (Ed.), Encouraging sustainable behavior (pp. 127 - 137). Psychology Press.
Salmon, S. J., Fennis, B. M., Ridder, D. T. D., Adriaanse, M. A., & de Vet, E. (2014). Health on Impulse: When Low Self-Control Promotes Healthy Food Choices. Health Psychology, 33(2), 103-109.
Verhoeven, A. A. C., Adriaanse, M. A., de Vet, E., Fennis, B. M., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2014). Identifying the 'if' for 'if-then' plans: Combining implementation intentions with cue-monitoring targeting unhealthy snacking behaviour. Psychology & Health, 29(12), 1476-1492.
Pfeiffer, B. E., Deval, H., Kardes, F. R., Hirt, E. R., Karpen, S. C., & Fennis, B. M. (2014). No product is perfect: The positive influence of acknowledging the negative. Thinking & reasoning, 20(4), 500-512.
Fennis, B., van Ittersum, K., & Sadowski, S. (2014). Prime Me If You Can: the Effect of Motivated Tuning on Susceptibility to Priming Procedures. In J. Cotte, & S. Wood (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 42, pp. 808). Association for consumer research.
Wiebenga, J. H., & Fennis, B. M. (2014). The road traveled, the road ahead, or simply on the road? When progress framing affects motivation in goal pursuit. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(1), 49-62.
Acar-Burkay, S., Fennis, B., & Warlop, L. (2014). Trusting others: the polarization effects of need for closure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 107(4), 719-735.
Salmon, S. J., Adriaanse, M. A., De Vet, E., Fennis, B. M., & De Ridder, D. T. D. (2014). "When the going gets tough, who keeps going?": Depletion sensitivity moderates the ego-depletion effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 647.
Giacomantonio, M., Jordan, J., Fennis, B., & Panno, A. (2014). When the motivational consequences of ego depletion collide: Conservation dominates over reward-seeking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 217-220.


Fennis, B. M., & Stroebe, W. (2014). Softening the blow: Company self-disclosure of negative information lessens the damaging effects on consumer judgment and decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(1), 109-120.
Verhoeven, A. A. C., Adriaanse, M. A., de Ridder, D. T. D., de Vet, E., & Fennis, B. M. (2013). Less is more: The effect of multiple implementation intentions targeting unhealthy snacking habits. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(5), 344-354.
Fennis, B., & Janssen, L. (2013). Mindless Resistance to Persuasion: When Low Self-Control Decreases Yielding to Social Influence. In S. Botti, & A. Labroo (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 41, pp. 817). Association for consumer research.
Fransen, M. L., Smeesters, D., & Fennis, B. M. (2013). Mortality salience and brand attitudes: The role of social presence. Advances in Consumer Research, 37.
Cheung, T., de Ridder, D., Kroese, F., Adriaanse, M., & Fennis, B. (2013). Size matters: Approach motivation towards healthy and unhealthy foods in low self-control conditions. Psychology & Health, 28, 77-78.


Vohs, K. D., & Fennis, B. (2012). Are the Rich Or Poor the More Generous Ones? It Depends on the Way the Appeal Is Framed. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & R. Zhu (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 40, pp. 13-17). Association for consumer research.
Salmon, S. J., Fennis, B. M., Ridder, D. T. D., Adriaanse, M. A., & de Vet, E. (2012). De impulsieve keuze voor gezondheid: Het positieve effect van heuristieken bij lage zelfcontrole. In M. Baas, L. van Dillen, D. Lakens, A. M. Lokhorst, M. Strick, & N. van de Ven (Eds.), Jaarboek sociale psychologie 2011 ASPO press.
de Vries, L., Trampe, D., & Fennis, B. M. (2012). Een vriend laat je het bos zien in plaats van de bomen: Denken aan vriendschap vergroot zelfcontrole door het bevorderen van globale verwerking. In M. Strick, M. Baas, L. van Dillen, R. Dotsch, D. Lakens, & M. de Vries (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012 ASPO press.
de Vries, E., Trampe, D., & Fennis, B. (2012). Friends show the forest beyond the trees: friendship enhances consumer self-control by facilitating global processing. In Z. Gurhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & J. Rui Zhu (Eds.), Advances in consumer research (Vol. 40, pp. 633-634). Association for consumer research.
Wiebenga, J. H., & Fennis, B. M. (2012). Gereisd, te reizen, of gewoon op reis?: Wanneer doelgedrag wordt beïnvloed door voortgangsinformatie. In N. van de Ven, M. Baas, L. van Dillen, D. Lakens, A. M. Lokhorst, & M. Strick (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2011 ASPO press.
Wiebenga, J. H., & Fennis, B. M. (2012). Jij, mij en Ikea: De rol van implicit egotism bij merkevaluaties. In M. Strick, M. Baas, L. van Dillen, R. Dotsch, D. Lakens, & M. de Vries (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012 (pp. 255 - 258). ASPO press.
Wiebenga, J., & Fennis, B. (2012). Me, Myself, and Ikea: Qualifying the Role of Implicit Egotism in Brand Judgment. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & J. Zhu (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 40, pp. 733-734). Association for consumer research.
Verhoeven, A. A. C., Adriaanse, M. A., de Ridder, D. T. D., De Vet, E., & Fennis, B. (2012). Minder is meer: het effect van meerdere implementatie-intenties op het doorbreken van ongezonde snackgewoontes. In M. Strick, M. Baas, L. van Dillen, R. Dotsch, D. Lakens, & M. de Vries (Eds.), Jaarboek sociale psychologie 2012 (pp. 231-234)
Fennis, B. M., Das, E., & Fransen, M. L. (2012). Print advertising: Vivid content. Journal of Business Research, 65(6), 861-864.
Fennis, B. M., & Aarts, H. (2012). Revisiting the agentic shift: Weakening personal control increases susceptibility to social influence. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(7), 824-831.


Fennis, B. M., Adriaanse, M. A., Pol, B., & Stroebe, W. (2011). Bridging the intention-behavior gap: Inducing implementation intentions through persuasive appeals. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(3), 302-311.
Fennis, B. M. (2011). Can't get over me: Ego depletion attenuates prosocial effects of perspective taking. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(5), 580-585.
Vohs, K. D., & Fennis, B. M. (2011). From weakness to strength: Low self-control can be good for sustainability. In Stapel, D. (Ed.), Sustainable consumption Psychology Press.
Fennis, B., Leliveld, M., Liu, J., & Trampe, D. (2011). Grounded cognition in consumer behavior: from noise to music. In J. E. Wieringa, P. C. Verhoef, & J. C. Hoekstra (Eds.), Liber amicorum in honor of Peter S.H. Leeflang (pp. 389-393). University of Groningen.
Jordan, J., & Fennis, B. (2011). "I Couldn’T Help It”: the Role of Perceived Personal Control and Social Norms in Unethical Consumer Behavior. In R. Ahluwalia, T. L. Chartrand, & R. K. Ratner (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 39, pp. 231-232). Association for consumer research.
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